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Everything posted by letsgetit

  1. To celebrate our ecosystem expansion, we will commence a series of reward system using multiple modes: lucky draw tickets distributed by our bots “Elon Mas” and “Candy Mcash”; QR-based top-up cards, claimable airdrops, etc. This incentive program will also be introduced in a series of events that will be organized for Midas in Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Kazakhstan etc. in the near future. To mark the 1st in the series — Midas Bitcoin Meetup in Kuala Lumpur on the 6th of August, we are excited to announce the Lucky Draw tickets program as follows: 🚀 Total prize: 50,000 MCASH coin worth 1,500 USD 🚀 250 lucky rewards of 200 MCash each And each new user will receive an instant ticket (4-digits 0000–9999) to win upto 8888 GOT (God of Go token). Try now and win instant airdrop: https://medium.com/mcashchain/bitcoin-meetup-kuala-lumpur-6-august-2019-6b7cbe9424ab Midas Bitcoin Meetup in Kuala Lumpur on the 6th of August: https://www.meetup.com/Bitcoin-Weekly-Meetup/events/263269824/
  2. The strategy is nice! where can I get more detailed information on it?
  3. Why do you think so? I believe that newbies in the crypto sphere always check everything and make their own research before starting buying/trading
  4. What's wrong with these platforms? Why are being so skeptic about them?
  5. Is this exchange registered somewhere? Is it secure to use its services?
  6. If there is no even registration, how do I understand that you're legit and it's secure to use your services?
  7. Yup, it's important for every exchange to have 'ideal tools'. Maximum access to privacy, access to quality of product and services, payment system, support, feedback mechanism, specific coins, access to information, and other additional features - all these can be found in exchange GetEx . I found out this exchange recently, conditions are perfect for me, but have doubts, maybe here's someone who wants to join me and test? Did anyone hear of them before?
  8. The only TG channel I use for reading news is Cointelegraph and that's it, but very helpful links btw
  9. So many services provided nowadays in the crypto world, but anyway nice idea with the security point, wish you good luck!
  10. that's insane omg crypto loans.. I don't believe that it WILL make the world a better a place.
  11. Perfect! But need to make some kind of research on it
  12. Yeah, it is true it's going down, but it is supposed to go up again in 2020, so 2018,2019 are not really good years for hodlers but perfect time for new comers to buy it
  13. But the big difference with forex is that you can trade up or down just as easily
  14. whaaaaat keeping journal every day? It's weird... We live in the century of technology, why not use digital tools?
  15. Yeah, I have the same question: Is the forum still active? Cause sometimes I get to see the posts from 2013 marked as new lol
  16. 20 posts per day that's enough I guess
  17. Sometimes it's frustrating to receive something like that for nothing. I was banned on another forum, but I still don't know that reason
  18. trade without a loss is impossible at all, before starting trading you should set your mins to loses mostly
  19. I guess there is no exact time when you can trade, but I would say that now is the perfect time to enter the market
  20. It's pretty strange that topics from 2013 are still marked as the latest...
  21. Are you still here? Have you managed to solve your problem? What's the outcome?
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