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Everything posted by Vaabum

  1. It seems to me that this may allow you to partially protect yourself, but you shouldn’t really hope for it.
  2. I don't see this as an achievement. More correctly - to pay attention to stability.
  3. I think not really. In my opinion, with the right approach, the result can be quite good.
  4. The most correct moment is when a person himself wants it and, most importantly, he is ready for it.
  5. Scalping is a pretty interesting strategy to work with. But it is important to understand that not all companies approve of such a strategy.
  6. First of all, you need to try your abilities on a demo account. When I started working with a broker from ExpertOption, I did exactly that and I think my choice was right.
  7. In order to adequately behave in case of losses, you need to understand how to deal with it correctly.
  8. This is a really good option. At least with the right approach, the result can be quite interesting and profitable.
  9. The best option for learning is when the trader wants to. I think this option is the best.
  10. Forex for work is a rather interesting option. At least, this option seemed interesting enough to me.
  11. Guys, there are quite a lot of trainings and lessons on these aspects, thanks to which you can get results.
  12. So far, the best broker for work can be considered the broker that is the most reliable and profitable for work. I think this is the most correct option.
  13. So far, I consider the broker from ExpertOption to be the best. I think it's pretty good for the job.
  14. Forex is a rather difficult option that has enough risks. It is important to understand and be able to assess these risks.
  15. It is important to understand that sometimes this can be an unjustified risk. Without this, the result will be difficult to obtain.
  16. Thanks for the reviews. For beginners, and for more experienced traders, this information can be quite useful.
  17. So far, I consider a broker from the ExpertOption company to be an excellent option for work. I find this option quite interesting.
  18. I think that the answer is unequivocal - this can only be done through training and working with a broker. This will definitely lead to success.
  19. The broker has a lot of pairs. The question is different - the trader's ability to work with certain pairs.
  20. This is definitely an advantage for the trader. I think that this option will really allow the trader to earn more.
  21. There can be quite a few strategies. More importantly, use these strategies at the right time in the market.
  22. When choosing a broker for work, you need to pay attention to many aspects of work. For me, an important aspect was the reliability of work, and for this reason I chose a broker from ExpertOption.
  23. For traders, there are really many important aspects that you should pay attention to. The main thing is that traders do not forget this.
  24. Both options can be quite interesting. In my opinion, the main thing is to have knowledge in a particular industry.
  25. Scalping is a rather difficult option, and besides, many companies are not particularly positive about it.
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