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Everything posted by hyipparty

  1. Next payment received again Date: 5/4/2012 5:27 PM Batch: 93862950 From Account: U4405655 (Permanent Profit Inc.) Amount: $1.32 Memo: Withdraw from Permanent Profit Inc.
  2. Next payment received again Date: 5/4/2012 5:05 PM Batch: 93860606 From Account: U3665671 (Fibonacci Forex) Amount: $0.12 Memo: Withdraw to hyipparty.com from Fibonacci Forex
  3. Next payment received again Date: 5/4/2012 3:09 PM Batch: 93845583 From Account: U7709435 (ELITE PROFIT) Amount: $5.00 Memo: Withdraw to hyipparty.com from elite-profit.com
  4. Next payment received again Date: 5/4/2012 1:26 PM Batch: 93831072 From Account: U9701832 (Running Finance) Amount: $3.00 Memo: Withdraw to hyipparty.com from www.runningfinance.com Date: 5/5/2012 5:13 AM Batch: 93910310 From Account: U9701832 (Running Finance) Amount: $0.17 Memo: N/A
  5. Next payment received again Date: 5/4/2012 11:59 AM Batch: 93820783 From Account: U6751451 (PrimeXCash.com) Amount: $1.00 Memo: PrimeXCash.com - Daily Interest
  6. Next payment received again Date: 2012-04-05 09:56:15 Batch: 93806565 From Account: U2925542 Amount: $2.00 Memo: Withdraw to hyipparty.com from FederalForex.com
  7. Next payment received again Date: 2012-04-05 08:01:04 Batch: 93794444 From Account: U8065478 Amount: $1.00 Memo: ALEXINVESTMENT.COM
  8. I'm not admin http://avaworldcapital.com/?ref=hyipparty.com ite everyone to become a part of our program, and experience the lucrative returns that we have to offer. ----------------------------- QUOTE2,5% daily for 15 days Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%) AWC PLAN A $10 - $300 2.50 Calculate your profit >> 3,5% daily for 20 days Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%) AWC PLAN B $50 - $1,000 3.50 Calculate your profit >> 5% daily for 30 days Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%) AWC PLAN C $100 - $2,500 5.00 Calculate your profit >> 6% daily for 45 days Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%) AWC PLAN D $100 - $5,000 6.00 Calculate your profit >> 8% daily for 60 days Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%) AWC PLAN E $200 - $10,000 8.00 ----------------------------- We are involved in a highly profitable business. Our company accepts people from all over the world. The value of gold keeps on increasing, which means, our company is always in profit. We never face any loss. Trading is done by highly experienced team of professionals We offer high returns, which at the same time, is stable as far as our business model is concerned. Your principal and profit is 100% guaranteed All payouts are processed within a short period of time. Our website is strongly protected against DDoS attacks. Our customer support team is available 24 hours a day, including weekends, to answer your queries. We accept the most popular payment processors, LibertyReserve, who are considered to be the safest payment processors for members. http://avaworldcapital.com/?ref=hyipparty.com
  9. 1st payment received Date: May 04, 2012 3:39:13 PM Amount Sent: $10.00 USD Sender Name: Michael Parker Sender Email: admin@hourlydollars.com Reference Number: 5C8F6-21D76-08B73 Message: Withdraw to hyipparty.com from safegoldfund.com
  10. I'm not admin http://safegoldfund.com/?ref=hyipparty.com 128% After 1 Day,178% After 2 days,228% After 3 days,600% After 7 days and more http://safegoldfund.com/?ref=hyipparty.com
  11. I'm not admin http://serious-profit.com/?ref=hyipparty.com QUOTE ----------------------------- QUOTE22% - 26% daily for 5 days Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%) Plan 1 $20 - $1,000 22.00 Plan 2 $1,001 - $5,000 24.00 Plan 3 $5,001 - $10,000 27.00 Calculate your profit >> 115%-135% after 5 days Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) Plan 1 $100 - $1,000 115.00 Plan 2 $1,001 - $5,000 135.00 Plan 3 $5,001 - $10,000 150.00 ----------------------------- Powerful DDOS Protection Secure SSL Encryption No management fees 10% Referral Commission Min Spend Is Only $20 Instant payout Paying 7 Days A Week
  12. Next payment received again Date: 5/4/2012 6:34 AM Batch: 93785261 From Account: U5355188 (iforexllc) Amount: $1.50 Memo: Withdraw - International Forex LLC
  13. Next payment received again Date: 2012-04-05 06:20:23 Batch: 93783649 From Account: U1700309 Amount: $1.10 Memo: Withdraw to hyipparty.com from Oil Forex Investing Co. Date: 2012-04-05 06:26:51 Batch: 93784395 From Account: U1700309 Amount: $1.10 Memo: Withdraw to hyipparty.com from Oil Forex Investing Co.
