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How To Take Nature Science CBD Oil To Sleep (PT2) As part of our mission at Nature Science Group, we’d like to educate the crowd so that misleading information and thus fallacies about cannabis wouldn’t create further confusion and a barrier for potential customers in experiencing the positive effects of products extracted from this wonderful plant. EFFECTS OF CBD ON SLEEP In recent years, a door has been opened to the use of CBD to treat sleep problems. Several studies seem to indicate good results about the ability to relax and improve the quality of sleep that this substance offers. Project CBD, conducted several surveys (Cultivating Wellness) to understand the most typical uses of CBD and most people who use CBD use it to relieve pain, anxiety and improve the quality of their sleep. In the study, it was reflected how CBD helps both to fall asleep and to maintain sleep and reduces fatigue when waking up. Sleep is regulated by the endocannabinoid system (ECS) due to its homeostatic action on the circadian rhythm. This process includes: * Hormone production * Heart rate * Body metabolism * The sleep-wake cycle Each night, endocannabinoids activate the CB1 receptor of the ECS of the Central Nervous System (CNS) including zones dedicated to the regulation of sleep. This controls the release of neurotransmitters and reduces excess neuronal activity helping to manage pain, inflammation, anxiety, appetite and quality of sleep. Nature Science ANMA CBD OIL and Nature Science Absolute SBD OIL increases the activity of endocannabinoids where the CB1 receptor is, and it may play a fundamental role in regulating the sleep-wake cycle like many other processes mentioned above. CLINICAL CASES The effect of CBD on sleep is currently being investigated at various levels. An example described in the US National Library of Medicine reveals that the use of CBD during the first month of the study improved sleep parameters (66%) and reduced anxiety (79%). Anxiety levels, closely related to the quality of sleep, remained low in the long term. SCIENTIFIC STUDIES ON THE USE OF CBD FOR SLEEP A systematic review of various data sources such as PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase, CINAHL and PsycInfo databases indicates that despite insufficient evidence on the benefits of CBD in the treatment of sleep disorders, there appears to be promising preliminary evidence on the subject in question. The most characteristic examples that have been studied in practice are the following; circadian rhythm disturbance (hypersomnolence), insomnia related to anxiety and post-traumatic stress, restless legs syndrome, REM sleep behavior disorders and daytime sleepiness. CASES THAT CAN BE TREATED WITH NATURE SCIENCE CBD OIL ALTERATION OF THE CIRCADIAN RHYTHM CBD helps to regulate the wake-sleep cycle, frequently affected in cases of night work schedules, time imbalances due to travel ... Alterations in the circadian rhythm can manifest both as insomnia and hypersomnolence depending on the type of time alteration they present. In both cases, there is promising evidence that CBD may be beneficial. ANXIETY Likewise, it reduces anxiety that can end up manifesting as difficulty starting or maintaining sleep. In particular, it allows people suffering from anxiety to fall asleep more immediately and to avoid early awakening in depressive cases. According to Project CBD, in a study of 1,521 individuals, the time to sleep was reduced from 1 hour to 20 minutes and nighttime awakenings were reduced by a third with the use of CBD. Its possible benefits in cases of sleep disturbance due to post-traumatic stress are even being studied. ALTERATION OF REM PHASE In addition, it seems to act in the REM phase of rapid eye movements of sleep and normalize the latency of REM sleep, that is, the time it takes a patient between falling asleep and entering REM, usually about 90-120 minutes. Regulating the REM phase could help with nightmares, restless leg syndrome, or even REM sleep behavior disorder. DAYTIME SLEEP As if that were not enough, research also indicates that CBD may be beneficial for cases of daytime sleepiness. Affected patients suffer episodes of intense sleep during the day with the need to sleep and great difficulty in waking up. In this direction, it is beginning to study what kind of effects CBD produces in sleep disorders related to breathing. To be continued in part 3 We’re here and working on bringing you closer to this world, step by step. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook, so that you’ll never miss any of our insightful articles that help you decide which Nature Science products are the best fit for you! More information: Website: Email: WhatsApp: +41 78 744 95 88 Tel: +34 694 45 89 18 Facebook: Nature Science Group Instagram: naturesciencegroup
