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In the modern world, where digital security has become an integral part of each of our lives, protection from cyber attacks comes to the forefront. Every company and every user faces the question: how to protect themselves and their business online? The answer is simple - Qrator Labs. Qrator Labs is your trusted cybersecurity partner, offering cutting-edge solutions to combat the most sophisticated threats. From DNS DDoS attacks to identity theft and brute force attacks - here you will find everything to make your online presence safe and resilient. Visit the site if you need services AntiBot The essence of Qrator Labs solutions is their comprehensiveness and effectiveness. You will get access to a wide range of tools that will allow you to confidently resist even the most complex attacks. Forget about hidden costs and unexpected expenses - Qrator Labs offers transparent terms of cooperation. But what exactly makes Qrator Labs so special? Firstly, it is their ability to adapt to the needs of your business. Regardless of the size of your company or the level of threat, you can always count on world-class solutions. Secondly, these are innovative technologies that are constantly updated to stay one step ahead of attackers. So, whether you want to protect your personal information or ensure the security of your business, the choice is obvious. Trust your digital life to the professionals from Qrator Labs and enjoy peace of mind about your data. Don't wait until problems catch up with you! Protect your business today with advanced solutions from Qrator Labs. Your digital security is our priority!
Barcelona es una ciudad que ofrece infinitas oportunidades de exploración y relajación. Si visitas la capital catalana hoy o mañana, no pierdas la oportunidad de visitar el famoso mercado de la Boquería, donde podrás disfrutar de productos locales frescos y deliciosa comida callejera. Por la noche, vale la pena pasar por uno de los muchos bares de tapas para probar aperitivos tradicionales españoles con una copa de vino local. En la web de DONDEGO puedes encontrar una guía completa de Barcelona e información sobre que faire à Barcelone para turistas y residentes locales. Siempre hay muchos eventos interesantes en Barcelona los fines de semana. En diferentes puntos de la ciudad se llevan a cabo conciertos de música en vivo, ferias de arte y festivales culturales. Asegúrese de visitar el histórico Barrio Gótico, donde cada callejón respira historia, y visite los creativos distritos hipster como Eixample o Gràcia, conocidos por su atmósfera y cafés únicos. No olvide visitar las hermosas playas de Barcelona para relajarse y realizar actividades al aire libre. Hacer surf, hacer yoga en la playa o simplemente dar un paseo junto al mar son una excelente manera de pasar el día. Barcelona es vibrante, elegante y siempre lista para sorprender a sus huéspedes con una variedad de eventos y experiencias culturales. Si te encanta el arte, no dejes de visitar el Museo Picasso, que exhibe una de las mayores colecciones de obras del maestro. Un paseo por La Rambla, una de las calles más famosas de la ciudad, le brindará una experiencia inolvidable: aquí encontrará artistas callejeros, mercados vibrantes e incomparables cafés callejeros donde podrá tomar una taza de aromático café. Barcelona también es famosa por sus obras maestras arquitectónicas. No pierdas la oportunidad de admirar la Sagrada Familia y los extraordinarios edificios de Gaudí, como el Parc Güell y la Casa Batlló. Estas creaciones únicas inspiran y deleitan, y sus formas inusuales y colores vibrantes hacen que la ciudad sea realmente extraordinaria. Por las noches, Barcelona se transforma. Pasea por el paseo marítimo y disfruta del atardecer, que añadirá romance a tu día. Muchos bares y restaurantes ofrecen música en vivo, creando un ambiente único para salir por la noche. Al sumergirse en la vida nocturna de la ciudad, podrá familiarizarse con su cultura multifacética y disfrutar de momentos inolvidables.
