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Blue Sky Binary

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  1. You can try Signal Hive (www.signalhive.com), regulated binary options autotrading on Binary.com, Marketsworld.com and ETX Binary. We run Signal Hive and are now expanding into FX EAs. We are launching a new EA and holding a formal webinar this coming Wednesday 14th June at 5pm GMT. Here is the registration link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5678112625066409219 13 year backtest: http://d1ohkkowa5utd3.cloudfront.net/downloads/MELISALTBT2017.pdf Live performance link: http://www.myfxbook.com/members/SuccessfulFX/t-2000-stream/2086325
  2. Good morning all. We are launching a new EA and holding a formal webinar this coming Wednesday 14th June at 5pm GMT. Here is the registration link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5678112625066409219 13 year backtest: http://d1ohkkowa5utd3.cloudfront.net/downloads/MELISALTBT2017.pdf Live performance link: http://www.myfxbook.com/members/SuccessfulFX/t-2000-stream/2086325
  3. Good morning all. We are launching a new EA and holding a formal webinar this coming Wednesday 14th June at 5pm GMT. Here is the registration link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5678112625066409219 13 year backtest: http://d1ohkkowa5utd3.cloudfront.net/downloads/MELISALTBT2017.pdf Live performance link: http://www.myfxbook.com/members/SuccessfulFX/t-2000-stream/2086325
  4. Very well said. Emotions play a huge role in trading, often as or even more important than getting the trade direction right. Team Blue Sky BInary
  5. Good morning traders, We would like to introduce ourselves to this forum. We are an education and FX EA engineering company active in FX. We would love to know your views on the state of EAs out there in the market currently? Thanks, Team Blue Sky Binary
  6. Forex Trading Education and EAs

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