Yes, that's true. The increased regulatory scrutiny and scrutiny of cryptocurrencies has led to stricter verification processes for clients on exchanges, making it more difficult for traders to use these platforms. Additionally, the rise of new cryptocurrencies and the emergence of clones or frauds can be confusing and make it difficult for traders to navigate the market.
However, it's important to keep in mind that these challenges are part of the maturing process of the crypto industry. The increased regulations and security measures are designed to protect investors and prevent fraudulent activities, which can benefit the overall health of the market in the long run.
Traders who are serious about the crypto market should be prepared to invest time and resources into understanding the market and the various factors that influence it. This includes staying up-to-date on regulatory developments, researching different cryptocurrencies and exchanges, and having a clear investment strategy. With the right preparation and knowledge, it's still possible to be a successful crypto trader despite these challenges.