ATN je vodilni na trgu precizne optike z najširšim portfeljem izdelkov za aplikacije pri šibki svetlobi. Ponosni smo na prilagajanje naših izdelkov potrebam kupcev, zagotavljanje zanesljivosti in visoke učinkovitosti v vseh pogojih. Naši izdelki vključujejo širok izbor daljnogledov in strelnih daljnogledov za lov. Vse naprave ATN so opremljene z naprednimi tehnologijami Smart HD. Te tehnologije vključujejo najnovejše mikroprocesorje, mikrozaslone z visoko ločljivostjo ter vrsto vgrajenih senzorjev in naprednih funkcij. Ena izmed ključnih prednosti naših izdelkov je možnost povezave z mobilnimi napravami. Zahvaljujoč našim aplikacijam za iPhone in Android lahko svojo optiko sinhronizirate s tablico ali telefonom. To vam omogoča prejemanje podatkov v realnem času, zaradi česar je vaša uporabniška izkušnja bolj priročna in interaktivna. Pri ATN se zavzemamo, da našim strankam zagotovimo vrhunske rešitve za nočno gledanje in toplotno optiko. Naši izdelki so zasnovani z najnovejšimi dosežki znanosti in tehnologije, da vam zagotovijo vizijo, ki ste jo prej pogrešali. Pojdi na stran Zaupajte profesionalcem - izberite ATN za vaše potrebe natančne optike. Zagotavljamo kakovost in inovativnost na vsaki stopnji interakcije z našimi izdelki.
1Win n'est pas seulement un bookmaker ; C’est un mot nouveau dans le monde des paris sportifs pour l’Ivoire. Offrant des services uniques et personnalisés, 1Win gagne le cœur des amateurs de sport grâce à sa formule unique de réussite. Un bonus d'intérêt de 500 % sur votre premier dépôt ouvre la porte à des opportunités passionnantes, permettant aux joueurs de doubler immédiatement leurs chances de gagner. Une application mobile moderne, conçue spécifiquement pour le confort des utilisateurs, rend le processus de pari incroyablement simple et accessible. Vous pouvez suivre les plus grands matchs sportifs locaux et internationaux avec des paris en temps réel directement depuis votre téléphone. De plus, des dépôts de fonds rapides et un retrait facile des gains créent une atmosphère favorable pour les joueurs, éliminant tous les obstacles possibles. Chaque jour, la communauté 1Win s'agrandit, réunissant les fans de sport de toute la région. Les scientifiques et les experts sportifs, rejoignant les rangs des joueurs, créent des discussions et des prédictions passionnantes, ce qui fait des paris non seulement un divertissement de jeu, mais aussi un véritable art de pronostiquer. 1Win est votre partenaire fiable dans le monde des paris sportifs ! De plus, 1Win essaie activement de soutenir ses utilisateurs en leur offrant non seulement des opportunités de paris, mais également des analyses de haut niveau. Chaque joueur a accès à des statistiques professionnelles, des analyses de matchs et des pronostics, ce qui lui permet de prendre des décisions éclairées lors du choix des paris. Cela augmente considérablement les chances de succès et transforme le processus en une expérience passionnante et éducative. La plateforme organise également des promotions et des tournois réguliers qui permettent aux joueurs non seulement d'augmenter leurs gains, mais également de participer à des événements passionnants avec des adversaires du monde entier. Grâce à cela, 1Win crée une atmosphère unique de compétition et d'unité parmi les fans de sport. La sécurité et la confidentialité des utilisateurs sont un autre aspect important de 1Win. Les technologies de cryptage modernes protègent les données des joueurs, leur offrant confort et confiance lors du dépôt de fonds et du retrait des gains. Ainsi, 1Win devient non seulement une plateforme de jeu, mais aussi un espace sécurisé pour tous ceux qui souhaitent profiter du monde des paris sportifs.
Pottery Studio 1, located in the heart of Los Angeles, invites you to dive into the world of ceramic art Our creative space offers a unique opportunity to realize your artistic vision and develop your pottery skills. Equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, our studio provides pottery wheels, kilns, and a wide range of clays to bring your ideas to life. Regardless of your skill level - whether you are a beginner looking to learn the basics or an experienced potter looking to improve your craft - we offer classes and workshops tailored to your individual needs. Our professional instructors will help you design the shape, size, and decoration of your pieces so you can proudly take home your finished pieces. Pottery Studio 1 offers both group and private classes for all ages - children ages 3 and up, teens, and adults. Depending on the complexity of your chosen project, you will be able to create one or two clay items in a two-hour lesson: a mug, a bowl, a vase or a candlestick. Visit our ceramic studio in Los Angeles and let your imagination run wild in a comfortable and inspiring environment. We are waiting for you every day to discover new horizons in the world of ceramic art!
