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Everything posted by indieover

  1. For now I do have a lot of time. I am just hoping to be able to accomplish a lot of things today . More importantly that I would need to spread my activity in different sections so that I would be able to earn more points so that I'll be able to make payment request soccer
  2. Sometimes we have to ask ourselves if the site is still successful. But to my own judgement I don't think that it still have the quality of a successful forum. So anyways, somehow it's still a good forum. In terms of payment meaning it's still keep on paying.
  3. maybe I can do some posting tomorrow. I know that I should keep on posting on the site. It has been very much difficult for me to remember to be active on the site. I think it is because of the very slow payment. Anyways as long as we're getting paid, we should not be discourage on posting here
  4. If you would be able to check out the site 3 to 4 times a week, that you would be able to meake pay out weekly. I would try my best so that I would be able to get more active on the site. I think that I have not be able to do post here for about a week . I should start posting now again
  5. Finally I am back posting on the site. I just keep on forgetting about the site lately. I am just hoping that I would not forget to make some postings tomorrow because the end the week getting near again. I am just hoping to earn 200 points before the end of the week. I would be satisfied if I would be able to do that
  6. I was able to do a lot of post on the site just now. I think I was able to make at least 15 post. I just had slow posting but I just continue posting so that's why I was able to maintain my activity on the site tonight. I'm just hoping tomorrow I'll be able to do the same
  7. I hate not satisfied on my activity here. I know I should keep making more discussions daily because I have not been able to make enough earning yet for this month. I just managed to earn 1 dollar. Need to be able to get ten dollars on the month of March. Maybe I would need to do 50 discussions daily
  8. Yeah you have the point. Because we can get paid directly in our payment processor account that we get better benefit than other forex forum that gives only bonus that we can trade and try to mask me profit and only then we can get money if we made some profit or else your effort was just wasted.
  9. You have been the most active member here. Its great that you have been able to do that. So I'm just hoping to be able to learn from your activity on the site. I don't know how you were able to do that. So I hope that I could be hard working as well
  10. I'd not be able to check out this site lately. But I would try to do so later on because I have lost my focus on the site. It is very much important that I would be able to have my focus on site once again.. So you've see me posting later. Maybe doing about twenty posting would be more than enough
  11. I don't know when I will be able to make pay out here. I'm just hoping that by the weekends that would be able to do that. I don't think that would be able to make weekly pay out. It's just too hard to be active here because of the very low activity
  12. Agree to that indeed the payment here is quite faster in here compared to sister site. We should get more motivated here. I think that they are trying to encourage us to be more focused here. That's why they're trying to maintain these weekly payment on this site which is very nice
  13. I have not been able to do lot of posting on the site yesterday so I should keep pushing for today that I would be able to continue nice activity once again . I still get bored then trying to forget my boredom and keep me posted on the site. That I would be able to accomplish my goals on the site
  14. I have no doubt the site to keep on paying. Anyway I am very much close to pay out. I would just need to concentrate on the side even more so that I would be able to keep my goal on the site. It's a wonderful forum. I don't know why the site has very low activity. I think that it deserve more activities
  15. Today I have done six discussions. Not so much but I know that for many members that's already a lot of discussions . I was thinking i should do 30 discussions everyday and I would be proud of it, if I would be able to do that daily. But it's not that easy to think of discussions
  16. I haven't been able to continue posting on the site today. I am hoping that would be able to start posting on the site for this month. My motivation is very much low. I need get more motivated that would be able to get some nice amount on the site. It's very hard to find another site that's paying well
  17. That's a lot of posting daily. I think that's why you were be able to earn well in different forums. But sometimes I'm just too busy with so many things in life. I'm just hoping that I would be able to maintain my focus on the site daily now. It feels good to be active here
  18. It feels so great that we have been able to receive the payment once again. I have not loss my confidence on the site. I know that we just need to wait and there's nothing to be worried about because that site is very much stable up to now. But I'm just hoping that this week there won't be any delay on the site
  19. You have received a payment to your account U7434597 (indieover): Date: 3/3/2013 12:53 PM Batch: 133976538 From Account: U0990758 (DMT and MTW Account) Amount: $10.00 Memo: Payment From Money Talk World Forum, Post proof at different forum!!!
  20. Oh the task. I forgot about it actually. Anyway i have made eight discussions already this day of Sunday. So I started like five in the morning. First thing I did upon waking is to post here and I was able to come up with those eight discussions already. But I'm just that I did
  21. Yeah before i can tell how much i was earning but now or seems harder but maybe because I don't pay attention on how many post I do daily. So anyway I'll try my best to observe the activity on the site. I'm trying to post a journal of my life here daily so its going to be easy to post
  22. Yeah I'm hoping that members would just post in older threads as they were pushed to the second page. So i just hope they are back in the first page already so I can start making post again on the site. I would definitely want to keep on posting on the site when i have the chance to post here.
  23. Okay I'll try to report those duplicate threads but there's just too many duplicate discussions though. So i just hope that you would be able to report some of them if you would have the time to do so. Anyways, I'm just so active on the site but other members are not that active again
  24. There's some activity but I would not say that there's a lot of activity. I just feel that the activity on the site is just way too low. So i think that the site is still okay but not that great at all like it once used to be. So anyway it's not easy to reach payout with this slow activity
  25. Yeah they need to be strict indeed so that the members would make sure that they are making quality post on the site as well. So I'm just hoping that I'll be able to keep on posting here but I've not started yet as I'm very much busy with a lot of things for now.
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