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Everything posted by LosPollos

  1. Didn't get to the moon last Saturday Night? Your portfolio may have stayed terrestrial, but you can still board the hype train with our Crypto Smartlink. We recommend targeting Denmark this week. Crypto TOP20: Norway $72.3Austria $71.9Denmark $60.4Switzerland $56.8Sweden $55.4Australia $50.9Germany $46.5Kazakhstan $45.7Estonia $43.2Lithuania $41.7Netherlands $34.9Canada $31.8Latvia $30.3Portugal $29.2Belgium $27.3United Kingdom $21.5Czech Republic $20.7South Africa $19.6Poland $19Russia $17
  2. It's no surprise to us, that in a recent poll, Redditors voted Sweden as home to the most hotties in Europe. Therefore, it's also no surprise to us that when you implement our Dating Smartlink and focus your efforts on Sweden your results will be just as hot. Dating TOP20: Austria $95.6Australia $80.4New Zealand $77.8Switzerland $76Sweden $72.8Germany $65.3Denmark $61.7Norway $58.4USA $53.2Canada $49.2Finland $45.9United Kingdom $43.3Netherlands $40.7Belgium $38.1France $36.8Portugal $35.5Italy $34.2Israel $32.9Spain $31.6South Africa $28.2
  3. Always up for a good time, the South Africans are loving our Mainstream Smartlink this week! We recommend you target this geo and vertical for a good time yourself! Mainstream TOP20: Canada $14.7USA $14.4United Kingdom $14.1Italy $13.9Luxembourg $12.8Germany $12.4Austria $12.2New Zealand $11.5Australia $11.4Spain $10.5Ireland $10.3Sweden $10.1South Africa $9.8Slovakia $9.5Norway $9Hong Kong $8.9Denmark $8Netherlands $7.7Israel$7.4Japan $6.1
  4. The cryptoverse is booming, get in on increased opportunities with the Los Pollos Crypto Smartlink. We recommend targeting the UK for stellar results. Crypto TOP20: Switzerland $129.1Norway $98.1Austria $94.5Denmark $66.4Ireland $64.8Germany $57United Kingdom $56.1Estonia $51.8Sweden $50.1Canada $38Greece $35.7Portugal $33Latvia $30.6Netherlands $24Belgium $18.8Spain $17.5Australia $16.4Russia $15.2Italy $15.1Singapore $14.3
  5. This week, we recommend you target the USA, and let our Dating Smartlink put you in a New York state of mind. Dating TOP20: Austria $90.2Switzerland $84.3New Zealand $78.2Australia $72.6Denmark $68.2Germany $66.3Sweden $57.2Norway $54USA $52.4Canada $48.3United Kingdom $45.2Belgium $42.9Portugal $39.8Finland $37.4Netherlands $35.1Italy $34.2France $33.1Czech Republic $31Spain $29.7Israel $28.1
  6. Are you already successfully implementing our Mainstream Smartlink? Why not try something new and expand your reach! We would like to present the top Tier 3 countries which, despite their typically low traffic volume, are unjustifiably ignored by affiliates. Mainstream TOP20: British Virgin Islands $24.7US Virgin Islands $13.6Papua New Guinea $12.5American Samoa $12.5Northern Mariana Islands $11.8Curacao $10.8Guernsey $9.6Namibia $9.2Cuba $8.6French Polynesia $8Aruba $7.2Botswana $7.1Maldives $6.7Jersey $6.6New Caledonia $6.4Taiwan $6.2Macao $5.7Chile $5.5Bahrain $5.4Cyprus $5
  7. You won't need a detective to uncover amazing results this week. Combine your Belgian traffic with our Crypto Smartlink for conversions beyond your wildest expectations. Crypto TOP20: Switzerland $121.2Norway $104.8Australia $101.1Latvia $86.8Belgium $66.7Ireland $58.1Germany $56.9Austria $40.3Czech Republic $37.9Sweden $33.9Denmark $29.9Netherlands $26.7United Kingdom $25.3Estonia $25Ukraine $24.4Kazakhstan $24.1Portugal $23.9Italy $21.6Russia $20.5Canada $19.4
  8. This week, you can't fala-fail when you combine your Turkish traffic with our Dating Smartlink. Contact your friendly Los Pollos account manager to get started today! Dating TOP20: Austria $90.2Switzerland $85.9New Zealand $81.5Denmark $76.3Germany $68.2USA $65.4Canada $62.7Australia $59.3Sweden $54.8Norway $49.7United Kingdom $44.5France $41.4Portugal $38.8Belgium $36.2Spain $34.1Netherlands $32.9Finland $30.3Turkey $28.4Israel $27.2Czech Republic $26.8
