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  1. Thou sometime its fun posting on mtw but for sure since there are some good activity in dmt and mtw I will resume my posting here as soon as possible
  2. Well nobody know the admin plan here I think he will soon process the payment the last payment he process was on February-and now we are in July making it good five months so I think he need do something about payment as posters keep complaining, but for sure my admin mayur will surely pay, the only thing is that he need to come to the chat box and keep posters couragious.
  3. My experience in the forex market is always the best but for now I can say that am using two type of trading style one is that we dont have to allow emotion take us away. Hardwork also pay us the most the more that we work the better our chances to win
  4. Lets take robot into consideration for newbie but yet it is still the number one disapointment plartform for traders what I believe is that manual trading still have the best functions for us traders.
  5. Investing it into the forex business is the right thing to do for sure any trader that want to invest in forex must have some bucks and that is not wrong which I can say forex trading is good. If a trader have some money in his hand then he need to consider investing it in the right place and that is the forex market
  6. Forex can change the life of any individual as a whole this is well secured and I can advice you that embarking on forex trading is the best thing which can happen to any trader life. Thou the first thing which the trader need to do is to try and gain as much experience
  7. Well someone told me that some country in the Europ have started introduce it to the university thou am not sure how that is what I know is that with the rate of unemployment here then the need to offer such courses is there to help the graduant as they are leaving school to the labour market
  8. Creating account with the broker which you want to use should be the first step yes the first step I mean here,downloading of mt5 is the next issue but overall the experience and knowledge is where and what we are looking for first
  9. RSI, this is one of the best type of indicator which we need to use it is the best type of indicator also the macd is also a good type of indicator this indicator can be combind to produce positive result
  10. @sidejob,I even prefer the webtrade to that ,mt4 is always the best that is true it is the best then why bother ourself about all this service. Forex is good and using mt5 is also good so we need chose the plartform we can handle very well
  11. @myregister, that is true thou using a mentor to learn will be so effective and accurate this one is good but if you can not afford the money to pay for the mentor then what I should advice is make use of demo account. Yes the demo account is the best and the right type of place to get started
  12. Yes we need to keep trading in the demo account this account help us so much to become successful that is why we need to get started from the demo account. Practice is what that do make us perfect so constant practice will always see us to the top
  13. Bank wire is the safe and reliable type of deposit thou other type of deposit are also there but the bank wire still remain the best and I always chose bank wire to get myself started
  14. Yes you are right,because in any business the risk is the first thing which is needed to be consider before we get started yes risk must be eliminated when you get ride of the risk then making it will become supper easy
  15. Its very impossible for anyone to admit that he can trade forex without emotion such things is not there it is not easy to trade forex without emotion as emotion will always come. Forex is never an easy market it is a good place to learn from your experience till you become a professional
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