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Everything posted by indieover

  1. I have not continued posting on the site. As I have forgotten to site once again. I don't remember when I have made post here. So maybe not more than a week since I made my last post on the site as well. Anyway I would just try to be more comfortable on posting here again.
  2. I have not reached payout. I have only almost 200 points. But the post rate is quite nice though although not as nice as fxfred. But the post does not necessarily need to be that long as fxfred. So it's just okay with the post rate we have on the site as well.
  3. I'm sure that the site is a good forum with good template and layout and so we just need to find the time so we would be able to make quality post on the site as well. Although we have been busy with a lot of forums so I just hope I would be able to support the site somehow.
  4. I would try to make a lot of post here again later on. I think I was not able to post here for two days already. So I just hope that I would be able to focus here. Anyway I think that the admin does not have any plan to increase the post rate so I should not expect anything.
  5. I think you don't prioritize this site anymore although you still want to reach payout here somehow so I think you have been earning pretty well in different forums and so you would not need to focus more in the site as you have been getting nice earnings already
  6. For me I don't have the time either to make a lot of post on the site as well. So I am just hoping that I would be able to find time time to post on the site as well as I have been more busy offline lately. So I do think I would be able to post here at all anytime soon.
  7. Yeah I should have traded also my payment which I am planning to do also next time but for now I would just need to focus on making a lot of post on as I have neglected my activity on this site as well so I just hope that I would have the time to be more focused on the site as well.
  8. The admin should make an announcement on what date he is planning to make payments for pending payment request. But we have not seen any kind of updates. It just feels like the admin would just pay when he just feel like paying. And so I would say that the site is not stable
  9. I have not been able to post here again lately. So I am just planning on making post here again later on. So I would try to maintain my focus here daily so i would need forget to make post on the site daily as much as possible. We are just few active members on this site so I should keep on posting on the site as well.
  10. Oh there would need a decrease on th post rate. That's just sad actually. So I just wonder how much is the reduced rate on the site. So I think that the activity with decrease also along with the reduced post rate. So I just hope that I would be able to keep on posting on the site as well even with the reduced rate on the site.
  11. I think I would be able to make more posts on the site daily now. So I don't have any problem on posting on the site as well. I would just focus more on the site now. So I just hope that I would always be active on this site and I would just keep on improving my activity on this site as well as I just wanted to prioritize this site even more.
  12. I have already requested my payment but I have not been approved of my payment request. So I just hope that I would receive payment soon. Anyway I am done posting. So I just wonder if I would be able to make another round of post here later on. So I just hope that I would be able to learn on. We are just few members posting on the ptp section.
  13. We have been trying to post more nforums that pays well. But now we have too many good paying forum just like the site so I just hope that I would always have the time to post on the site as well so I would be able to make earning here. I know that the payment is by PayPal which I have been using also
  14. You have received a payment to your account U7434597 (indieover): Date: 11/22/2012 12:34 PM Batch: 121003142 From Account: U7274894 (Investorposts) Amount: $0.17 Memo: Payment From Investorposts Forum. Thanks for being Active. Thank you.
  15. You have received a payment to your account U7434597 (indieover): Date: 11/22/2012 9:41 AM Batch: 120979195 From Account: U0137115 (Payout) Amount: $0.10 Memo: Payment for Make 5 Posts Thank you.
  16. If you are not confident on your post quality on the hyip section better not post there yet as to mod are strict on the site and ridiculously strict sometimes. So I would just advice you to post where you are more knowledgeable at
  17. Yeah we can just shift our focus on this site since we have more time to post now in the site when we don't post anymore in the other two forums. So I am just hoping that I would just be able to do that as well. So I would just try to check out the site later on and make at least five post.
  18. I'm planning on making post once more on the site. I know I have been so lazy once posting here. I'm just so busy with other forums bit now I have the time to post on the site once again. So I just hope that I would be able to make a lot of post and would not easily lose my interest on posting here so I would be able to make payout already.
  19. I'm planning on making five post on the site as well for today so I would just try to keep earning on the site as well just like the other members would have been able to keep earning on the site as well so I would just try my best to get myself motivated to focus here daily now again.
  20. I think that the contest here is not hard but I think that members are just so busy and so they are not able to post more and participate more on the site If I would have more time only I would have joined the contest also.
  21. Later on I'm planning on making payout once again on the site nine just like making payout on the site as I am always surprised on how fast they make payments .So I'm glad that there site is quite easy place to post at. So i would try to make more posts here daily.
  22. I have just made five post nso that's enough for me. Tomorrow I would just continue posting more as I just am too busy with a lot of forums but I would try to improve my activity on this site as well as much as possible. So I would try maybe ten post next time if I would have more time.
  23. I would continue posting now on the site as well. I have not been able to post more after I had made five post this morning. So I would just continue posting again another five post until I have made at least 20 post on the site as well. So I would try to accomplish my goal on the site. It's not that easy to make a lot of post daily. But I'm trying to.
  24. I'm going to request payout once again now. So I just hope that I would be able to see more activity again on the site as well now I think that the activity has slowed down today. So I have not seen the other members making post on the site as well. So I hope that I would be able to post here more later on.
  25. indeed they are just paying by paypal. but i don't think it is a problem. if you have a problem with paypal account , you can use the paypal of your friend. you don't have to use your own paypal. or you can share paypal account of another member on mylot if you know them personally.
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