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Everything posted by indieover

  1. indeed if you have the will to learn even if you lack the talent then despite your lack of talent you can still succeed in forex. Everyone of us has the ability to learn even if we may learn slower than other traders who have the talent or gift to do well or learn well. but it does not mean that we can't reach what they have reach in their trading career. we just have to exert more effort to learn but we still can do what they do.
  2. yes it is very important for me and other traders to learn and practice first . but for me i am still trying to read more advises from other posters also. if i think that their advice is good then i would definitely follow it thankfully i have read some good advises and tips but when i do have some tips i would do share them also.
  3. it is alright if we dream about it but it is not a guarantee that we would succeed in forex just because we have dreamed about it. the most important thing is that we have worked hard to reach our dream. but when you dream it is like you are laying out the plans and your goal so it can be a start to reaching your goal .
  4. actually, the easy way can be the hardest way because you would make a lot of mistakes when you do try to find a short cut so in the end you would keep on relearning things every time you have made a mistake. but if you do it the right way. it may take longer as it seems but actually you would save yourself a lot of time and hassles.
  5. yes sometimes there are unwanted losses that are not needed to learn more. we can still learn more by practicing more and doing the right thing. we just don't learn from our mistakes and our losses . we can learn from our winning trade also. we can learn from the right thing we have done with our winning trade and continue with the right thing we have done.
  6. yes in gambling we don't actually need to analyze things ahead. in gambling , luck is the most important thing. but in forex, we need to have knowledge and understanding of the market and other things. so i think that in forex we need to be educated which we don't really much in gambling.
  7. yes demo account is very big help. so i would definitely continue to using my demo account. but i am doing a lot of reading once again so that i would be able to continue learning on my demo account. there are still a lot of things i don't understand so i am still reading on some tutorial websites.
  8. yes we don't actually make trading on the forum itself. so i don't think that i would actually learn a lot by just participating ont he forum. although the forums can still help the newbies in some ways but it is not the most important part of learning but still a good way to get encourage to keep learning or to start learning about forex. just most of us were encourage to join forex because of forums.
  9. I am trying to practice again on the demo account. because i do believe that the demo account is very much important for me to learn well inf forex. although i have stopped using demo before, but i still believe it was the most important place to learn. i was lazy to practice but now i am motivated to be trading again that i should get back to using demo account.
  10. Yeah it looks similar with liberty reserve but not as popular and as useful as liberty reserve. And why would I need another email currency. So I don't need to use it even if it becomes more popular and becomes more useful. So I have already stopped using my account.
  11. I have not received any more updates on my account. So I don't care anyway receive any email or update as I don't think I would have any use for payza. I don't like what they have become. I used to like it but now I just feel it is not a good payment processor anymore.
  12. I would rather choose this because it is very much famous and useful. I don't mind if lr has less rate than other email. Currencies qs I think that the difference is very much negligible. So I just keep on using lr for now. And I have already exchange my funds already. So it is to exchange also.
  13. I didn't continue with my dispute because I have already received the payment. It's good to use PayPal because the seller will not try to scam if you tell them you would continue with the dispute if they would need send the item. So they immediately sent the item after I filed the dispute. So after another five days I have received the item
  14. At least you have been more active than me. I am just disappointed with my activity on this site that I have not been able to make payout up to now. I have not started my activity here yet for today although I think I would be able to later on. I want to enjoy my activity here which I don't feel lately.
  15. Yeah I'm glad that you have been posting on the site again today. But I just hope that you make few more posts as well. I just need four more posts so as to complete my twenty post for today. I don't think I would make or complete 30 posts as I am very busy with other forums as well. So twenty post for today would be okay for me.
  16. Yeah I have seen you post a lot awhile ago now was not able to post or make reply on your anymore as I am done posting on the site already for this day. And I have, tried to post here on DMT more now. But I am glad that you have been able to bring your focus on the site as well once again.
  17. Oh well it doesn't really matter if you would request on lower post count. I don't always request in 500 points night j feel that i have more time to earn more points today so I just take that opportunity to earn more and request in bigger amount of points. So maybe tomorrow I would be able to make 500 points already.
  18. I'm not really good in forex discussions but at least I have been trying to post always on the site. But I am just happy with the payment as I usually receive $2 also in other forums foe my 100 posts. So there's no difference at all. But maybe in the days I would be better in forex discussions and get better payment
  19. @takiya, but how many payment have you received on the site as I have read that we can request up to 200 post only. So after that you would not get paid. So it's just a place for temporary earning as we won't get paid always. So anyway I hope I was wrong. But I would try to post on the site after all 3 cents and very fast payment.
  20. Oh that is really good thing that you have made post because you want some more funds. I do post here most of the time for the same reasons. I do appreciate the fact that the admin just want to keep the member contented on the site before of the very fast payment.
  21. Yeah it is just normal that we would get worried if we would receive payment so I just hope that we would always get paid on the site. But for now I don't think that we should give up on posting on the site. We should keep on posting on the site as the site is still paying anyway.
  22. Yeah I think that the members have been so used to the time gap in between posting that they would open more than one site so that they can post also in other forums while waiting for the time gap to end. So I don't think that the admin would take away the time gap or lessen the time gap.
  23. Yeah I just hope that the admin is just busy lately that he would continue with the contest but for now we can just speculate as to the real reasons why the admin has not open the contest again. Anyway I just had to manage my time again so that I would have the time to post here when the contest ever start again.
  24. Yeah we can only speculate .Indeed I was inactive and was just trying to bring back my activity on this site so I just hope that this problem would go away as I know on getting active on the site as well. So I just hope that I would not totally lose my motivation on posting here. Anyway I would try to start posting later.
  25. I have not seen you post on the site yet. So I just hope that you would be able to make some post. Anyway I have completed my post already and I still some new activity on the site. But I think I would just post again tomorrow as I would need to complete my post in other forums also but I am contented with my activity on this site today
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