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Everything posted by simonsay

  1. You guys are really helpful. I'm about to join them. Lesson learned (investigate first before joining any cycler!).
  2. Im on my 3rd week as a member of Just Been Paid. I'm very happy with my investment, I invested $100 initial capital and 1 week after that I added another $25. With compounding once my earnings reaches $10, I now have 17 position to date 19 April.Tomorrow on the 20th I'll buy again another position. My Target is to reach 25 by the end of this month so that my daily income will be $5. and I'll be able to buy 1 position every 2 days. I'm hoping that everyone realize that this program is not the same as other programs out there. It is indefinitely sustainable and it's here not to become another $10 wonder. All "design flaws" of previous program that closed when it comes the time that they cannot fulfill their obligation to members, have been elliminated. For more earning strategy, visit my >>My Blog
  3. How fast they pay their members?
  4. Geez! I'm about to join ad2million but it seems like it's starting to have some sort of problem now! I hope they'll fix it sooner!
  5. Quickly Get Clever, Get Paid Forever

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