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Everything posted by Vaabum

  1. Trading small lots makes sense if the trader does not have enough experience. I think this is optimal.
  2. The question of experience and knowledge in trading is extremely critical. When I started working with a broker from ExpertOption, I paid quite a lot of attention to this.
  3. It's a pretty interesting strategy to work with. The main thing to remember is that not all companies approve of such a strategy.
  4. This rule works just everywhere and always. When I started working with a broker from ExpertOption, I devoted a lot of time to gaining enough experience.
  5. It should be understood that sometimes the exchange rate may not even be as favorable as we would like to see. The reason is quite simple - commissions.
  6. A trader really needs to be careful and control his expectations from work.
  7. I think that forex is a really good option for work. At least, I quite like this option of earning.
  8. Not easy. Do not think that it is easy and allow you to earn without problems.
  9. In any case, I advise you to start learning with a demo account first. This aspect is extremely important.
  10. A trader must always be confident in himself. This aspect is very important and clearly requires attention. I advise you to pay maximum attention to this.
  11. Low spread is a very important aspect when choosing a broker. I think it's really important to pay attention to this.
  12. Trading practice is an extremely important stage. I advise you to pay maximum attention to this, because this aspect is extremely important for work and really requires attention.
  13. It should be understood that a demo account is a very convenient and important stage of a trader's work. When I worked on a demo account of the ExpertOption broker, I worked on such an account for quite a long time.
  14. I really like it when they make sensible reviews of the market. Now this is quite useful.
  15. Achieving success in trading is an extremely difficult task. It really takes experience and knowledge. When I started working with the ExpertOption broker, I devoted a lot of time to this.
  16. It should be understood that security for a trader is an extremely important aspect. This should be given enough attention.
  17. In general, I try to choose smart couples to work with even before I start working and investing money. This is pretty important.
  18. Do not forget that this is not the best option for work, and many companies are against such a strategy. I prefer to use a broker from ExpertOption.
  19. Forex is truly a global market to work in. I think for many this is a real opportunity for work.
  20. The biggest difference is in the details. It's more of a convenience.
  21. It should be understood that experience is a rather important aspect for work. This should be given enough attention.
  22. This is really extremely important. I think that this should be approached responsibly enough to get a positive result. I tried to work with different companies, and as a result I chose a broker from the ExpertOption company.
  23. It should be understood that the ability to work with such technology requires at least experience.
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