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Everything posted by luckyvoy

  1. Yup it looks that this program is in problem One of the monitor already rated this to be SCAM This is really a big shock to those investing in hyips.
  2. This hyip offer 1.8 -5.5% roi daily for 75 days Though not sure that they return principle but using the calculator on site it shows the returns that offer principal back In that case returns are quite high, though program may do well with these returns in medium term as principal is going to be returned after expiry of 75 days, and considering rarely anyone will invest 1000+$ in this program effective roi will only be 1.8-2.5% daily that is not extremely high.
  3. This program offer very high and unrealistic profit and i doubt this will do well even in short term 1$ minimum investment required is good and many can test this program For me the program carry more risk than the reward.
  4. @lorenzoperea i dont agree that 10$ bonus is any big attraction while we know that we shall only earn 1 cent daily on this investment Further plans are loaded with very high roi that it is difficult to sustain for few days, so just few cents we can make from this program's bonus and the bonus turns useless when program turn in problem.
  5. New program, and site design is not bad also ddos mentioned on site Plans offer quite high returns that are difficult to sustain though with these plans program may stay for few days Further 10% is paid referal commission so admin is going to pay 120 for every 90 in 1 day which make this programs sustainability doubtful.
  6. Its great that they are offering 5$ free investment and it will earn 1% I dont see any reason why should not we take the advantage of this offer Though i dont believe this program will stay for longer due to high and unreal returns promised But whatever period it stay taking advantage of free investment is nice.
  7. This program is hourly hyip which i am not interested in. Further roi offered is very high and this will help this program turn scam soon. Minimum investment required is 1$ which is good but the language used on site is not english.
  8. This program is hourly hyip which i am not interested in. Further roi offered is very high and due to this i dont believe this program will be paying for fairly long term. Though minimum deposit of 1$ make it easy to test the program.
  9. This site has quite attractive look and protected by ddos. 3 Plans and each one is term plan for 5/15 and 30 day profit offered is reasonable and considering for short to medium term this should be able to sustain well. Minimum deposit of 10$ is also not very big amount and further attraction is each plan has same minimum.
  10. Well this program has got the concept that is really different For several investors one property is bought and investors are getting profit from rentals or sale of that property, The investment required is quite bigger and not everyone can afford.
  11. This is true that many hyips turn down at the time near xmas - and this may be due to lack of interest of peoples in investment, But those few with exceptional quality continue their good work during this period as well, Just hope this shall be able to sustain during the difficult period As 1% daily is quite reaosnable plan and there should not be any problem to continue paying even if inflow of funds decreases for some time.
  12. ecashworldcard is the exhcanger listed on hd-money site itself So you should not worry about your money and it should be legit so they lsited it This exchanger take long time but charges very little fee which nowhere else can be found.
  13. Username : luckyvoy Amount To Request (DMT points) : 104 HD-MoneyID : HD6733860 Thanks Admin, hope to get approved and paid soon.
  14. Amazing such a long life and still instant payments, Usually hyiips start with instant payment but after few days changes to manual, this being maintaining instant payout in such long period with attractive roi is really outstanding.
  15. The language used on the site is not english and so not understandable, Cannot undertand why they bring site in local language when they know that they shall get more users if it is in english, Though site layout looks good, and plans are attractive and reasonable to help stay longer.
  16. Plans in this program are sense less and there is unreasonable difference in roi in different plans. Profit being on high side this should not last long And I dont consider this one a good investment choice.
  17. Even i tried few times and cannot access this site, Though i exepcted that this program shall stay for few days only But it will be this early really did not expected as roi was not infact so high.
  18. First two plans promise profit that cannot be said unreasonable for a short term hyip program As even those investing in these plans make upto 120% in 4 days Minimum 1$ is good feature it has. Overall this program looks good for short term.
  19. You are right 6 days longer plan give only 20% in 6 days while 5 days plan give more The reason behind this is purely to attract bigger deposit as minimum required in 5 days plan is bigger.
  20. I agree that this one has got really good site and it is impressive Profit promised in both plans is unrasonable and on higher side And due to high roi this program may only sustain for few days only. Minimum investment is 1$ that may be easily afforded.
  21. Site design is fantastic and impressive and good protection available Plans are very attractive and considering long term this looks to be best choice Monitors in rate-us page have paying status but yes i noticed gold poll has "problem" - about this but there may be some issue about that - and need further invetigation.
  22. So many person are crying that this site is not any more And is closed - Cannot understnad why havent this thread been closed yet or moved to scam folder, there looks no reason to discuss about this dead program.
  23. Site has nice look and and safety of DDOS and SSL is available. Already live since 15 days - and stats look attractive Running Days 16 Total Accounts 549 Active Accounts 306 Total Deposited $ 16,762.79 Total Withdraw $ 10,726.21
  24. First plan in this program looks reasonable and may be sustained for quite long But second and third plans may only be sustained in very very short term and the profit promised is unreasonably high. Further it does not look that admin has spend good amount on site as it uses a cheap sciript. Better avoid investing in this program.
  25. After looking at the plan on top 200% after 1 day - there is nothing left to consider this program legit and this one is going to prove to be scam from beginning itself - lol! if admin knows the art to double in a day he will not need a hyip to run 2$ will become 1024$ in 10 days - so one can consider how long this should stay.
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