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Everything posted by hyipgr

  1. dont go high to this one
  2. Might many trader leaving forex because they facing with failure, and because with their loss in forex hence they hate forex and eventually leaving forex which also will losing all opportunity to making money through forex business, maybe many new trader interested in forex but only small portion that still alive in business
  3. If any people scared investing money in forex hence we can't forced them because they have option, and forex indeed included as high risk business and without courage hence as trader will fear invest here, but as trader and some people that having courage to take the risk, this business still promising income for living
  4. It is okay, i do agree since there is nothing wrong with it. People basically scared because of this world suprisingly is quite different than what media or other strategy seller told you. It is vast and unknown world. The world where everything could change so fast, you could make profit near instantly but may lose it few minutes later.
  5. People are scared due to the risky nature of forex business. Most of the people want fix income from investment which is not possible in forex so they hesitate to spend money in this business.
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