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Everything posted by bearhugs

  1. Forex Trading is the best way to make money, but indeed it isn't easy anywherem you need to learn a lot to become successful Trader.
  2. Daily profit is possible, but you need to understand that one loss, doesnt means losses. You need to understand that you need to make more profit than loss and hence this way you can make profit all the time.
  3. Demo trading is the best way to understand the Forex Market and to learn more, you should practice with small amounts in the real market.
  4. Risk Management is the key to become successful in your Forex Trading.
  5. Demo Trading coudl help you if you are willing to leanr abotu the structure of the Forex Market, but if you wish to learn about real Market, you need to do small investments and learn through it.
  6. Forex Trading is the best way to make some good money online. If you would be entering the Forex Market, make sure you have the proper knowledge and skills.
  7. Risk management and money management are the skills which couldn't be build in a day. So, you need to learn a lot to obtain these skills.
  8. The best broker for one person, isn't considered to be the best for all. So, you need to verify them and do a bit research about them and you must also select the one who are regulated ones.
  9. Learning is considered to be the first and foremost important elements in becoming a successful trader.
  10. No business is free of risks and you are required to learn a lot before you would be beginning to enter the Forex Market.
  11. Risk Management is the skil which is very much essential for the Forex Trading. You are required to learn it through constant practice and achieve success in your trades.
  12. Forex Trading is a good way to make money online, but it comes with constant practice and never ending learning.
  13. Risks is going to be all the time in the Forex. So, ig you wish to survive in the Forex Market, you must obtain certain skills, one of which is the Risk Management.
  14. Daily Profits would be possible, you could success if you have proper knowledge and experience abotu the Forex Market to achieve success.
  15. Think the losses, as your stepping stones to make profits. You never lose in forex, when you lose money, you gain experience and when not, you get profit.
  16. You must invest with small amounts and later you could increase it, after you would have the confidence and desire to make more money, you would be able to make profit consistently.
  17. You could spend as much you time as you want, but real knowledge starts with the real narket, real money (though little) and improvises your trading skils.
  18. Yeah, Demo is very much useful but it involves fake money and hence the traders becomes overconfident and trade in real market and lose a lot.
  19. Forex is nothing like Gambling, you need strategies and skills and knowledge to achieve success in the Forex Market.
  20. Leverage is the utilized of borrowed funds for increasing one's trading position beyond what would be available from their cash balance alone. Forex traders often utilizes the leverage to profit from relatively small price changes in currency pairs.
  21. Yeah, learning through Demo is the best for acquiring the knowledge of the Forex Market Structure, but it ends there, you cannot learn making money through it, you need to do real practice for that.
  22. Demo would be the best way to learn about the Forex Market Structure and if you really wish to make money through it, you must then begin with small investments in real Market.
  23. Leverage is neither good nor bad inherently . Leverage would be amplifying the good or bad effects of the income generation as well as productivity of the assets in which we invest.
  24. Demo trading is only helpful in learning the Forex Structure and if you wish to learn about real market, you must do small investments to learn it better
  25. Yeah, and never repeat the same strategy and hope for the different results, instead you should learn about using different strategies in difference situations to earn more profits.
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