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Everything posted by indieover

  1. That task is like the saying money makes money. I have to have money first in my paypal account to buy or purchase some tags to start with this task. So I'm waiting to reach payout this month so I can have money to purchase tags next month
  2. I have not tried bank transfer or other way to withdraw our money from here. I just exchange my money to lr usually or just sell it. Thankfully there's no restrictions in their rules in doing that. We may think that is enough reason for them to be more useful than paypal but still I have more use of my paypal than my alert pay
  3. I had made second account in liberty reserve but I forgot my account info and I'm not interested to use that anyway. As one liberty reserve account is more than enough for me. some members with big amount usually open another account to divide the money in their different accounts.
  4. I would not consider using vpn or using proxy address. PayPal is the only payment processor that I am very much careful with the log in. Even other members usually want to access the site at home. Unlike other payment processor it does not matter if we used proxy or not.
  5. I have my goal here before only that my goal has changed or has improved. I just don't want to post here but to be very active just like other members here. I realized that it is not hard to post here or reach more points daily. Before I find it hard to post here and easily get discouraged but not anymore.
  6. My goal would be 50 points daily also. But if I feel posting more i may try to reach 100 points. Before I find it hard to visit the site. It is just good that I have finally got back my focus here. I now consider this one of my top forum.
  7. We can't set our goal for now as the site has not started paying yet again. Days have passed again and not a single payment made. The activity has not been doing very well. I hope the advertisers would not put out their ads because of the low activity lately.
  8. I checked out the site and the black background of the site is quite nice and okay for me. Although the post rate is just low 1 cent but I would observed the discussions and activity if it's worth the time to reach payout here.
  9. The delays on the payment has gone too long already to expect the admin would still going to pay. The admin has not been able to maintain the ptp as maybe for luck of funds or something else. So better not post on the site for now.
  10. indeed the loyal members have found alternative forums to be active and even the admin pays again he may have problem getting those active members to bring back their usual activity. Not unless next time they would pay fast consistently.
  11. I'm losing my trust in the site. It seems that I have joined late and the site may not be paying anymore. I have noticed the decrease in the activity here because of the delays in payment. Admin does not seem to take his forum seriously.
  12. I noticed that the discussions here are similar also with other forex forums. So if you are active in other forex forums then you will find it easy or as easy as other forex forums. But I am not doing well in other forex forum so I don't think I would do well here although I can still participate here
  13. I think I have good activity in the payment processor section as well and even in the contest section I'm actually very active. It is not hard to spread the activity in many sections as there are so many sections here than in other forums
  14. The admin does not seem to actually want to see more activity on the site. I had problem registering here. I don't know if the admin just don't want to accept new members or not just aware of the problem. That's why I'm not expecting to earn well on the site.
  15. The admin is doing well now and payments will be done according to the admin. So I would wait first to see some payment proofs then I may consider if I should post on the site as well. I am not familiar with the site If it's paying well before or not
  16. I would not mind to prioritize this forum as long as there would be more members that would be active here and prioritize this forum as well. It is hard to maintain my good activity here when you see the members don't consistent activity here
  17. I open only one tab when I post here. As I'm not in a habit of posting fast here to complete my posting fast. I used to do that before. But now I just enjoy my activity here and not pressure myself to post fast.
  18. At least the forex section is still paying us such a good rate. So it is still good to be active on this site again. Although I'm finding it hard to give more time to this site. I can only make few posts when I have the chance to visit the site
  19. I don't see any tag task now. I think there is only one member offering that kind of tasks. But if you don't have money in the tagvillage account I don't think you can participate on that task as it involves paying for the tag.
  20. I don't know who are those members that were making those back to back posting. I have not posted a lot today as I'm focusing more on DMT though day. I'm sure those members would get warnings from the moderators here.
  21. Indeed it does not matter if I or other members prefer other forums over this one. It does not mean that this is not as good as other forums. It is just that not many are comfortable with the discussions here. But still it's a very good paying forum and worth the effort and time.
  22. I just hope that the members would have consistent activity on the site so that I would get motivated to post on the site as well. I think that it's very easy to post on the site but I have to find time for this one as well.
  23. I do get bored to post here when there is less activity like lately. But even though I was not feeling like posting last night, I still posted till I have reached minimum payout. I'm just hoping members would be more excited about the site once again.
  24. Before I count how much post I have done. Now I don't count exactly how many post I have made but I do try to reach payout every 5 days at least. It does not matter if I post more or less in some other days as long as I have reached payout within 5 days.
  25. don't feel it is worth my time. The admin is interested to bring more activity here but is not willing to raise the post rate. I don't think members would be interested in the site specially the topics here are not similar to other forums we are active at
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