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Everything posted by indieover

  1. Oh well I didn't know that before we can add another account each month. As I was not active before although I have been a member before already. So anyway I would just have to take whatever opportunity we have on the site. So I just hope that I would be able to make a lot of post here later on. I just hope that I would be excited to post here always. So anyway I just wonder if the discussions lately are easy enough for me.
  2. I'm just having a great time posting on the site and I am improving my activity more and I am getting more comfortable on posting on the site even more although I am very much comfortable even before but I am getting more active and more focused and more comfortable on posting here that I am going to post more in other sections also now.
  3. That's why I am not motivated to post on the contests because of the very slow announcement of the winners and takes a long time for the winners to receive the payment although the admin would still pay for the contest prizes. So I just focus in posting more on the site.
  4. The site is having good activity but not as good when you were still posting actively on this site as well. So I just hope that you would be able to make a lot of post on the site soon. So anyway I have been able to request for 500 points just now. I am just so excited to post on the site as well that's why I am just so active in posting on the site as well.
  5. It is strange about the points decreasing. So I just hope that the admin would have an explanation and I just hope it's just some sort of glitch on the site that they would fix and not because admin is giving deductions to the member's points. So I think this kind of problem would discouraged to make a lot of post on the site as well. So I just hope that the problem would be sorted out so I would be able to continue posting on the site as well.
  6. It's just okay for me if I would request on amount like ten cents. I don't have any problem with that. I don't understand why other members would still want to request on bigger amount. Anyway I just feel so happy every time I would receive payment that I would usually want to get paid more often than just one time but big payment each week.
  7. I think it's jambutty who usually participate on the discussions with the members and so he makes the discussions more interesting specially on th hyip section because he has so much insights and knowledge to share with new members. So he has been a lot of help to make the site successful although he is strict mod
  8. Yeah you would be rewarded with your hard work although it's usually so tiring to post here if you are not a good trader here that's why lately I would just look on discussions but I would not be able make any post at all. So I just hope that I would be able to make some post now on the site as well
  9. Yeah I am excited to receive payment later on. So I would just post again for this day. I don't have problem maintaining my post and focus for now. So I just hope that I would always have this enthusiasm to post here daily so i would need help problem remembering to post here daily. So I just hope that the site has an increase in activity.
  10. Yeah I am surprised myself with the fast activity. So I think that the members are so happy with the weekly payment. And I like the site because I am very much comfortable posting on the site than on other forums. So it's just a delight for me to make another round of post on the site as well.
  11. I have seen the new rules on the site they are more strict now. So I wonder why they have been more strict. Anyway I would just post more in different sections so I would not have problem with following the rules on the site as well.So I just hope that the site would not have more strict rules on the site.
  12. The forum board is now open. I am so much disappointed that the ptp section is paying one cent only per post. So I think it's ridiculous low rates. So I don't think I would even bother to post on the ptp section anymore. It's just a waste of time to post on the ptp section.
  13. Yeah that the site would be more fun of there would be contest with lots of participation from the members. But usually the members were not interested with the contest as well. So I think that the admin is out of ideas on what kind of contest that would be interested enough for the members.
  14. Yeah the admin has been able to keep the forum clean so clean that the site has low activity on the site most of the time. It's like they cleaned the spammers and along with it they have banned some non spammers as well. So they just have sometimes wrong standards of what is a spammers and those who are not spammers.
  15. Yeah it's just great that we would be able to attach different account although it would take two months before you can change account. Anyway. I just hope that they would not change the rules about that. So I would be able to use another trading account once I have reached MC on my trading account already.
  16. I think it's just hard to wait to reach such amount before you would request payout. As I would have no patience as I don't make a lot of post here as I just make five post daily. So I just request in small amount I achieve time. Usually members would request in amount less than $1a
  17. You have received a payment to your account U7434597 (indieover): Date: 12/6/2012 12:57 AM Batch: 122992197 From Account: U0137115 (Payout) Amount: $0.10 Memo: Payment for Make 5 Posts Thank you.
  18. I have just checked out the site once again and yes the site forum board is still close for now. So I just hope that we would see the forum board open tomorrow. I just wonder of the admin would make new rules on posting on the site so I just hope that I would not see any more changes on the posting rule.
  19. I think you have been so active in different forums. So I just hope that you would be able to make a lot of post on the site as well daily. Anyway I am just so near my goal that I am sure I would be able to accomplish my goal tomorrow. So I am just excited again in requesting payout. I was not expecting that I would be able to make a lot of post on the site but I did.
  20. But I am sure that the admin would make payments. Anyway I would just keep on posting even with low activity as I am just trying to be more comfortable posting on the site as well. So I just hope that I would have no problem making like ten post on the site daily.
  21. Yeah the site is very much stable and paying really well not only for our post but for different contest as well so I am just amazed on the amount of payment that the site is paying on the site each month. So that's why there's good activity on the site indeed daily.
  22. So I just hope that the admin would make payments as promised so that the members would be active on the site once again and so that I can focus on the site as well. I know I should have been more active but I was just so lazy to make a lot of post here lately. So now I would make sure I would be able to post a lot here also.
  23. Yeah during the slow activity on the site I would be able to make like 30 posts without problems. But with high activity I would be able to make like 60 post or more in a day easily. So that the site still has more activities than in other forums during in its slow activity. So that's how good the activity in the site is.
  24. It seems that the activity has slowed down now as I am waiting for new posts on the site. Anyway its just time for me to post on other forums so I would just stop posting here for now night would just post here again tomorrow. So I just hope that I would have the motivation to post here daily again.
  25. There's not too many topics on the other sections that's why I am just posting on the ptp section and anyway the other and more difficult sections just have the same post rate. Anyway I have seen you have posted a lot again. So I am making post here once again.
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