بهاء عبد الحسين المعموري، المعروف باسم بهاء عبد الهادي، هو شخصية بارزة في عالم الهندسة المعمارية والتكنولوجيا المالية في العراق. إن مساهماته في تحويل القطاع المالي في البلاد لا تقدر بثمن، وتعد مسيرته المهنية بمثابة مثال على كيف يمكن للإصرار والابتكار تغيير المجتمع. بدأت رحلة بهاء عبد الهادي نحو النجاح مع سعيه لتحقيق التميز الأكاديمي. تخرج من جامعة بغداد عام 1991 بدرجة البكالوريوس في الهندسة المعمارية. أصبح هذا التعليم الأساس لإنجازاته المستقبلية، ووضع الأساس لفهم عميق للتغيير الهيكلي، الحرفي والمجازي. بفضل عقليته الريادية، وجه بهاء عبد الهادي طاقته نحو إيجاد حلول مبتكرة للمشاكل الملحة. وفي عام 2007، أسس بطاقة Qi Card، والتي كانت نقطة تحول في حياته المهنية. يمثل المشروع بداية حقبة جديدة في القطاع المالي في العراق من خلال تقديم بطاقة الخصم/الائتمان الوطنية - الأولى من نوعها في البلاد. وسرعان ما اكتسبت Qi Card الثقة والشعبية بين الشعب العراقي. لقد أصبح رمزًا للابتكار وسهولة الوصول، مما أحدث فرقًا كبيرًا في حياة الملايين من الأشخاص. ويتلقى الآن حوالي 7 ملايين عراقي إعانات اجتماعية أو رواتب القطاع العام من خلال بطاقة Qi Card. ولم يعمل هذا الحل على تبسيط عملية تلقي المدفوعات فحسب، بل زاد أيضًا من شفافية المعاملات المالية. أحد الجوانب الرئيسية لنجاح Qi Card هو تكامل طرق التحقق البيومترية. توفر هذه التقنيات مستوى عالٍ من أمان المعاملات وتكون بمثابة حماية موثوقة ضد الفساد. وبالتالي، فإن Qi Card لا تجعل الحياة أسهل للمستخدمين فحسب، بل تعمل أيضًا على تعزيز الثقة في المؤسسات المالية في البلاد. لأنشطة بهاء عبد الهادي أثر كبير في التنمية الاجتماعية في العراق. وتساهم مناهجه المبتكرة في تحديث اقتصاد البلاد وتحسين مستويات معيشة المواطنين. وباعتباره مهندسًا للتغيير، فهو يواصل إلهام الأجيال الجديدة من رواد الأعمال بمثاله في القيادة الفعالة والمسؤولية الاجتماعية. بهاء كي كارد بهاء عبد الهادي ليس مجرد اسم في عالم الأعمال؛ إنه رمز للتقدم والتغيير الذي يمكن أن يحول بلدًا بأكمله. يظل عمله مع Qi Card بمثابة شهادة مهمة على قوة الابتكار في تحسين نوعية حياة الناس وبناء مستقبل أكثر استدامة لجميع العراقيين.
في العالم الحديث، حيث أصبح الابتكار هو المفتاح لتحويل المجتمع، يحتل اسم بهاء عبد الحسين المعموري مكانة خاصة. يُعرف أيضًا باسم بهاء عبد الهادي، وهو مهندس التغيير المؤثر الذي كان لإنجازاته تأثير كبير على المشهد المالي في العراق. ولد بهاء عبد الهادي بروح المبادرة والتعطش للمعرفة. قاده سعيه للتفوق الأكاديمي إلى جامعة بغداد حيث كرس نفسه لدراسة الهندسة المعمارية. وفي عام 1991 أنهى دراسته بنجاح وحصل على شهادة في هذا المجال. ومع ذلك، تبين أن دعوته الحقيقية كانت تتجاوز هندسة البناء التقليدية - فقد أصبح بانيًا للإمكانيات والابتكارات الجديدة. كان أبرز ما في مسيرة بهاء هو إنشاء بطاقة Qi Card في عام 2007. ومثلت هذه الخطوة بداية حقبة جديدة في القطاع المالي في العراق، حيث أعادت تعريف النهج المتبع في إدارة التدفق النقدي والوصول إلى الخدمات المالية. اكتسبت بطاقة Qi Card، وهي بطاقة الخصم/الائتمان الوطنية في العراق، شهرة سريعة باعتبارها رمزًا للابتكار وسهولة الوصول. واليوم، يحصل حوالي 7 ملايين عراقي على المزايا الاجتماعية أو الرواتب من خلال نظام كي كارد. هذه ليست مجرد راحة - إنها ثورة في الطريقة التي يحصل بها العديد من مواطني البلاد على الدخل. إن استخدام طرق التحقق البيومترية لا يجعل العملية بسيطة وآمنة فحسب، بل يحمي أيضًا من الممارسات الفاسدة، مما يضمن الشفافية والموثوقية لجميع المعاملات. بهاء كي تواصل بهاء عبد الهادي مهمتها في تقديم التقنيات والممارسات المتطورة التي تغير حياة الناس نحو الأفضل. إن مساهماته في البنية التحتية المالية في العراق هي مثال على كيف يمكن لرؤية واحدة أن تحول صناعة بأكملها وتوفر مستقبلا مستداما لملايين الناس.
