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Everything posted by pmBTCswap

  1. pmBTCswap Instant exchanges between Perfect Money and Bitcoin. All our exchanges are done automatically. Perfect Money to Bitcoin exchanges are done instantly. Bitcoin to Perfect Money exchanges are done automatically after 3 confirmations from the Bitcoin network (30 - 60 minutes). We also have a referral program, get 10% of our earnings for each referral exchange. pmBTCswap | Perfect Money and Bitcoin exchange
  2. I use moz. But the price is pretty high.
  3. When a webpage links to any other page, it’s called a backlink. In the past, backlinks were the major metric for the ranking of a webpage. A page with a lot of backlinks tended to rank higher on all major search engines, including Google.
  4. Nice website I love the cars on there haha
  5. I would check out codecadamy if I were you. It is all free and very high level courses.
  6. Well I would start with learning PHP ofcourse!
  7. Nice I was looking for a VPN provider.
  8. DDfutures is the best HYIP that is online right now.
  9. You have 2 categories: One site SEO and Off site SEO. On site SEO is how good your website is structured; relevant titel tag good content, no faults in the HTML etc. Off site SEO is determined by how many websites link to you.
  10. Hi nice to meet you, I am also new on this forum
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