-[/img] As part of our mission at Nature Science Group, we’d like to educate the crowd so that misleading information and thus fallacies about cannabis wouldn’t create further confusion and a barrier for potential customers in experiencing the positive effects of products extracted from this wonderful plant. Say Hello to Nature Science CBD for Menstrual Cramps Ladies, gone are the days of your period and menstruation cycle controlling you! Save yourself from the monthly headache by incorporating Nature Science CBD into your everyday routine. Your body and mind will thank you for it. Should I take CBD oil for period cramps? How do CBD and ibuprofen compare? How can I get the best benefits from CBD oil for my period? It’s that time of the month again — time to call in sick, cancel plans, curl up in bed with a hot water bottle, and try to distract yourself with a non-stop stream of movies and TV. If this sounds like your monthly ritual, you are not alone. Up to 90% of reproductive-age women suffer from painful periods — the medical term for it is “dysmenorrhea” — and it can completely derail your daily life. In case you aren’t familiar, CBD (also known as Cannabidiol) is a natural compound found in cannabis. Unlike it’s psychoactive sibling THC, CBD won’t make you high. Instead, CBD not only combats the psychoactive effects of THC, but also provides menstrual pain relief, reduces inflammation and beyond. Now back to CBD and PMS. If you’re looking for a natural remedy to alleviate your cramp and PMS symptoms, CBD is your answer. In addition to a myriad of other health benefits like improving your sleep or enhancing your sex life, CBD will help you say sayonara to PMS. 1. Reduce breast and lower abdomen tenderness: CBD is the ultimate natural cure for healing inflamed areas like breasts, stomach and low back. It regulates the vanilloid receptor –– that moderates period pain perception. So massage Nature Science Anma Dol Pain Relief CBD Cream in the affected areas to find some much-needed period pain relief from menstrual discomfort and irritation. 2. Manage stress and anxiety: CBD helps the body manage and deal with stress. With its anti-anxiety properties, CBD not only inhibits the release of the stress hormone, Cortisol, but also slows the breakdown of endocannabinoid, Anandamide (more commonly known as the “bliss molecule”). Consequently, you will find yourself unbothered by even the most the painful and annoying PMS symptoms. 3. Prevent mood swings: Hormonal imbalance is very common during PMS and unfortunately, plays a large role in causing mood swings. CBD can help you recalibrate your emotional responses; CBD interacts with our body’s Endocannabinoid system (a network of cell receptors throughout the body that cannabinoids like CBD activate). Full Spectrum and Broad Spectrum Nature Science Absolute Premium CBD Oils will help your organism to run smoothly so that your period has less of an effect on your hormones. 4. Fight Inflammation Cannabinoids are known for their anti-inflammatory properties, so it’s no surprise that they are able to relieve severe menstrual cramps and inflammation during your time of the month. 5. Relieve cramping and bloating: By improving digestive functions and reducing inflammation and nausea throughout your body, CBD can help attenuate menstrual cramping and bloating. Better yet, you can proactively prevent these symptoms by taking, Nature Science CBD Oils a few days before you start a painful period cycle.[/img] How Does Nature Science CBD Helps? More and more women are reporting that CBD and THC products are the best tools they have for treating painful periods. But how do they stack up when compared to NSAIDs like Ibuprofen? Quite well, it turns out, but it’s worth a deeper look at why they work — exactly how cannabinoids’ anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, muscle-relaxing effects interact with your period. This touches on the actual causes of pain & discomfort during your period, and how additional natural remedies can help combat these symptoms. Your Uterus: Prepping for a Visit In people who have periods, the uterus diligently prepares itself all month. First, your body’s increasing estrogen told your uterus to build up its endometrial tissue. Then, after you ovulated, and the boost of progesterone helped plump up that tissue with arteries and blood — prepping to give a warm welcome to an incoming embryo … or in this case to prepare for