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Everything posted by hyipcare_global

  1. Withdraw 22.10.2019
  2. Withdraw 21.10.2019
  3. Withdraw 18.10.2019
  4. Withdraw 17.10.2019
  5. Withdraw 15.10.2019
  6. Withdraw 14.10.2019
  7. Withdraw 11.10.2019
  8. WithWithdraw 10.10.2019
  9. Withdraw 09.10.2019
  10. Withdraw 08.10.2019
  11. Unitrade providing a common program for trading on the exchange of classical and electronic money. Practical experience in the field of trading in 2003, an experience and knowledge of the giant, together create the opportunity to provide a completely unique program for income, is unparalleled. From traders and professional analysts to the robot. I. BACKGROUND: - Start: 09/28/2019 - Accept payments via: PM, PAYEER, Bitcoin, ETH, LTC, VISA, MASTER - Security: CloudFlare Inc. ECC CA-2 - Minimum Investment: $ 10. - Interest paid: 5 days / week (Mon - Fri) - Payment: Manual - RC: 5 level - Program RCB: 50% (hyipcare.global) II. INTEREST PACKAGES: Currently Unitrade Enterprises have 04 packages designed for interest rate and term interest rates in a reasonable manner. This is worth Site Long Term Investment III. Affiliate IV. My Deposit: CHECK & JOIN WITH ME REVIEW
  12. Findax Capital - Long-term investment platform based on high-tech specialist to implement business strategies. Fields of activity of Findax mainly deals in the stock market, Forex & Cryptocurency. Beautifully designed website with unique, EV SSL security certificates from GoGetSSL. I. BACKGROUND: - Start: 01/10/2019 - Accept payments via: PM, PAYEER, Bitcoin, ETH, LTC - Security: EV SSL valid from 23 Sep, 2019 to 23 Sep, 2020 - GoGetSSL - Minimum Investment: $ 50. - Interest paid: 5 days / week (Mon - Fri) - Payment: Manual - RC: 5% - 2% - 1%. - Program RCB: 50% (hyipcare.global). II. PLAN INVEST Findax Trade Plan: 0.8% - 2% daily for 20 - 100 Business days (deposit return) Findax Pro Trade Plan: 2.5% - 3% daily for 80 - 100 Business days (deposit included) Findax Shares Plan: 0.5% - 0.65% daily forever III. Affiliate IV. My Deposit: CHECK & JOINT WITH ME REVIEW
  13. Withdraw 04.10.2019
  14. Withdraw 03.10.2019
  15. Withdraw 02.10.2019
  16. Withdraw 01.10.2019
  17. Very Fast Paying..........
  18. Bonus week in ArBinance! Deposit now and get 5% extra to your assets. Offer is valid only 7 days. JOIN WITH ME LINK REVIEW ✅ It can x2 your account if you work hard
  19. Exnglory.com is a trading company in Australia has been on the market since 2015, relating to transactions on the Stock Exchange in the world and has all the permits and paperwork necessary to run this business. EX & Glory is a company that provides its services all over the world Ex & Glory dominant business activity of their own using the most advanced technology in artificial intelligence, new results most of the marketing techniques and online financial management as well as the stock exchanges and electronic cash assets. BACKGROUND: - Start: 09/25/2019 - Accept payments via: PM, PAYEER, Bitcoin, ETH - Security: Wildcard valid from 03 EssentialSSL Sep, 2019 to 03 Sep, 2021 - Sectigo Limited - Minimum Investment: $ 100. - Interest paid: 5 days / week ( Mon - Fri) - Payment: Manual - Program RCB: 50% (HYIPCARE.GLOBAL) Affiliate: 1st line – 7 %, 6th line – 1 %, 2nd line – 5 %, 7th line – 1 %, 3rd line – 3 %, 8th line – 0.5 %, 4th line – 2 %, 9th line – 0.5 %, 5th line – 1 %, 10th line – 0.5 %. INTEREST PACKAGES: Trading Plan: 1% - 2.2% per day for 18 Business Days (Princial reback) Busines Plan: 1.2% - 2.4% per day for 180 Business Days BTC Plan: 2.2% - 3.2% per day for 360 Business Days Capital Plan: 2% - 3% per day for 100 Business Days My Deposit: CHECK & JOINT WITH ME REVIEW
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