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Everything posted by hyipparty

  1. Next payment received again Date: May 09, 2012 11:28:12 PM Amount Sent: $2.00 USD Sender Name: Business Sender Email: stribacam@hotmail.com Reference Number: 2BB25-30CA1-48038 Message: Withdraw to hyipparty.com from globotreasure.biz
  2. I'm not admin http://netmoneys.net/?ref=hyipparty.com QUOTENetMoneys Ltd. is an Netherland - based company that is engaged in investments in real estate development and construction. NetMoneys Ltd. is active in two main areas: Residential construction projects and Income yielding real estate. Under residential construction projects, the Company initiates projects, purchases land, plans, develops and sells apartments. NetMoneys Ltd. purchases commercial real estate and land, including commercial buildings and apartment hotels for development and long term investment. The Company operates in the United States, India, Brazil and Europe. We intend to become a significant player in the investment, construction and real estate industry. To do so, we will have to evaluate prospects to sustain our objectives and this could lead us to become public in the future. NetMoneys Ltd. is flexibly structured to offer the world wide community its investment services with exceptionally modest requirements for participation. We provide a safe place for you while investing the amounts you choose to invest. In short, we aim to deliver superior investment returns with minimum invest and investment risk. ----------------------------- http://netmoneys.net/?ref=hyipparty.com
  3. 1st payment received Date: 2012-09-05 14:10:02 Batch: 94437931 From Account: U8871035 Amount: $0.50 Memo: Withdraw to hyipparty.com from InvestForWorld.com
  4. I am not the admin! http://gemoneyinvest.com/?ref=hyipparty.com ----------------------------- Investment Plans: 124% after 1 day! Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) GE Plan 1 $10 - $3,999 104.00 GE Plan 2 $3,999 - $100,000 124.00 175% after 3 days! Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) GE Plan 3 $10 - $3,999 114.00 GE Plan 4 $3,999 - $100,000 175.00 400% after 10 days! Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) GE Plan 5 $10 - $3,999 49.00 GE Plan 6 $3,999 - $100,000 400.00 1400% after 35 days! Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) GE Plan 7 $4,999 - $100,000 1400.00 http://gemoneyinvest.com/?ref=hyipparty.com
  5. Next payment received again Date: 2012-08-05 16:00:32 Batch: 94313744 From Account: U2405758 Amount: $0.36 Memo: Withdraw to hyipparty.com from www.fundcome.com
  6. Next payment received again Date: 5/8/2012 3:06 PM Batch: 94305701 From Account: U5355188 (iforexllc) Amount: $1.50 Memo: Withdraw - International Forex LLC Date: 5/9/2012 7:25 AM Batch: 94387877 From Account: U5355188 (iforexllc) Amount: $1.50 Memo: Withdraw - International Forex LLC
  7. Next payment received again Date: 5/8/2012 2:00 PM Batch: 94295314 From Account: U4405655 (Permanent Profit Inc.) Amount: $1.32 Memo: Withdraw from Permanent Profit Inc. Date: 5/9/2012 11:11 AM Batch: 94412437 From Account: U4405655 (Permanent Profit Inc.) Amount: $1.32 Memo: Withdraw from Permanent Profit Inc.
  8. Next payment received again Date: May 08, 2012 2:52:31 PM Amount Sent: $2.00 USD Sender Name: Business Sender Email: stribacam@hotmail.com Reference Number: 2D99E-73334-E9B32 Message: Withdraw to hyipparty.com from globotreasure.biz Date: 2012-08-05 18:56:31 Batch: 94334395 From Account: U7566884 Amount: $0.84 Memo: Withdraw to hyipparty.com from globotreasure.biz
  9. Next payment received again Date: 2012-09-05 13:23:25 Batch: 94430993 From Account: U8377759 Amount: $1.00 Memo: EVERYDAY-PAID.COM
  10. Next payment received again Date: 5/9/2012 12:12 PM Batch: 94422126 From Account: U8640470 (Investor Words) Amount: $9.00 Memo: InvestorWords.Org ::: Withdrawal
  11. Next payment received again Date: 5/9/2012 7:42 AM Batch: 94389595 From Account: U9711145 (IFG Trading) Amount: $1.05 Memo: IFG Trading Co
  12. Next payment received again Date: 2012-09-05 06:28:20 Batch: 94382566 From Account: U1700309 Amount: $1.10 Memo: Withdraw to hyipparty.com from Oil Forex Investing Co.
  13. Date: 2012-09-05 05:41:42 Batch: 94378355 From Account: U8065478 Amount: $1.00 Memo: ALEXINVESTMENT.COM
  14. Date: 5/9/2012 4:26 AM Batch: 94372926 From Account: U5892023 (Artificial Casting) Amount: $14.00 Memo: www.artificialcasting.org
  15. I am NOT the admin! http://goldencrux.com/?ref=hyipparty.com Mode of Operation We take our customers personally and provide a top notch customer service. Our professional and friendly representatives are there to answer any questions 24 hours a day, 7days a week. We are committed to constant evolution and reinvention to make sure your investments are safe and your returns are stable. Investment Plans (IMAGE: )(IMAGE: ) http://goldencrux.com/?ref=hyipparty.com -----------------------------
  16. Next payment received again Date: 2012-09-05 01:32:02 Batch: 94361110 From Account: U1521072 Amount: $5.25 Memo: Payment
  17. Next payment received again Date: 2012-08-05 20:57:22 Batch: 94344039 From Account: U4181199 Amount: $1.00 Memo: Withdrawal from Felmina Alliance Account
  18. Next payment received again Date: 5/8/2012 4:53 PM Batch: 94320537 From Account: U4169801 (Income Mania) Amount: $1.00 Memo: Withdraw to hyipparty.com from income-mania.net
  19. Next payment received again Date: 5/8/2012 4:38 PM Batch: 94319026 From Account: U9701832 (Running Finance) Amount: $3.00 Memo: N/A
  20. Next payment received again Date: 5/8/2012 4:13 PM Batch: 94315975 From Account: U3665671 (Fibonacci Forex) Amount: $0.12 Memo: Withdraw to hyipparty.com from Fibonacci Forex
  21. Next payment received again Date: 2012-08-05 16:05:35 Batch: 94314654 From Account: U4642809 Amount: $0.50 Memo: Withdrawal to hyipparty.com from profitella.com
  22. Next payment received again Date: 5/8/2012 12:00 PM Batch: 94279480 From Account: U6751451 (PrimeXCash.com) Amount: $1.00 Memo: PrimeXCash.com - Daily Interest Date: 5/9/2012 12:00 PM Batch: 94419807 From Account: U6751451 (PrimeXCash.com) Amount: $1.00 Memo: PrimeXCash.com - Daily Interest
  23. I'm not admin http://www.hedge-capital.com/?affID=KBWBFKNQ Our Investment Plans 108% AFTER 3 DAYS. ($10 - $100,000) 120% AFTER 7 DAYS. ($20 - $150,000) 150% AFTER 15 DAYS.($50 - $200,000) Refferal Commision 5% http://www.hedge-capital.com/?affID=KBWBFKNQ
  24. Next payment received again Date: May 07, 2012 2:54:58 PM Amount Sent: $2.00 USD Sender Name: Business Sender Email: stribacam@hotmail.com Reference Number: 11972-0FE79-33CE4 Message: Withdraw to hyipparty.com from globotreasure.biz
  25. Next payment received again Date: 5/8/2012 10:00 AM Batch: 94263513 From Account: U8640470 (Investor Words) Amount: $9.00 Memo: InvestorWords.Org ::: Withdrawal
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