  9. Hurry publishers, epic conversions are waiting there for you when you send your South African traffic to our Mainstream Smartlink. Mainstream TOP20: Sweden $30.3Spain $20.8Macedonia $16.9Israel $15.2Switzerland $15.1USA $14.8New Zealand $14Canada $13.9Luxembourg $13.6Belgium $13.3French Polynesia $13.1Estonia $12.6France $12Hungary $11.5South Africa $10.3Australia $10.2Germany $9.8UAE $9.5Norway $9.3Hong Kong $9
  10. Not sure how to capitalize on the volatile crypto space? Winds of change won't diminish your profits when you monetize your Australian traffic with our Crypto Smartlink. Crypto TOP20: Switzerland $81.8Latvia $67.1Australia $48.7Austria $38.5Norway $38.3Lithuania $33.9Germany $32.8Estonia $30.5United Kingdom $29Moldova $25.9Denmark $25.2Belgium $23Portugal $20.1Russia $19.9Sweden $18.6Poland $18.4USA $17Netherlands $16.6Canada $16.1Malaysia $15.7
  11. If you have US traffic you're sitting on a chest of gold. Combine your US traffic with our Dating Smartlink this week, sit back, and put your feet up while our algorithm gets to work converting. Dating TOP20: Switzerland $92.5Austria $85.3Denmark $80.2Australia $76.4Finland $73.7Germany $69.3Sweden $64.5Norway $61.8USA $59.6United Kingdom $55.4Belgium $53.2Canada $49.8Spain $47.9Italy $43.1France $39.3Netherlands $36.8Israel $35.6Ireland $33.1Czech Republic $32.7Greece $29.4
  12. For a campaign smoother than Safta's hummus, combine one part Los Pollos Mainstream Smartlink and one part Israeli traffic. Mazel tov! Mainstream TOP20: Luxembourg $49.3Switzerland $42.2Spain $19.9New Zealand $17.3United Kingdom $15.5Austria $13.9USA $13.8Germany $12.8Norway $12.3Sweden $11.9France $11.7Canada $11.7Hong Kong $11.2Belgium $11.1Australia $11.1Chile $10.5Cyprus $9.8South Africa $9.6Israel $9.5Finland $9.3
  13. Monetize your Norwegian Traffic with our Crypto Smartlink. This is the way. Crypto TOP20: Norway $116.8Latvia $81.6Hong Kong $58.3United Kingdom $45.6Ireland $40.5Switzerland $37.7Austria $30.1Germany $29.6Belgium $28.5Portugal $24Lithuania $23.9Moldova $22.4Poland $21.8Russia $21.7Greece $19.8Czech Republic $19Sweden $18.8Spain $16.7Italy $16.2Mexico $14.6
  14. This week you won't find a more compatible match than your German traffic and our Dating Smartlink. Try it for yourself and get lucky! Dating TOP20: Switzerland $88.2Austria $82.6Australia $78.2Denmark $72.6Germany $64.8Sweden $62.1Norway $59.7Finland $57.8Canada $53.6USA $50.2United Kingdom $48.4Netherlands $42.3Belgium $39.1Spain $36.8France $33.5Italy $32.2Portugal $31.3Ireland $30.9Israel $28.7South Africa $27.9
  15. Abraca-Sabra! For results smoother than a magic trick, combine one part Los Pollos Mainstream Smartlink and one part Israeli traffic. Mainstream TOP20: Luxembourg $30.6Switzerland $15.9United Kingdom $14.7USA $14.2Israel $13.5Norway $12.9New Zealand $12.6South Africa $12.3Canada $12Netherlands $11.8Australia $11.6Hong Kong $11Germany $10.7France $10.6UAE $10.3Sweden $10.3Spain $10Belgium $9.1Hungary $8.3Denmark $8.2
  16. Whenever Crypto goes moon or bust you can expect ridiculous returns on our Crypto Smartlink. This week we recommend sending your traffic to our Crypto Smartlink, with a special focus on Singapore. Crypto TOP20: Ireland $99Denmark $78.5Singapore $57.1Switzerland $54.7New Zealand $52.6UAE $50.5Canada $42.6Latvia $41.7Austria $36.1United Kingdom $29.2Netherlands $26.1Sweden $23.9Germany $23.3Australia $21.4Russia $19.7Portugal $18.9India $17.8Czech Republic $17.5Italy $16.4Greece $15.3
  17. Now that the old fat man has hung up his sack, it's time to start pushing those dating offers again! It won't be hard to erect a mountain of profit if you follow our recommendation and target the US with our Dating Smartlink this week. Dating TOP20: Switzerland $92.7New Zealand $87.6Austria $80.4Australia $79.4Denmark $76.7Germany $73.9Sweden $64.1Norway $57.8Canada $53.6USA $50.5United Kingdom $48.7Finland $45.6France $43.5Belgium $42.3Portugal $40.2Italy $37.4Netherlands $33.9Spain $31.1Czech Republic $28.4Israel $26.9
  18. A wise man said: if 2020 didn't make a hustler out of you, nothing will. We at Los Pollos invite you to step forward into 2021 with your money on your mind, and our Mainstream Smartlink on your sites. Let's go, 2021! Mainstream TOP20: New Zealand $24.9USA $23.7Australia $22South Africa $21.7Malaysia $20.8United Kingdom $20.3Hong Kong $19.6Canada $18.3Saudi Arabia $16.7Norway $15.6Netherlands $14.8Switzerland $13.8Austria $12.4Sweden $11.7Germany $11.5Italy $11.2UAE $10.7Croatia $10.4Denmark $10.1France $9.8
