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  1. My country is not on the list.
  2. Some people with PayPal account had posted in some forums that they have issues as regards to their PayPal account. I am glad that I did not encounter any problem transferring to my local bank. I am a verified user and that could be one of them reasons on easy transfer.
  3. Thanks for sharing, so this is something that must be mastered before getting into the real action.
  4. How. much is the minimum amount one can borrow.. What is the collateral.
  5. I also check the payment platform Skrill and our currency is not listed.
  6. One common features of most credit cards companies is offerings a zero installment plans for their cardholders. They also offer flexible payment plans of paying a. minimum amount from the total outstanding account.
  7. As a newbie, I want to know how to start getting into forex venture. How much is the minimum amount to start?
  8. With the collapse of Silicone Valley bank and forecast that some banks will go bankrupt what would be in store for those traditional banks who depends on loans and savings business. What's the future of issuing bonds. Digital banks offer higher interest rates and offers banking convenience not offered by traditional banks.
  9. I prefer using a transport system where I can book my destination using App like grab. Another plus factor is it's a cash less transaction because the app is linked to an E wallet. Grab App also deals with food delivery, shopping among others.
  10. I still have limited access to forum because of my level status. I am still trying to figure out how to upgrade my level
  11. I am still at a loss how to transfer my BCH in one wallet to another wallet.
  12. Does it mean I cannot join this, or. may have limited access.
  13. Thanks for the info... I clicked on the link that you gave me and I am now registered there.
  14. Thanks for the link will check it out.
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