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About junrose123

  • Birthday 02/25/1992

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  1. This is new to me, I am interested to know more about it, I hope this would be a good and legitimate one.
  2. I have never heard that site, this is my first have time to have that site. I would surely check this out later on. I hope that it is legitimate and well paying.
  3. I have never tried real casino since I think it is very uncertain, there is no assurance if we will win or make a loss out of it. But I am glad that there are some people who are risk taker for taking risk to win for money.
  4. I am not the type of person that wold want to buy bitcoins since I am more into savings, as much as possible I don't want to give cash but rather would like to receive it if possible..
  5. I think it depends on the job or business that you are into. It is easy to make profit if you have a great business or if you have the great knowledge and skills in Forex trading.
  6. I think it is impossible for me to make a profit daily, I am new with the Forex world and I am starting to learn more about it. Maybe if I would be an expert already in Forex trading the I could say I could make money from it.
  7. PayPal is a great and reliable, site maybe that is why more people are into it. This the mostly used mode of payment and transfer processor for most people around the world.It has a good reputations and very convenient to use.
  8. I really don't believe that daily profit is possible to Forex trading since it has a lot of uncertainty. It is very rare if it would happens, maybe the trader is just very lucky or just an expert.
  9. As of now I am holding my bitcoins in believing that the price might go up for more in the future. Although it might be risky since no one knows how stable bitcoin wallet addresses but I am positive that it would not really goes wrong.
  10. I really believe that ignorance to Forex trading is a big mistake, for us to succeed or to gain much profit into Forex trading, we should try to learn all the information and skills that is required before we could go into trading to avoid further losses in the future.
  11. For my own point of view I would not really go into buying since I don't want to spend money from bitcoins since we can already have bitcoins through some faucets although it is not as big as we are to received. But later on if these will be accumulated I think it would really be a huge money also.
  12. I think it is better if we will have them both since it is a must to have for beginners like me in the Forex trading industry. It will give the newbies some important tips and information that can be very useful for making any trade at the Forex world in the future. I think for the beginners in the Forex trading it would be better if they try first the fundamental before before to technical for them to really appreciate and understand well how Forex trading works.
  13. Liquidity is a great indicator of potential profit in the Forex trading and must be taken advantage since it is very rare to happen. It must be given much importance and consideration for future benefits.
  14. For me Forex trading is a gambling of opportunity and money since you are investing into it without any assurance that the money you invested will make a great return in the end. It is only based on what I observed since I know that most of us has it own unique thinking when it come to different things.
  15. For me profit is not really so easy since I just have a very limited knowledge about Forex trading. I should seek more understanding and experiences in order to gain much profit from it. But I think it would really takes time since Forex trading is a bit complicating task to deal with.
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