  19. Here's our own Recipe for Seduction: 25 million Australian internet users + our Casual Dating Smartlink. Colonel Claus can keep his herbs and spices this year. Casual Dating TOP20: Switzerland $59.9Australia $58.6Denmark $54Austria $47.7Norway $45Canada $41.5Germany $39.2USA $35.8Sweden $35.1Finland $34.9Belgium $28.2Spain $27.1United Kingdom $26.7France $25.7Czech Republic $25Luxembourg $24.6Netherlands $23.7Italy $22.3Ireland $21.3Chile $19.8
  20. It's the third wave of Covid-conversions for our Dating Smartlink, the popularity of which once again correlates to the gentle lifting of lockdown restrictions in Spain. If you're ready to try your traffic in the Dating Vertical, we recommend targeting Spain this week, and there's no easier way than with our trusted Smartlink. Dating TOP20: Switzerland $85.4Denmark $79.3Australia $74.8Austria $70.5Canada $66.8Norway $61.2Germany $58.4USA $52.9Sweden $51.4Finland $48.9Spain $41.6Belgium $40.5United Kingdom $39.1France $38.4Czech Republic $37.6Netherlands $35.4Italy $34.7Israel $33.1Portugal $32.8Poland $29.4
  21. You can now receive an actual domain when using our internal API. This feature will allow you to set up an automatic change of domains and will simplify the process of flushing your traffic from your doorways and other sources. You can find the link to the API in your personal account. Additionally, we recommend checking out our most current list of the best-performing Mainstream geos by week. No matter the country, our Mainstream Smartlink is the perfect solution to monetize your non-thematic traffic. Mainstream TOP20: Luxembourg $30.7Portugal $26.1Switzerland $22.4New Zealand $20.6Aruba $18.6USA $18.2Hong Kong $17.3Germany $16.9Austria $14.5Norway $13.7United Kingdom $13.5Macau $12.7Israel $12.6Sweden $11.7Canada $11.3Czech Republic $11.2France $10.8Hungary $10.4Thailand $10.2Australia $9.8
  22. Portuguese like to enjoy their cup of coffee while exploring the world of Crypto opportunities. That’s why we recommend this week trying our Crypto Smartlink. Crypto TOP20: Canada $70.8Czech Republic $61.8New Zealand $57.9Ireland $56.5Australia $49Portugal $35.3Kazakhstan $34.5Latvia $31.5Lithuania $28.8Germany $25.2United Kingdom $23.3Russia $20.6Ukraine $19.8Singapore $18.6Switzerland $18Poland $17.9Netherlands $17.7Brazil $16.8South Africa $16.6Sweden $16.1
  23. This week fall in love with profit with our Dating Smartlink for USA. Dating TOP20: Switzerland $86.8New Zealand $78.4Austria $75Norway $72.6Australia $69.7Sweden $63.8Germany $57.2USA $50.3Canada $48.1Finland $44.5Denmark $42United Kingdom $40.4Portugal $38.8France $37.9Belgium $35.4Czech Republic $33.9Ireland $32Israel $29.7Netherlands $28.6Poland $26.9
  24. You'll bless the games down in Africa when you send your South African traffic to our Mainstream Smartlink. For payouts as big as an elephant hit up your Affiliate Brah chop-chop. Mainstream TOP20: Switzerland $24.4New Zealand $22Israel $19.5Luxembourg $18.6Norway $17.9United Kingdom $15.9USA $15.8Ireland $15.5Canada $14.5Hong Kong $14.4Hungary $13.8South Africa $13.6Sweden $12.7Austria $12.1France $12Netherlands $11.9Germany $11.8Czech Republic $10.6Australia $10.6Denmark $10.4
  25. Bitcoin is on a runner, trading today at nearly 18,000 CAD per 1 BTC, meanwhile, Canadians are anticipating another lockdown and a bursting real-estate bubble. Is it any wonder our Crypto Smartlink is on fire in this GEO? Take advantage of this unique timing, contact your AM today to see what Los Pollos can do for your Canadian traffic. Crypto TOP20: Sweden $77.2Canada $74.2Switzerland $72Australia $56.5Ireland $46.8Latvia $43Chile $35.3Portugal $32Germany $31.2Kazakhstan $30.7Nigeria $24.2United Kingdom $22.3Kenya $21.8South Africa $20.4Russia $19.6Czech Republic $18.8Estonia $17.4Austria $16.2Moldova $16Poland $15.6
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