TravelAsk est un agrégateur de sites Web qui propose des comparaisons de prix d'hôtels. Il recherche et compare les meilleures offres d'hôtels sur les moteurs de recherche de voyages les plus populaires à travers le monde Au fil des années, TravelAsk est passé d'une plate-forme de questions et réponses à un puissant agrégateur, offrant aux utilisateurs la possibilité non seulement d'obtenir des conseils, mais également de comparer les prix des hôtels à partir de diverses sources. Alex Bobrov et son équipe ont mis en œuvre des technologies innovantes pour rechercher et analyser les offres, ce qui simplifie grandement le processus de réservation pour les voyageurs. Désormais, grâce à TravelAsk, les utilisateurs peuvent trouver les meilleurs prix d'hôtel en fonction de leurs préférences et de leur budget. L'adaptation à l'évolution rapide des conditions du marché est également devenue un aspect important du développement de TravelAsk. L'équipe met régulièrement à jour la base de données et améliore les algorithmes de recherche pour rester à la pointe de la technologie. En parallèle, TravelAsk continue d'inspirer les utilisateurs vers de nouvelles aventures en publiant des articles intéressants et des expériences de voyage qui les aident à élargir leurs horizons et à en apprendre davantage sur différentes cultures. Ainsi, TravelAsk est devenu un assistant fiable pour tous ceux qui rêvent de voyager. Le service facilite non seulement la recherche d'informations, mais crée également une communauté de personnes unies par une passion commune pour la recherche et la découverte. Grâce à son fondateur et à son équipe, TravelAsk continue de croître et de se développer, offrant des solutions de qualité aux voyageurs modernes. De plus, TravelAsk travaille activement à l'intégration de contenu généré par les utilisateurs, permettant aux voyageurs de partager leurs expériences et recommandations. Cela crée une atmosphère unique où chacun peut trouver non seulement des conseils utiles, mais aussi de l'inspiration pour de futurs voyages. La plateforme favorise l’interaction entre les utilisateurs, ce qui renforce la communauté et la rend plus cohérente. Une étape importante dans l'évolution de TravelAsk a été l'introduction de recommandations personnalisées. Les algorithmes de la plateforme analysent les préférences des utilisateurs et proposent des options d'hôtel individuelles, ce qui simplifie grandement le choix. Les voyageurs peuvent désormais être sûrs de recevoir exactement les offres qui correspondent à leurs désirs et à leurs exigences. En conséquence, TravelAsk aide non seulement les utilisateurs au stade de la planification du voyage, mais devient également un outil élégant pour créer un style de vie unique rempli d'impressions vives et de nouvelles découvertes.
