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Everything posted by indieover

  1. When I'm feeling sad or just want to share my feelings inside, then I will just go to the site and I would just make a discussions on what I am feeling inside then after making discussion I would feel so much relieved and stress free
  2. I have so much to do in different forums anyway and the post rate is quite good also in other forums that's why i have not consider posting here. It just feels like the site is a just slow earner for me because its very to think of what to pay on the discussions on the site that's why i have given up on the site already. Before I planned to post here but i easily get discouraged.
  3. From what i know that they are quite strict on the payment processor section. So i think you should not just keep on posting on that section. So I think you should try to spread your post in other sections than just post in just two sections although I don't think it's easy to find other sections you can post at on the site.
  4. Thats great that you are very much determined making a lot of post on the site once again. I would start posting now on site again. Although few posting here lately but it's very much possible to do daily post on the site as well. But i have to make sure to do ten post only daily for each section. So that I would be able to follow the rules on the site.
  5. I was not able to do some posting here yesterday. So for today, I would consider making posting in here first before I will continue my activity on the other forms. So I am going to try to make at least 20 post for this day. I am having some fun posting here already.. I would just need to continue my good activity on the site so that i would be able maximize my earning on the site
  6. Yeah I am going to do some posting here a little bit later on. I'm just hoping that I would be able to make like 200 points on the site. So I'm just hoping that it would be easy for me to focus in here. So that I would easily get my goal and finish fast in posting here so i can do posting in other forums as well
  7. Um just hoping that I can be active on the site just like you. You don't seem to lose your motivation making lot of post here. Are you posting here daily or just few days time in a week. I'm just going that i would be able to do like four times in a week of posting on the site. That would definitely be helpful in earning nice amount of bonus here monthly.
  8. Why do you need to slowdown on posting when you can continue making another post so that by next month you would have lots of points already and you would not need to do a lot of post so you can focus more in other forums next month. Anyway I'm just hoping that i would have the motivation on making a lot of post once again on the site
  9. I'm making a lot of posting on the site daily now. So I just hope that you would consider here like making two rounds of posting. So I would definitely make post here later on. So I just hope that I am going to see you there also. I have my motivation already back in posting on the site
  10. yeah but most of the time you would not able to have time to do other things else online if you were earning a dollar here daily because it's very time consuming to earn on the site that much as you would need so many post to get that kind of amount. anyway I have already made a lot of posting here this morning
  11. I am planning to make like 7 days of posting here each week. I just hope that I will never get tired of post here. I'm doing my best to keep my interest on the discussion. Anywaythere are so many sections anyway on the site. so that would help me to not get bored on the discussions on the site
  12. so why did you decide to decrease your activity on the site. you should does not decrease your activity on the site because it's very much enjoyable making post here although the payment had not been done yet up to note, I am sure that we are going to get paid any way. Its just a matter of time and waiting.
  13. I'm glad to see that my payment request had just been approved. Immediately upon going on this site, the first thing I did was to check out my payment request. anyway I am very much motivated making a lot of post once again. I am so glad that I had so much free time now. Before i don't have this free time to post here
  14. It would depend on your judgement if you think it is better to be long time or short term trading. I think it will also depend on the situation or current news. There are times that it would be better making long term forex trading. But for me, much as possible I would rather choose to do long term trading.
  15. Displayed Username : indieover Amount To Request (DMT points) : 220 Liberty Reserve ID: U7434597 Hope to get approved THanks.....................
  16. I was able to do one post last night and I was so tired already that I was not able to continue maybe later on I would be able to do some posting once again. I am trying to be active here once again. I'm just hoping that I would get a nice amount each month
  17. Yeah that's what I am thinking if they are something for the members. Maybe they are trying to give the site a brand new look. Hello I am just hoping that it is the case. So let's just keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best for the site so that we would be able to earn something from here again
  18. I think that most of the members have been less active on that site. But this is something that we should expect to happen just because of the very low post rate in very long waiting on the processing of the payment . I think the members have not much motivation
  19. I am hoping that the activity would continue daily . I think that there is some loyal members on that site and I myself that's 1 of those members planning to keep on posting here . So I think that at least it would be having some activity
  20. I think only those who are just spamming the site would have some difficulty or problems. As long as you are not cheating the system, then I don't think you would be in any kind of problem. I think we should just continue posting on the site daily and try to earn well monthly
  21. But I have been struggling with my activity also. But I'm still trying my best that I will be able to continue posting on the site despite the fact that I am very much active on the other forums . We should not forget to keep on posting here
  22. Indeed there is some advantages if you would be active on the site. Then that's why I would be activehere again just like what I did yesterday. Anyway I would try to see check out the other sections as well so that I would find it easy to post more daily
  23. Although the minimum payout is quite high but I think it is not impossible to reach it monthly. You just have to make sure that you would be active here daily. I am actually doing that because I feel great every time I join the discussion it's very much relaxing
  24. I've been planning on changing my trading account associated with my forum account but was just so busy to actually do it so maybe tomorrow i would be able to do it. So anyway i know its good paying forum although it's just a bonus but it's still good enough
  25. J yeah it has been online for quite sometime already so I'm just glad that the site has lasted this long. So I'm hoping that it would last for many years more. But i am hoping that the admin would have many adversaries so that we may see better post rate.
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