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  1. I always set a stop loss. We all know how it can come in handy handy. For every broker I choose i must set a stop loss. In all my time in forex I have realised how quickly emptions can take over us and I was not gping to let that happen to me. This is a common problem for all of the ewbies. Emotions can kick in at any time. The newbies get into forex with high expectations of making alot of money. When they begin trading and their trades work out then they feel the need to trade more and more. This is the desire for money and it leads to lots of losses. There is a saying about those who want everything gettong nothing. When you set a stop loss you limit the amount of money that you risk in trades through your broker. A good broker should therefore remind you to set a stopp loss. Any broker that does not tell you abou that is not worth it. It may not seem relevant for some newbies to set a stop loss but they have to know that is is a very important thing to do in trades.
  2. Now this is some useful information. Writting essays can be so hard at times. Some of the courses we choose are so difficult than we expect. We barely have time to do our own personal things. I had been using some freelancer platforms to get people to write my essays and they did quite well only that some of them were not good at it.
  3. I may need some SEO soon and I am clearly waiting for some references from them absolutely and possibly anyway. We do make it clear very very. I have a budget of like $500 per month for my own needs and may use you later.
  4. My favorite website at the moment is lowyat. It is a very good place to be in the know of what is happening in the world. It has so much to offer thant you do not even need to read the news. I am not saying that it is news but it is nformative. In the website is also a forum with very many topics of discussion.
  5. They really do have weekly payments for everything they have, but it would be super cool if they somehow post something like their minimum requirements for such things out there totally and completely, I do hope it will work out lately...
  6. For example for that task you can use something like for example service wordcounter.net I do hope you really can use it, it's free and should be avaliable for such tasks for any person who may need it, I use it for my SEO content each day.
  7. For those who still dont underatnd this principle. you cannot trade without losses. There is no other way around it. There will always be risks in forex trading and we all hvae to underatand that. No matter the strategies you take, proper planning or caution you take. things will always go wrong at some point. Sometrades will work against you. It is for that reason that most people recommend that we trade with less risks. Whan trading with less risks and the trades work for or against you, you learn and acquire experience. You learn from your mistakes and you gain experience. It is from these loses that you become a better trader. After you get the hang of it you will become a skilled trader and be able to trade with less losses. You cant trade without having some losses along the way.
  8. Curent super puper weapon is something like for example keyword revealer anyway for many possible reasons out there, and you should sign up for their paid version anyway for many possible reasons entirely and clearly.
  9. It is possible to earn profit in forex.. It just takes some time to pull through. Only those that are really serious about forex will make it in forex. This I have learnt in my long time in forex. I know that the newbies usually come in with very positive thhoughts of how thay are going to earn a lot of money from forex trading. When you see the ads about forex especially the video ads. The person in the ad tellls you that they are going to show you how to make money in jut thirty seconds. The pearson then does his stuff and he gains profit.. Then they recommend you to join forex trading by downloading some app from playstore. Some nsuspeting victims think that it is the way that forex works. Sometimes people take years to earn in forex unlike the thirty seconds in the ad. The person in the ad is potraying an experienced forex trader and that is the only way they can earn in thirty seconds. You have to learn and practice over and over againninn your demo account. Do your research and make sure you are always in the know of the market state. That is the only way that you will be able to earn profit. It is possible but you just have to sacrifice your time.
  10. Thanks for those, I was never knew I am able to get them in reality past many matters out there, hopefully everything will be fixed over time and we can go out later in life with some more than that absolutely and possibly;) Till that moment I have used like 5 of them.
  11. Latest SEO tricks would be probably by making backlinks on a lot of artifically created forum or some other community accounts and it will give you crowdsourcing technique which will help you later in your life entirely and absolutely. Thanks for that!
  12. That really helps in all SEO marks and remarks entirely and we can probably help with such matters for all meanings of them but you need to know how much it could be there.... it's not main factor still no matter what other people say to you about it.
  13. For sure you do not need to overspam all your keywords anyway but you also need to understand that something will really be done in comparison to that common things entirely. But some inclusion to max level really needed for sure.
  14. It's calculated based on Alexa.com toolbar installed or so, it's also global or region based. The lower the number the more traffic you are getting with it honestly. That's how it works in reality, but it's really old school and not informative.
  15. Trully sad to see something like that on close to internet marketing forum. To those who are interested - no that is not SEO, not good one at least. SEO is mostly not even needed sometimes, create good site and start promoting it in decent way like building backlinks with some solid sources, press-releases, social marketing, e-mail outreach and so on. Don't repeat stuff above. It do not work and never were.
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