  14. Next payment received again Date: 5/4/2012 2:26 AM Batch: 93765411 From Account: U0126059 (imfaids) Amount: $0.60 Memo: Withdraw to hyipparty.com from www.imfaids.com Date: 5/4/2012 2:30 AM Batch: 93765730 From Account: U0126059 (imfaids) Amount: $0.60 Memo: Withdraw to hyipparty.com from www.imfaids.com Date: 5/4/2012 2:52 AM Batch: 93767004 From Account: U0126059 (imfaids) Amount: $0.60 Memo: Withdraw to hyipparty.com from www.imfaids.com Date: 5/4/2012 3:12 AM Batch: 93768144 From Account: U0126059 (imfaids) Amount: $0.60 Memo: Withdraw to hyipparty.com from www.imfaids.com
  15. Next payment received again Date: May 03, 2012 10:10:48 PM Amount Sent: $2.00 USD Sender Name: Business Sender Email: stribacam@hotmail.com Reference Number: 79A10-9096A-2F791 Message: Withdraw to hyipparty.com from globotreasure.biz
  16. Next payment received again Date: 2012-04-05 02:31:15 Batch: 93765764 From Account: U8484223 Amount: $0.60 Memo: www.weprofits.com
  17. Next payment received again Date: 2012-04-05 02:07:06 Batch: 93764064 From Account: U0207880 Amount: $0.60 Memo: Daily Vofund.com
  18. Next payment received again Date: 5/4/2012 2:03 AM Batch: 93763874 From Account: U4405655 (Permanent Profit Inc.) Amount: $2.64 Memo: Withdraw from Permanent Profit Inc.
  19. Next payment received again Date: 5/3/2012 11:15 PM Batch: 93755293 From Account: U9711145 (IFG Trading) Amount: $1.05 Memo: IFG Trading Co
  20. Next payment received again Date: 2012-03-05 20:04:57 Batch: 93742938 From Account: U4181199 Amount: $1.00 Memo: Withdrawal from Felmina Alliance Account
  21. Next payment received again Date: 2012-03-05 18:20:54 Batch: 93733289 From Account: U4642809 Amount: $0.50 Memo: Withdrawal to hyipparty.com from Profitella
  22. Next payment Received instantly as usual, Date: 5/3/2012 5:43 PM Batch: 93729190 From Account: U5935930 (ForexGainsInternational) Amount: $0.96 Memo: Withdraw to hyipparty.com from ForexGainsInternational
  23. Next payment Received instantly as usual, Date: 2012-04-05 06:36:28 Batch: 93785475 From Account: U2925542 Amount: $2.00 Memo: Withdraw to hyipparty.com from FederalForex.com
  24. Next payment Received instantly as usual, Date: 2012-03-05 17:43:25 Batch: 93729168 From Account: U2405758 Amount: $0.36 Memo: Withdraw to hyipparty.com from www.fundcome.com
  25. Next payment Received instantly as usual, Date: 2012-03-05 17:09:14 Batch: 93725219 From Account: U4199241 Amount: $0.68 Memo:
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