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Everything posted by indieover

  1. I think I was late in requesting my payout so I think I would just get paid tonight. But it's just okay. I just hope that I would be able to post here daily. So today I will try to post more. But I just wanted to be more focused on the site. Although I would say it needs a bit more effort because it's not easy to participate on the discussions on the site as well.
  2. I don't mind if the payment in here is slow . I think I am still very much satisfied in how they would process the payment. So I think I don't have any kind of problems on the site I would just keep posting . I think I am more comfortable on the site
  3. I have just requested the payment. So I am just hoping that I'll be able to get my payment request approve and so that I would be able to continue posting on site . I would try my best that I would be able to maintain my daily activity in here.
  4. I am not so sure about that because I have not experienced losing any of my hard earned money in here. Maybe because I would make sure that I would check out the site and log in at least once in a month so that I will make sure that my account would stay active. Anyway I don't think that I would be able to earn more than 10 dollars for this month
  5. You have been able to do well on this site. I just wish that I would be able to make 100 points on the site in just 1 day but I think it's just impossible to do so. So I would just be happy whatever amount I should be able to do every time I would make some posting on the site. That important thing is that I should be able to maintain my activity here
  6. But I don't think that they would have increased the post rate once again anytime soon so that I don't think that the members would be motivated on posting on the site actively. So for now there is nothing to look forward to on the site. I am NOT hoping at all that I would be able to make a nice amount on the site
  7. I have not check out the site yet for now. It is very important for me to check out the contest session so that I will be able to know immediately if I have won something on the contest once again. I am just hoping that I keep on getting some prizes. so anyway later on I would check out the site
  8. I would just wait for members to make some comment about the site if they have already a scam. Because I have seen payment proof so I am quite confused if the site is already a scam indeed. So I couldn't make any kind of conclusion for now but I would just continue to observe the site
  9. I don't think that I will be able to make it for this month because there's so many things happening to me offline so I was not able to maintain my activity here. Hey in case hoping that my next month that I would have more time basically so that I would be able to do a lot of posting on the site
  10. I would not say that the members disliked him. They just think that he is quite strict. but there is no any personal hard feelings on the mod. But I know that the members they still like him as a person. So anyway I'm just wondering what would happen on the site from now on
  11. I am done five post for tonight. And so I would need five post more. anyways I'm still trying to be more comfortable on the site as this is my first posting on the site. So I'm hoping by tomorrow I would be more comfortable and I will be able to make more posting on the site
  12. Your not active. I earn 17 cents for now. Anyways it's a very small amount.It is not something that I can be happy about but I am still trying my best to be able to improve my activity. But I am feeling sick I don't believe I would be able to make a lot of discussions tonight. Maybe tomorrow I would be able to
  13. I'm going to start posting on the site right now so I am hoping that I would have no difficulty especially with my first time to do some post here. I just hope that it is very easy to participate in the discussion . But I know that I'm many are very much active here
  14. I just need 1 dollar 50 cents so that I would be able to reach $10. It s been slow for me to make a lot of discussions on the site because I was not feeling well lately that's why I was offline most of the time. I just made few discussions about my health this morning
  15. I have stopped posting for now. I'm still waiting for the payment. It feels like another month of waiting before we could see payment on the site. Maybe that's how bad the situation on the site that the admin doesn't have any fund at all lately. So we would be forced pm waiting again
  16. Yeah I am sure that we would see payment very soon. Anyway I do think that we should still improve our activity on the site. There's still room for improvement as I don't think that the activity is not as busy as before. Although I don't think I can be more active but at least it's nice to see more activity.
  17. I'm just hoping that the si would b stable and would not end up like the other forex forum that lasted for a month or two only then stopped paying already. So I just hope that the admin would have enough advertisers as I know that the si would also need some sponsors and ads on the site.
  18. Sometimes we would like to believe that it's so easy to make money in forex but the more we trade that the more we would realize that forex trading is not that easy at all. So even the expert traders would say that forex is not an easy way to earn money from. We just have to work hard and have lots of patience.
  19. Yes it makes sense that we should not be greedy so that we would be more successful in forex. When I started trading that I was very much greedy that I just wanted to earn. well despite the fact that I have not been able to learn forex well. That's why I have lost a lot on my first trading.
  20. That's really nice. I have been paid already so I am still having low point for today. So I just hope that I would be able to make a lot of points as much as possible. So I have taken it would be able to post a lot before I sleep later on and that I would not easily get tired posting for now.
  21. I think tomorrow I would definitely spend a lot of time on the site so I would be able to focus more on the site before I would focus in other forums now that the site is worth our trade but I just wonder why a lot of members were not spending more time on the site as well. So I just hope that I would be able to accomplish my goal for this month.
  22. I have finally reach my goal as I have already 1000 points by now. So the time I would go paid that I would definitely consider making payout immediately. So I am just happy that I would be able to make more posts again tomorrow. It has been easy for me this time of making a lot of post on the site once more.
  23. I have made another post on the site just now. so I am doing really great on the site. And so I have more down 300 points by now and I would make payment request later on. I am still enjoying my activity here very much. I am just hoping that I would be able to make another round of post later on
  24. of course I am considering making another post on the site . I am just saying that sometimes I don't have enough time to do so to accomplish my goal on the site but later on I will try my best so that I would be able to do some post as you do here as I know you are very active also on the site
  25. this site is loading on my end now and so I don't have any more problems unlike yesterday and so are we start posting that on the site immediately. I am just so happy and excited that the site is finally back online and so I would be able to accomplish my goal already
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