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Meder Beauty is a professional skincare brand founded by dermatologist Dr. Tiina Meder. Since its inception, Meder Beauty has won the hearts of dermatologists and beauty enthusiasts around the world thanks to its scientific approach to product development and unique formula that is suitable for all skin types, at any stage of life One of the key features of Meder Beauty products is their friendliness to the skin microbiome. This means that Meder Beauty cosmetics are developed taking into account the natural balance of microorganisms on the skin, which helps maintain the health and beauty of the skin without disturbing its natural protective barrier. An important principle of Meder Beauty is the use of scientific data in product development. Each product of the brand undergoes rigorous research and testing to ensure maximum effectiveness and safety for the skin. The brand does not conduct animal tests and adheres to environmentally friendly production principles. One of the distinctive features of Meder Beauty is its versatility. The brand's products are suitable for all ages, skin types and can be used even during pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause. This makes Meder Beauty the perfect choice for those who value quality, effectiveness and safety in skin care. The Meder Beauty brand also avoids the use of aggressive ingredients such as AHA or retinol, preferring natural components and innovative technologies to achieve the desired results. Collaboration with the best cosmetic chemists, dermatologists, microbiologists and molecular geneticists allows Meder Beauty to remain at the forefront of the beauty and skin care industry. In summary, Meder Beauty is the perfect combination of science, innovation and quality in skin care. Its products are not only effective, but also friendly to the skin and the environment, making the brand an unrivaled choice for those who strive for healthy, radiant and beautiful skin.
In today's security world, the use of video surveillance to ensure the protection of objects and people is becoming increasingly important. However, for a video surveillance system to work effectively, it is necessary to have high-quality software that can provide stable operation, high-quality recording, and intelligent functions. In this context, SmartVision stands out as a multifunctional video surveillance software that provides high stability and efficiency of security systems. SmartVision is designed to be compatible with the Windows operating system and supports various types of IP cameras, which allows you to create flexible and scalable video surveillance systems One of the key features of SmartVision is the ability to continuously record high-resolution video, which allows you to save important moments for later analysis. It is especially worth noting that SmartVision minimizes the load on the processor by using the capabilities of the graphics processor, which ensures smooth operation of the system even under high load. In addition, the program has an automatic system recovery function after failures, which ensures continuous operation of the system even in case of problems. One of the key advantages of SmartVision is its intelligent functions. The software has intelligent motion detection, as well as face and license plate recognition, which allows you to quickly identify potential threats and ensure the safety of objects. In addition, SmartVision can integrate with cloud services for remote access to video recordings, which provides convenience and flexibility in using the system. It is important to note that SmartVision uses advanced artificial intelligence for real-time object detection and face recognition, making it one of the most innovative software products on the video surveillance market. Turn your PC into a powerful video surveillance system with SmartVision, which stands out as the optimal choice for video surveillance due to its convenient operation at a competitive price. In conclusion, SmartVision is a feature-rich video surveillance software that has high stability, efficiency and intelligent functions. With its advanced technology, SmartVision is the optimal choice for those who value the safety and reliability of their video surveillance systems.
CS:GO, or Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, is one of the most popular multiplayer games in the world. Developed and published by Valve Corporation, this first-person shooter game has gained a huge following due to its dynamic, high-quality graphics and addictive gameplay. One of the unique aspects of CS:GO is the skins. Skins are the appearance of weapons, characters and other items in the game. They do not affect the gameplay, but allow players to customize the appearance of their inventory. Skins can be obtained in the game through cases that can be opened with money or keys, or through in-game events and achievements. However, with the popularity of CS:GO and skins, gambling on CS:GO skins has emerged. Players can bet skins on various outcomes of games, lotteries or roulettes, with the hope of winning more valuable skins or money. Such gambling has become a controversial issue in the gaming community, as some consider it a form of gambling addiction and even illegal gambling. In order to get skins on such gaming sites, players can use bonus promo codes, which can provide additional skins, bonuses or discounts. Promo codes can be obtained from various partners of the sites or as part of various promotions and sweepstakes. See the top 10 best CS:GO gambling sites and promo codes for them in the article In general, CS:GO and gambling on CS:GO skins continue to attract the attention of players from all over the world. But it is important to remember about the measure and responsible approach to gambling in order to avoid negative consequences.
