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Everything posted by antthenait

  1. The design quality of the program is quite good for us. We can see their secured server with godaddy - but expect some more security like ssl with site lock. We can see that currently they accept the secure payment processor like LR and very soon they can take AP and STP. But I do not believe their program because their money is from untrusted sources. As they use betting for give us profit so it can be risky for us.
  2. I think you might be a newcomer so you need to know about their procedure from the Forex or exchange of different currency. First of all you have to buy some units of currency by spend your money. (After follow graph of any upward currency) Then you have to find any broker who can give another currency with some benefit for your existing currency units. This way you can make profit.
  3. This question is simple funny and illegal. Because no one can take any online account. If you want sale your account and some how the authority will come to know that they already sold your account then they should terminate your account. After that you should find dispute from your AP or PP for refund the buyer's payment.
  4. If you already seen same thread then please try to show that link. Now I want to share my opinion for this thread. They told here that we need some guide for take decision. So we have to use technical analysis, future prediction from their previous track record. Overall status is we have to share some requirement before join any forex agency. Else we may suffer with lac of experience.
  5. This is the real fact of keep some secret or any privacy. Because no one share their business strategy and if any broker's rate is down then they also try to sale their units of currency. So we need to take information from external resources. After that we can take decision about their future status.
  6. I think we already discussed about the same topic in other thread. But I would like to say you about another matter. If you use some ratio of 1 :100 , then it can be stable but if you took some high ratio of 1: 500 or more - then you have to take higher risk or getting deduction. If our rate will drops down then it can be reduce as reduction.
  7. As we know that each and every business has chance of get loss or gain a huge. So we have to absorb any risk factor. It's true that if any member doesn't follow current market rate and invest too much amount then there will be a chance of getting 100% loss - most of the time did this due to involve of newcomers. So study first about the current rating and predict the future - after that you can make profit.
  8. As we know that demo account is made for give us proper training. So this procedure should be use by any newcomer or sometimes for brush up our knowledge. So we need to depend upon their robot work. If we calculate their robotics work then we lose it's interest. But there are big difference between real account or any virtual demo account.
  9. According to me forex is the only way where you can make double money within a very tiny time. Because it depends on special time or any emergency. But this $1000 of daily earn can be possible if you have big investment amount. Because in natural exchange rate of foreign currency is very low - just below 1. So we have to use huge money here.
  10. According to me you need to use that program because they have free trial account for make a smart training. We can use their auto bot system and take experience from them. Also some friends told me once that this site can be legit and it has genuine exchangers.
  11. Yes, it is true that some broker give some little money for start our trading. But we have to remember that they just give this amount for such promotion. so need to utilize that bonus after follow their ToS. Because if we do not follow their rule then that bonus will become virtual. Most of the time we can use that bonus for make trade but only our profit amount will be withdrawn.
  12. Only you can take Fxopen, because this site can be reliable for you. But you have to remember that each and every forex broker has some special feature. So if your requirement is suite to some agency then you can take that. But you have to some popular forex company for get better profit as they have many active exchanger.
  13. You are right that bot treading is set for some practice and basically managed by some newcomers. Bot trading can be set by some previous track record and running through by an average market ratio. Where in manual treading it should be managed by all real time traders. So we need to take perfect decision.
  14. This is simple good of study about any foreign exchange. Because if you gain better knoledge of currency rate and some previous track record then you can use proper process for make your currency exchange. Long term process needs some extra afford because their you can get slow profit and your stability will be safe and long. So need some experience.
  15. You are right that people should need to follow our market. Because there are lots of illegal, fake and scammer broker are available. They just made some manual chart of their current currency exchange rate. So newcomers should need to discuss with some senior members and follow any brokers real track record like screen shot. Then can move into that program. So never try to show their greed.
  16. It's 100% true that newcomer should want to make big profit with a short time. So usually they just made bid invest and lose all by take useless items. Actually they never have experience of any market so they always unable to predict any market. So they need to use some lower value and after get profit they can move.
  17. Everyone knows that there are no emotion factor in any business. In every business people are staying for make better money. They just do any procedure and follow any trick for increase their profit level. So if you think about some emotional items in such forex treading - like your money is in hold or some uncertain comeback of it. It can give harm of your business mind. Business mean 100% loss or 100% profit. Just need to utilize your exact time.
  18. Yes, you are 100% right because forex is the perfect way to gain better money within a short period. People who can grab their nature and catch each and every offer from any legit broker should be the real winner. But it is risky in online forex in some unknown program. Because lots of people already lost too many money from them. Only legit and popular program should be the best.
  19. Though everyone knows that forex has little profit margin so we have to roll big amount for get better profit. I think we need to invest over $1000 for stay some period even in very difficult and hard time. So we have some time for judge them and looking for some great exchanging offer. We need to remember that best offer can make in sch certain time or any sort time.
  20. My forex trading experience is low but I can assign any market due to proper identification. We have to look at their current status and some previous track record. After that we have to calculate their moving ratio. If we can able to grab their trick then we should be the gainer.
  21. Though both are almost same but from my point of view online mentor is the best for assign any good prediction. If we use live support then we can get their exact position. But if we use their online mentor then they just share some previous track record with supportive documents. So we can take easy design.
  22. Though we know that demo account is the best for learn ant forex treading. But we have to remember that all broker won't support demo account. Because they never want to show their internal market status among all free user. But we can use this feature in some popular forex broker agency site or big broker site.
  23. Everyone wants to play a safe game. so they have to follow some marginal ratio of any signal indicator. If anyone will see that such item has big profit but their previous track record is now and then drop down. Then we need to use SL. So we do not need to predict any position or status.
  24. Though scalping is the best way to make better profit from any foreign exchange. But still now some broker won't support this scalping. I hope that very soon each and everyone should accept this. This procedure can make some changes like little improvement. But it can not make some big changes.
  25. This is the procedure of pass through any border line. As we know that we have to pass from a broker's agency. So they may take some charges as position support. As short term treader should use this slot for trade within a short time. So if you block that position over a night or some long time then they should take that charges. But you need to make sure about your exact operation as charges are depending upon our total operation.
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