menstruation. Goodbye, Progesterone Once your body discovers it won’t be hosting a guest, your progesterone levels decline — telling your uterus to roll up the welcome mat. Your body takes back what it can from the endometrium, shrinking the tissue and cutting off blood flow to its spiral-shaped arteries. Without a proper blood supply, your endometrial tissue prepares to shed, and you likely begin experiencing pangs of pain. Without progesterone, the endometrium loses its protection – creating a domino effect, and the perfect conditions for inflammation. Prostaglandins: Inflaming the Uterus While your progesterone was declining, inflammatory chemicals called prostaglandins were increasing. Prostaglandins (particularly one called PGF2⍺) peak during menstruation, creating the following effects: Inflammation: certain prostaglandins trigger an inflammatory response, which leads to more pain. Pain sensitization: prostaglandins and other inflammatory compounds can actually prime pain-perceiving nerves to become more sensitive. Vasoconstriction: the prostaglandins rampant during menstruation cause blood vessels to constrict, inhibiting blood flow to the endometrial tissue. Uterine contractions: People with higher prostaglandin levels have stronger, more painful contractions and doctors are finally acknowledging that this pain can be as intense as heart attack pain. Heavy bleeding: Unusually heavy periods could result from excessive inflammation, which increases tissue damage. People with heavy bleeding have higher levels of the enzyme the produces prostaglandins (COX-2), and medications to combat this process can decrease menstruation. Diarrhea: In addition to uterus contractions, prostaglandins also trigger smooth muscle contractions in the digestive tract — which might push your last few meals out a bit too soon. (Note: some people claim that having sex helps to jump-start their periods — scientists believe that the prostaglandins in semen could contribute to this effect.) We’re not trying to say that prostaglandins are all bad. They're essential for a healthy, functioning menstrual cycle. However, numerous studies indicate that women with higher levels of prostaglandins also have more painful or heavier periods — and treatments that lower prostaglandin levels can be highly effective. NSAIDs Work, Sort Of When their periods kick in, most women reach for an Ibuprofen or similar NSAID (Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug). Why are NSAIDs the most frequently-prescribed treatment for menstrual pain? NSAIDs work by inhibiting the enzyme responsible for producing prostaglandins (COX-2). This means that NSAIDs could potentially decrease all the symptoms aggravated by prostaglandins — including inflammation, contractions and pain. Unfortunately, NSAIDs can also have unpleasant gastrointestinal side effects, because they inhibit another enzyme (COX-1). For this reason, NSAIDs should be used with moderation, and people with certain digestive issues might want to avoid them entirely. Nature Science CBD Oil: a Better Alternative? Recently, scientists discovered that — similar to NSAIDs — CBD also inhibits the prostaglandin-producing enzyme. However — unlike NSAIDs — CBD preferentially inhibits COX-2 over COX-1, which means its anti-inflammatory benefits come without the gastrointestinal side effects. Added bonus: Not only does CBD inhibit the COX-2 enzyme, but both CBD and THC physically stop your DNA from producing so much of this enzyme in the first place (via the PPARγ receptor). Additional Cannabinoid Benefits By decreasing prostaglandin levels during your period, you can reduce inflammation, pain and cramps. However, you cannot entirely eliminate prostaglandins. This means that you could benefit from combining a prostaglandin-reducing treatment with other treatments that target the discomforts caused by prostaglandins. CBD and other cannabinoids can also treat painful menstrual cramps in the following ways: Anti-inflammatory: Cannabinoids have many anti-inflammatory activities beyond reducing production of inflammatory prostaglandins. For instance, THC activates endocannabinoid receptors (CB2) located on your immune system’s killer cells (macrophages). When these receptors are activated, they prevent macrophages from releasing inflammatory proteins (cytokines). Pain-relieving: Although prostaglandins and other inflammatory molecules can make pain-perceiving nerves more sensitive, cannabinoids fight back by desensitizing these nerves. Both CBD and THC target nerve receptors that help decrease the sensation of pain (TRPV1 and CB1, respectively). Additionally, not only does CBD desensitize TRPV1, but