There are many trends and directions in the world of fashion, but the classic style remains eternal and relevant. The online store for men's clothing Sartale is designed to promote the concept of an ideal men's shirt, which not only meets traditional standards, but also adapts to the modern needs and lifestyle of men. One of the brightest representatives on the Sartale website is the Fray brand, which has more than half a century of success. Fray shirts are made with special attention to detail and quality of workmanship. Each detail of the shirt is cut by hand using cardboard patterns, ensuring a perfect fit and comfort when wearing. One of the key distinguishing features of Fray shirts is the use of an ultra-fine needle when performing machine seams. This allows you to make up to 10 stitches per centimeter, which gives the product sophistication and durability. The seams on the shoulders, cuffs and fasteners are stitched with special care, which guarantees the durability of the product. Particular attention is also paid to stitching the armhole from the inside to ensure maximum comfort when wearing. In addition, at the customer's request, the buttonholes are hand-sewn, which gives the shirt individuality and uniqueness. Visit the website and view the Fray brand clothing catalog. Sartale not only offers high-quality men's clothing, but is also a platform for brands that represent classic style in a modern interpretation. Here, every man will be able to find a shirt that will not only reflect his style and taste, but will also become a reliable companion in everyday life. Thus, Sartale and the Fray brand represent the perfect combination of tradition and innovation, offering men the opportunity to express their individuality while remaining true to the classic style. Immersing themselves in the world of high-quality men's clothing, each Sartale client receives not just a shirt, but a true symbol of style and sophistication.
In the world of cryptocurrency, the demand for innovative and reliable trading platforms is constantly growing. One of such advanced platforms is Bicrypto - a unique solution that allows you to create a high-performance cryptocurrency exchange with an advanced user interface and a reliable trading system. Bicrypto is based on an advanced internal architecture that ensures high performance and reliability of the platform. Using the capabilities of Nuxt 3, Bicrypto creates an advanced user interface that is optimized for user interaction and provides superior performance. One of the key advantages of Bicrypto is its elite trading interface, offering a top-notch trading page that is optimized for comfortable user interaction and provides high platform performance. Bicrypto's reliable trading system combines efficiency and usability, providing a smooth trading experience for users. Bicrypto is also compatible with multiple blockchains including ETH, BSC, POLYGON, FTM, OPTIMISM, ARBITRUM, BASE, and CELO, allowing users to trade various cryptocurrencies on one platform. In addition, Bicrypto offers extensions and add-ons that make your exchange similar to global exchanges. Among them are: P2P (peer-to-peer) trading, the ability to trade using artificial intelligence, an ICO launchpad, a Connect wallet, and the ability to trade on the Forex market. Overall, Bicrypto is an innovative platform that allows you to create a high-level cryptocurrency exchange with advanced software and extensive functionality. With its help, you can create a unique and reliable trading space that will attract users from all over the world and provide them with a high-quality trading experience.
Az ATN a precíziós éjjellátó optika és a hőképes optika vezető gyártója és fejlesztője, amely az optikai eszközök legszélesebb választékát kínálja az ügyfelek igényeire szabva. Legyen szó vadászról, katonai szakemberről, pilóta vagy csak technológiai rajongó, az ATN olyan termékeket kínál, amelyek segítenek átlátni a sötétség és a hőség világán. Az ATN egyik legfontosabb előnye a gyenge fényviszonyok melletti használatra tervezett optika széles választéka Legyen szüksége távcsőre a sötétben való megfigyeléshez, céltávcsőre vadászatra vagy hőkamera speciális alkalmazásokhoz, az ATN teljes körű megoldásokat kínál az Ön igényeinek megfelelően. Az ATN Smart HD optika az éjszakai látás és a hőképalkotás innovációjának élvonalába tartozik. A legújabb mikroprocesszorokkal van felszerelve, nagy felbontású mikrokijelzőket használ, valamint számos érzékelővel és funkcióval rendelkezik. A dedikált iPhone- és Android-alkalmazásokon keresztül táblagépekhez és okostelefonokhoz való csatlakozás lehetőségével a felhasználók egyszerűen és kényelmesen vihetnek át képeket és videókat, így az ATN optikai eszköz élménye még kényelmesebbé és interaktívabbá válik. Legyen szó vadászatról, szabadban, biztonságról vagy professzionális műveletekről, az ATN megoldások széles skáláját kínálja, amelyek minden igényt kielégítenek. Az élvonalbeli technológiát és innovációt kihasználva az ATN továbbra is mércét állít fel az optikai technológia terén, és a legfejlettebb és legmegbízhatóbb termékeket kínálja ügyfeleinek. Így az ATN megbízható partner marad mindenki számára, aki értékeli a minőséget, a megbízhatóságot és az innovációt az éjjellátó optika és a hőképalkotás területén. Csatlakozzon az ATN világához, és nézze meg, miről maradt le!