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Everything posted by Vaabum

  1. It should be understood that forex itself is an extremely difficult industry, and it definitely requires an understanding of the essence of the work.
  2. For work, this is a pretty good account, but it also requires experience and knowledge.
  3. I use different approaches to work, because the market requires it. I test them on the demo account of the ExpertOption broker, this option seems to me the most accessible.
  4. Now we often have to observe that local currencies very often change their course.
  5. Luck is certainly good, but I would advise relying on knowledge and experience. When I started working with a broker from ExpertOption, I paid maximum attention to this.
  6. There is only one way to achieve results - to have enough experience. I think this plays the most important role.
  7. Most often I choose depending on the market situation. For me, this is really important and plays the most important role.
  8. And how do you imagine a permanent course? I think this is already something from the world of fantasy than from the real one.
  9. Essentially, you are right. I think that in many ways it is.
  10. I think this is really correct. The more experience a trader has with different brokers, the easier it is for him to achieve a positive result.
  11. Again, everyone makes a choice for himself, but forex is a really good option for work, which may well allow you to get a positive result.
  12. I work with a broker from ExpertOption, and I really like this broker. As for me, now for work this is one of the best options.
  13. Before I started working with a broker from ExpertOption, I worked on a demo account of this company for several months. This option seemed to me the most convenient.
  14. In fact, the risk is about the same. I think in both markets an experienced trader will be able to get the desired result.
  15. If I'm not mistaken, there is a special collection of certain trading concepts, I advise you to read it.
  16. Trading in general is a rather difficult task to work with. This really requires training and preparation.
  17. Forex is now really the option for work that can bring good results.
  18. It is important to understand that the ability to respond correctly to everything correctly is an extremely important task for a trader.
  19. I have been using the demo account of the broker ExpertOption for several months. It seems to me that this is the optimal period of work on a demo account.
  20. It is extremely important to be able to use your experience in your work. I think that this will bring the necessary and desired result.
  21. For a trader, such knowledge is definitely a noticeable plus. I have worked with different brokers, but so far I consider the broker from ExpertOption to be the best option. I really think this is the best option.
  22. There will be risk anyway. In general, it is strange to think that this can be a non-risk option for work.
  23. I think that it all depends on the strategy of the trader. Accordingly, the result will depend on this.
  24. Emotions for a trader is an extremely important and complex aspect. You need to understand that this really requires attention and understanding.
  25. If someone is looking for a good broker to work with, I can highly recommend a broker from ExpertOption. This seems like a very good option to me right now.
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