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  1. It happened to me as well but on different websites. Just after registering my IP was banned for nothing. Then some people told me that it might have been used by someone (a hacker, apparently), and now I need to wait some time. How can we protect our IPs?
  2. What is this program of paid posts?
  3. The range of coins is good, but fees are still quite high
  4. That's because of the latest posts, isn't it?
  5. I also prefer debit cards to credit ones because the latter gives you the feeling that you own all the money in the world and then you have to pay interest rate
  6. I always thought that Western Union is a trustworthy organization, but it turned out it is easy to lose money even using their services, because there are always phishing websites that can access even your WU credentials((( Be careful!
  7. That's not bad, but some exchanges offer even a lower fee. And the coice of currencies is good. Maybe you guys add Stellar later
  8. Apparently, more than 20
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