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Everything posted by juzfinal

  1. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning: -Nil Net Amount: $ 2.00 Points need to be deducted: - 200 Notes- - Posts quality average.
  2. This is duplicate thread, yet your thread title is in wrong format. Make sure u read through ALL forum rules before continue posting. http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/14238-source4profit-source4profitcom/page__hl__source4profit__fromsearch__1 This thread closed.
  3. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning: -Nil Net Amount: $ 1.50 Points need to be deducted: - 150 Notes- - Posts quality good. Glad to see u spreading your activities around. - Kindly maintain your works in future.
  4. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning:-Nil Net Amount: $ 1.60 Points need to be deducted: - 160 Notes- -
  5. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning: 30% (expired) Net Amount: $ 2.90 Points need to be deducted: - 300 Notes- - 10 points deducted for 1 duplicate thread. - Payment proof poster.
  6. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning: -Nil Net Amount: $ 2.40 Points need to be deducted: - 240 Notes- - Posts quality good. Pls maintain your work in future.
  7. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning: -Nil Net Amount: $ 2.00 Points need to be deducted: - 220 Notes- - 20 points deducted for 3 duplicate threads, make sure u do search before open new threads. - Posts quality good.
  8. Duplicate thread: http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/14099-webcamptc-webcamptccom/page__hl__webcamptc__fromsearch__1 Make sure u do search before opening new thread.
  9. This is duplicate thread, make sure u do search before opening new thread: http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/14095-buxhouse-buxhousecom/page__hl__buxhouse__fromsearch__1
  10. This is duplicate thread, make sure u do search before opening new thread: http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/11788-buxeternity-buxeternitycom/page__hl__buxeternity__fromsearch__1
  11. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning: -Nil Net Amount: $ 2.20 Points need to be deducted: - 220 Notes- - Posts quality good. Glad to see u spreading your activities around. - Kindly maintain your works in future.
  12. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning:-Nil Net Amount: $ 3.70 Points need to be deducted: - 370 Notes- - Happy New Year 2012! Best wishes from DMT.
  13. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning:-Nil Net Amount: $ 2.00 Points need to be deducted: - 200 Notes- - Posts quality good.
  14. U r banned for keep breaking forum rules.
  15. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning:-Nil Net Amount: $ 5.00 Points need to be deducted: - 500 Notes- - posts quality good.
  16. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning:-Nil Net Amount: $ 5.00 Points need to be deducted: - 500 Notes- - payment proof poster.
  17. This is duplicate thread. Make sure u do search before opening new thread: http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/13227-ozmofunds-ozmofundscom/page__hl__ozmofunds__fromsearch__1
  18. Ok, u r welcome.
  19. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning: 20% (expired) Net Amount: $ 5.00 Points need to be deducted: - 500 Notes- - Payment proof poster.
  20. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning:-Nil Net Amount: $ 3.50 Points need to be deducted: - 350 Notes- -
  21. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning: -Nil Net Amount: $ 2.00 Points need to be deducted: - 200 Notes- - Posts quality good. Pls maintain your work in future.
  22. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning: 20% Net Amount: $ 1.50 Points need to be deducted: - 300 Notes- - 80 points deducted for 20% warning level. - 50 points deducted for copy paste stuffs. This will be the last warning about the same issue. - 20 points deducted for 2 duplicate threads found. - new threads starter.
  23. Reading ALL forum rules before start posting is a MUST for u, "unknown" is not an excuse. Since this is your 1st payment request, your payment will not be rejected but u will get a big deduction
  24. When u try to post a new thread there, what did it show?
  25. 1st of all, answer me why your posts are same as other posts in other forums: In DMT: http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/13929-xyzbuxsite-xyzbuxsitecom/page__view__findpost__p__164770 In MTV: http://www.moneytalkvillage.com/showthread.php?82542-xyzbuxsite-xyzbuxsite-com&p=345687#post345687 In DMT: http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/13930-sawadeebux-sawadeebuxcom/page__p__164769?do=findComment&comment=164769 In MTV: http://www.moneytalkvillage.com/showthread.php?82541-sawadeebux-sawadeebux-com&p=345728#post345728 In DMT: http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/13933-ourbux2012-ourbux2012com/page__p__164767?do=findComment&comment=164767 In TCC: http://www.thecashchat.com/forum/get-paid-click/96763-ourbux2012-ourbux2012-com.html#post335771 In DMT: http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/13931-buxcleverly-buxcleverlycom/page__p__164766?do=findComment&comment=164766 In TCC: http://www.thecashchat.com/forum/get-paid-click/96761-buxcleverly-buxcleverly-com.html#post335774 Let me warn u, copy paste other posts is serious offense and will lead u to get ban without further information.
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