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Everything posted by hayoomaa

  1. Date: 2010-11-17 08:01 Batch: 46049972 From Account: U7877523 (Gain Buck$) Amount: $1.00 Thank you, admin!
  2. Coral reefs >.........................................................
  3. Date: 2010-11-13 16:52 Batch: 47390074 From Account: U8706832 (Eurocupinvest) Amount: $3.00
  4. Date: 2010-13-11 07:23 Batch: 46544233 From Account: U2883603 (EarnPlaza Investments) Amount: $01.00 Memo: Withdraw to hayoomaa Admin from EarnPlaza.com - Boost Your Funds Thank you, admin
  5. this is my latest payment You have received a payment to your account U5945397 (hayam shawky): Date: 11/13/2010 3:52 AM Batch: 49096159 From Account: U8617544 (Christina's Account) Amount: $2.13 Memo: Payment from ExtremeSurfsForum to hayoomaa - 213 points cashout Thank you.
  6. good forum with good rate but is it right that they paid only one every month if that right it so risky for me
  7. Started Oct 20, 2010 Running days 25 Total accounts 78 Active accounts 42 Total deposited $ 2,757.11 Total withdraw $ 521.47 Members online 1 Last update Nov 14, 2010 i think this is good hype will good plans thay haven't more monitor yet i love that the min deposit is just1$ so i will join know
  8. Seahorse lr U5945397
  9. well my opinion about this one is this is old hype site poor script and poor plans and thats why it has long time online but not famouse
  10. seems good one i will try it now and see i join it right now and the min cashout is 2$ so it so high for that kind of ptc sites
  11. not bad at all they have nice licensed script and more important that they process payment instant the roi is Little low for that the min deposit is 10$ and its little high so i will may be join later thanks for sharing
  12. well i join today and the members are still under 1000 but after i joined and click the ads i din't take any upgrade so its fake also 3$ min cashout is so high to reach so i will not click ads any more in this pathetic site
  13. 1$ bonus is good i will join now but how about the rate click or the min payout?
  14. Date: 2010-13-11 10:04:00 Batch: 49139904 From Account: U4898120 Amount: $0.21 Memo: Oilstructure: Profit withdrawal Thank you.
  15. Total Paid: $ 1.99 Users Online: 12 Total Members: 830 how that happen you said the min payout is 2$ and isee 830 members and only less than 2$ has been paid well i will wait a sometimes before join thanks for sharing
  16. well ihave 50ref and i will rent another 20 ref today to increase my profit the activity of my rented ref is not bad so it good invest for me
  17. i don't know about this but its seems so hard to reach 1000$ daily even advertisement from forex sites doesn't promise with this huge amount of money
  18. i think the new one is cool and fresh its also load fast and that was problem for me in the previous one
  19. the admin is honest and they paid for sure the hard thing about this forum that it take so long to post there becuse it need so quality and the min cashout is still high and take so long to reach i stop active there but i will comeback soon
  20. i request my payment today too i will wait couple of houres to get it in my account some days it take only miniute and recive my money and that is is most what i like about oilstructure they never late
  21. on of my best forum i'm here already but not so active so i'm still far away from my request payment what i like the most in this forum is the unique script and the high rate of point i will try to be active in the next days and try to reach the 100 posts
  22. Date: 11/14/2010 08:00 Batch: 49159974 From account: U4742721 Amount: $0.10
  23. its good new forum with also high rate point i 'm here for somedays yet i'm not active but any body know how much it take to process the payout
  24. Date: 2010-11-12 09:32 Batch: 459931802 From Account: U9288226 (Offshore Trading Funds - Main) Amount: $0.35 Memo: Withdraw to hayoomaa Admin from OffshoreTradingFunds.com
  25. its seems good forum the script is good and it loads so fast but i think the rate posint is little low for me i 2cent per post now is little where other forums paid high i'm not in this forum yet but i will come back and see the improvement of the forum thanks for sharing
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