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Everything posted by indieover

  1. I am NOT able to continue posting again I am always trying to find a strategy that would make me happy and motivated to keep on posting on the site but I have not found that strategy yet. I think I should just follow the saying"just do it". so I will just keep on posting even if I don't feel like to
  2. I just wanted to check out the site and I end up making some posting already and so I am happy that I am able to do some posting because I thought I don't have enough time yet to do so anyways we should expect more activities from other members. maybe later on I would see more activities
  3. I have done my best but I think I can still do better and so I will try to keep on posting here later and so I am very much motivated once again sometimes I don't understand why I am so much motivated here but I am NOT motivated in other forums. maybe I just like this site more
  4. you are totally correct because not always he would have done motivation and sometimes you feel so discouraged that you wouldn't be able to do some discussions but for today I'm just trying to force myself to do a lot of discussion and so I was able to do at least 3 discussions
  5. I'm not sure if he has enough funds already. I am just hoping that he would be able to process the pending payment request so that the members would be happy again and would be able to come see your posting on the site again once more. I have been waiting for the site to come back as one of the most active forum. But it didn't happen
  6. I wonder who would be the replacement of mod jim. Anything I'm just hoping that who would ever be the next mod on the site that he would be able to be as helpful as Jim was. So I just hope that's the site will be more lively and more interesting so that they would be more activity
  7. I am just confused why you are considering being active on the site. I don't see enough reason for me to be active on the site. It is just a waste of my time to be active on the site.. There are so many forums to choose can we are having difficulty in posting in all of them. There is no need to be active on this one as well
  8. I am just wondering when I would receive my payment anyway it seems to me that you don't have any kind of difficulty on posting on the site so I guess you would be able to reach payout Soon once again. But for now I am trying to be more motivated. It could have been more easy if there is no post limitation
  9. Indeed I have some problems on loading on the site . I don't know why these is happening more often lately. So I hope that they would find a permanent solution to this problem. So that we would be able to enjoy posting on the site daily. But for now I'm just waiting for the site to get back online
  10. I need to spend some time on the site . not because of the low post rate that I would not keep on posting on the site anymore. I think cause this site is paying up to now, that's why we should have to consider posting here as much as we can. Maybe later on I would be able to
  11. I keep on planning to keep on posting on the site but I was not able to do that . So I don't know if I would be able to do some posting here later on but I hope I would. As i need to accomplish my goal on the site. Making a lot of postings here daily is my goal. I need to do some something or think of something so that I would be able to accomplish my goal
  12. before I was not very much comfortable on posting on the site but today my problem that I don't have enough time always. I'm not sure for today if I would have the time to make some posting here. I am just hoping so, so that I would be able to enjoy participating on the discussion again
  13. There was nice activity on the site yesterday but I was not able to do some posting yesterday but this morning I was able to do a lot. And I'm just hoping that I would do another set of posting in the afternoon so that I would be able to make more points and be able to make payment request
  14. I think that they are expecting that's the same members would join the site. So I don't think there would be any kind of problem in and say that they would allow us to open another trading account for the site ice I don't want to share 1 account for the two forums.
  15. I am very much glad to see those payment Proof. So I think I would need to be joined the site right now and continue or do my first post on the site. I am just hoping that I would find it very easy to participate on the discussions but I think the site is all about forex discussions.
  16. Indeed that the members have much expectation on the site that's why, they have been complaining lately. But I do agree that it is much better compared to other sites. So I'm just hoping that I would be people to give more time in here compared to the time I give to the other sites
  17. I don't have to get impatient actually. if I would receive it soon I'll be thankful, if I didn't then it's just okay. I would just continue posting on the site as often as possible. But for today I am planning to continue on posting on the site so maybe I will be able to do about 30 posting. That I'll be able to reach my goal
  18. I always forget about that limitations on posting . Anyway I will try my best that I would be able to do 30 posts. I have not done that yet. I would like to be that active. So maybe today I would be able to do that. I would be so happy if I would be able to
  19. I am done doing posting on the site this morning and so I am very near 500 points. maybe tomorrow I would already reach 500 points. I was able to do lots of posting because of some members making post in the morning. So maybe tomorrow that there would be nice activity once again
  20. Finally i have made my payment request just now for 100 post only. it had few months back already since the last time I've requested payout on the site. So I'm just going i can request by next week again. So I'm going to try to post here daily so I'll be able to do so.
  21. We should not be worried but for sure we would not be that satisfied because the payment had been so slow. Meant for those month i just have one payment request approved ml that's how slow the payment had been on the site for me. Buy anyway still I'm planning to making lots of pay once again
  22. Those were a lot of discussions. So I'm just hoping that I'll be able to make as much discussions today. Its definitely wonderful being active on the site ml worth the time and energy though many members don't think so. But for me is very interesting to be active on the site.
  23. I'm just glad that I'm getting fluid activity again. I have already 300 points. Not that much but more than enough for me. So I'm hoping that I'll have 500 points by the end of the week also. That would be very nice if I'll be able to earn that much this week specially I'm focusing most here.
  24. I think i was not able to do some posting here yesterday. So I'll need to make posting now and should not delay any longer. It's very easy anyway to do a lot of post on the site anyway. I'll just try my best so I'll be able to post more today. I'm just glad that the site is good place for me to do posting daily
  25. yes,We should try at least to make minimum payout on the site as well. I would like to continue on my activity here later. I know that I am not being able to focus on the site at all. I should keep on trying so that I would be able to make payout this month.. Maybe minimum payout each month would be good enough for me
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