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Beginner FX

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Everything posted by Beginner FX

  1. Displayed Username : Beginner FX Amount To Request (DMT points) : 100 Payment option: PM Perfect Money ID : U15058327
  2. Candlesticks, some say this is the easiest to learn. but for me to see it already made nausea hahaha
  3. I use both. I think that without fundamental and technical things there is something lacking in seeing the trend going forward (which is certainly a profitable trend)
  4. I think many know the code MT4 but .... it was so private secret *justkidding
  5. there seems to be no alternative to meta trader, right?
  6. for me the most convenient thing is to use a combination of MACD and Bolinger
  7. scalping. its the better
  8. looks not so good but if the admin has spoken, obey it
  9. so in your opinion, where are the safest mining places?
  10. BNB is a digital asset created by Binance. The BNB stands on the Etherchain blockchain using the ERC20 standard token. Every four months, Binance will use its 20% profit to buy back the BNB and destroy it until it buys 50% of the total BNB so that there will only be 100,000,000 million BNB in circulation. BNB is ranked * 10 out of a total of 2059 digital assets at Coinmarketcap.com. BNB's total supply is 189,175,490 BNB.
  11. Total bitcoin only 21 million, will it be enough in the future? Given the Bitcoin vision to become the currency that is used throughout the world?
  12. What do you think about the actors who use Bitcoin for tax evasion or money laundering, or those who finance terrorism?
  13. everyday
  14. The basic of forex trading is how to avoid big loss in forex. You can place an order and save it until close that order, it was great for a newbie.
  15. Beginner FX


    Why you choose forex for your bussines?
  16. what is 'special' from Super Forex so that people believe their money is safe when trading there?
  17. What other ways of earning Money on forex do you use besides trading?
  18. on the other hand, forex trading teaches many things, from discipline, getting little by little, patiently, and must be realistic about what is seen even though what we know is different, and in forex trading it is actually a way to defeat your ego to be able become successful
  19. This is more than just money Of course, you might start trading because the prospect of earning income or building wealth over time, but forex trading is more than that. This may sound like nonsense and too philosophical, but trade also teaches us lessons that can be applied to our daily lives. For the first, it teaches us how to look for opportunities and ways to pursue them. A number of decent experiences in trading make you understand situations where you have to be more aggressive, like playing a retracement, while a contrarian arrangement seems better if you trade more carefully. You also begin to realize the fact that with each situation and decision, there is a level of risk and appreciation, and you begin to learn how to weigh one against another. The most important value of trading is that if you do the work needed to master it, you can get better not only as a trader, but also as a better person. Among a number of other self-improvements, this teaches you to develop in the midst of uncertainty, to not be afraid to pursue opportunities, and to be disciplined, all of which can be directly applied to other goals and aspirations in life. So, do what you should do. Research before entering a trade, plan for it, manage your risk, make a journal, and see the small setback. This is not just about money. Even though you might not see it in your account, if you do work, you get better.
  20. Active since 2004, Forex Factory was originally known as a forum of traders who actively discussed various topics regarding trading, ranging from sharing experiences, strategy ideas, to forex broker reviews from various traders around the world. Until now, the Forex Factory forum is still known as the main discussion place for traders, and many of them are looking for inspiration in the trading system from the traders' thread there. Forex Factory's superior features to help you as a tool that can give more consideration to your trading activities. 1. Forum Trading: Forex Factory forum is a place for discussion of traders who can display a variety of useful information and is inhabited by hundreds of thousands of members. That said, the forum on this site is one of the first for forex traders. When you open the forum menu at Forex Factory, the amount of info and thread contained in this section will not confuse you. That's because this site has grouped it into 8 broad categories to make it easier for visitors to get the discussion thread they need. 2. Forex Calendar: Forex calendar facilities on this site have been widely known as one of the best. Like most forex calendars, you can find important components in the form of data release time, currency affected, level of influence, name of data released or event that takes place, also do not forget the Actual, Forecast, and Previous numbers. 3. News Feed: In addition to the calendar feature, Forex Factory also supports the need for forex news updates by providing a News menu. This rubric is a news feed that contains a collection of titles of various high-impact news, expert analysis, and market reviews that are updated in real-time. In addition to up to date, this Forex Factory section also constantly gathers news and editorials collected from trusted sites, such as Bloomberg, Reuters, CNBC, Telegraph, Wall Street Journal, etc. 4. Broker Review: Although it does not provide broker info as a whole, Forex Factory can provide broker recommendations through a comparison table, which displays various broker criteria from basic trading specifications. Thus, you can more easily get the best broker comparison based on your own trading criteria. 5. Trader Journal: Another interesting use of Forex Factory is the availability of an account profiling platform for its users. Here, you can register and login to create a trader's profile. You can connect this profile with a trading account at a forex broker, so you can display the progress of your trading with charts and parameters that provide functions as a trading journal. More than just evaluating your trading performance, you can also publish this rubric to attract potential investors, if you already have a lot of experience, can collect consistent profits, and are interested in becoming an Account Manager.
  21. 1. It takes money to make money You certainly CAN start trading with just a little money. And bad traders can create large accounts that can easily become small accounts. But trade is not a hobby. This is business. And like most businesses, capital is needed to obtain a large amount of profit. Don't expect to make hundreds of dollars per week with an account of only $ 50. 2. You must be at the right time If you are serious about developing your skills and confidence in trading, you must trade when the market gives you the greatest opportunity. For most traders, this usually means trading London and New York sessions. 3. You will often make many mistakes Because there is not a single system that can remain profitable through ALL trading conditions, even a mechanized system that has been tested must have made a mistake. Instead of focusing on winning, focus on learning the art of "feeling" the market. 4. There is no holy grail in trading There is no "holy grail," or an indicator, method, strategy, or system that will generate forex trading profits of 100%. The key is controlling your risk. Because you can't eliminate it, all you can do is control it with the right risk management. 5. Trade is NOT for everyone. There are many reasons why at least 95% of new traders fail. For one thing, TIME, EFFORTS, and much PATIENCE is needed to continue to be consistently profitable. Those who can't or don't want to give all three are likely to find themselves between 95% before this year ends.
  22. AmegaFX is a good broker in trading, a fast process of making withdrawals, and many payment methods that can be used. I have tried it and I recommend it. and there is no problem with it all
  23. Amega FX is the best broker on the brokerage platform I have used, trading at Amega FX is very fun and gives a different sensation than others
  24. Direct access to the bank's liquidity! AMEGA Forex broker automatically takes customers' trades to liquidity suppliers. This ensures complete financial security. This business model eliminates the financial conflict of interest between the company and the client. Moreover, the client's funds are located on separate bank accounts which completely eliminates all risk associated with the broker's operational activities.
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