those soothing effects can spread to neighboring pain receptors. Muscle-relaxing: Menstrual cramps are exacerbated by contractions of the smooth muscle lining the uterus — and cannabinoids are widely recognized to relax smooth muscles. THC and CBD both target different receptors embedded in the muscle tissue to relax contractions. Vascular-relaxing: Blood vessels are also lined with smooth muscle, and when cannabinoids trigger this smooth muscle to relax, blood flow increases. Increased blood flow could help provide relief to oxygen-starved tissues, further decreasing painful cramps. Finding Relief With Nature Science CBD Products Many women are shocked and surprised to experience how effective cannabinoids are at relieving menstrual cramps (especially cannabinoid suppositories). But the science is pretty clear about why: CBD targets the cause — inflammatory prostaglandins — while also relieving the symptoms (especially with help from a little THC). Perhaps this is why women and people who bleed have been using cannabis to treat period pain for millennia. Though there are increasing numbers of doctors and scientists who know why cannabinoids work to relieve menstrual cramps, many more of them are only just beginning to hear from their female patients about how well cannabinoids work for their periods. We’re here and working on bringing you closer to this world, step by step. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook, so that you’ll never miss any of our insightful articles that will help you decide which Nature Science products are the best fit for you! More information: Website: Email: WhatsApp: +41 78 744 95 88 Tel: +34 694 45 89 18 Facebook: Nature Science Group Instagram: naturesciencegroup
Nature science CBD Research:4 Ways To Get Rid of Red Eye From Consuming Cannabis As part of our mission at Nature Science, we’d like to educate the crowd so that misleading information and thus fallacies about cannabis wouldn’t create further confusion and a barrier for potential customers in experiencing the positive effects of products extracted from this wonderful plant. A bloodshot, red eye is the classic giveaway that someone has consumed cannabis with a high amount of THC. For some people, the eyes turn red immediately after consuming, and for regular seasoned cannabis users, red eyes depend on the quality or quantity of the cannabis consumed. Why Do The Eyes Turn Red After Consuming Cannabis? The primary cause of high eyes after consuming cannabis also happens to be the same reason that cannabis is an excellent treatment for glaucoma. THC lowers blood pressure, which in turn causes blood vessels and capillaries to dilate. When the ocular capillaries dilate, it increases the flow of blood to the eyes and reduces intraocular pressure. Increased blood flow to the eyes causes redness. A decrease in pressure is the exact effect that benefits glaucoma patients. Red eyes can also occur even with consuming cannabis edibles as well. This is because it’s not the smoke that makes your eyes red, but the cannabinoids. How to Get Rid of High Eyes From Cannabis Having red eyes from cannabis is harmless, however, for some of those who don’t want to have red eyes, there are a few simple steps one can take to minimize or reduce the redness. -Carry eye drops: there are many brands of eye drops available specifically formulated to reduce redness in the eyes. -Drink Water: Increasing fluid intake may help alleviate dryness. -Wait it out: Ultimately, red eyes are not harmful and come with no negative outcomes. -Wear Sunglasses: You can either lie about having allergies or you can throw on some sunglasses and just play it cool. If you’re outside and it’s a sunny day, you’ll have a perfect excuse. The next time you notice yourself with red eyes after a consuming THC, just remember that a little extra blood flow is nothing to be concerned about. How To Avoid Bloodshot Eyes If you want to avoid getting red eyes completely, consider consuming High CBD Strains. Strains high in CBD, CBN, and CBG are the alternative for those looking to lessen red eyes when consuming cannabis products. Nature Science CBD OIL can help If you’re looking buy a CBD product that WON’T get you high, check out the ANMA™ HEMP SEEDS OIL. We’re here and working on bringing you closer to this world, step by step. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook, so that you’ll never miss any of our insightful articles that help you decide which Nature Science products are the best fit for you! More information: Website: Email: WhatsApp: +41 78 744 95 88 Tel: +34 694 45 89 18 Facebook: Nature Science Group Instagram: naturesciencegroup