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Everything posted by hayoomaa

  1. i try to post my payment proof there today to be close for my first payment i need to know how it take to procces the payout there
  2. Date: 2010-17-11 15:13:56 Batch: 48399922 From Account: U0143075 Amount: $1.72 Memo: Flamanta.com payout
  3. isee no activity since last day any way i was attend to get activity this day but i have problem with loading so it seems i have to wait somedays and back again
  4. this hype program on of the best stable hype site with powerfull plans and responsable roi i believe it will be for long time online also the script is cool with protection
  5. seems good ptc with relable rate click the min pay out which is 1$ only is also so good but i hate they only pay via alertpay i hope they support liberty reserve soon thanks for sharing
  6. well i think that is for 20 ref price is 5$ and for 30 is 7$ i only buy 20 every time so this is what i know
  7. i don't think that is an affiliate program at all it surfing software like cashfista or other any way many people complained about this program also 10$ is big amount to reach
  8. its seems new the script is not bad the palns looks like normal they have no monitor and nothing about protection system any way i won't join this one for know thanks for sharing
  9. well with the payment proof it seems good even i think 10$ is high min payout to reach and there is abonus so its not bad to try it
  10. well for me i used to use win xp but know with my toshiba laptop iuse win vista basic and i love it really i'm so comfortable i will try to try win 7 next
  11. well my best anivirus ever is avira or norton or kaspersky now i use kaspersky and i enjoy it
  12. Date: 2010-17-11 08:19:33 Batch: 46774601 From Account: U6910311 Amount: $0.14 Memo: Withdrawal Thank you
  13. well that what happen when i try to open the site
  14. the site is using bux host its seems new 7,026 Members 141 Members Online $434 Paid 4,267 Refs for Rent please if you got paid put the payment proof any way it worth to try it
  15. even the rate point still without changes since they appear however i think its easy for member to reach the min cashout easily because the activity of the forum also the rule is not strict at all
  16. Date: 2010-18-11 09:23:39 Batch: 49484198 From Account: U4898120 Amount: $0.22 Memo: Oilstructure: Profit withdrawal Thank you.
  17. they are running for 78 days and unknowable also have no monitor as guys said they use cheap script with not good plans at all i think this kind of hype site closed fast even i don't think they are really online 78 days ago
  18. Date: 2010-17-11 09:28:12 Batch: 47285517 From Account: U1841423 Amount: $0.12 Memo: Withdraw to hayoomaa from welchfund.com Thank you
  19. Date: 11/17/2010 08:02:35 Batch: 45995564 From Account: U8443739 (OrbisTrends) Amount: $1.00 Memo : withdraw from orbistrends.com Thank you
  20. i don't think that we have to wait 6 month and sign up in adness my friends make new blogs and start sign in and earn immediately i think becuse of creative blogs they do and you are right adness hate copy and past
  21. well me too i hered about seo software the problem about these software is most of them is fake and dosen't work well i buy one of them cost me 50$ and i see no changes at all know i'm not interested at all of these kind of software know i learn about seo from begining and i hope it will be useful
  22. Date: 2010-17-11 16:45:23 Batch: 48777686 From Account: U0858627 Amount: $0.80 Memo: Withdraw to hayooma from www.fxcommerceprofit.com Thank you.
  23. not bad script with high quality level protection the site is runing for just 17 days but i can see it so active Running Days 17 Total User 416 Total Ads Pack $52295.05 Total Payout $27813.85 Totals Sites 0 also they have live support but i can see no monitor yet well for me i like it and i will join
  24. Date: 2010-17-11 01:59:46 Batch: 45925328 From Account: U0299959 Amount: $1.50 Memo: Withdraw to hayoomaa from www.plexfund.com Thank you, admin!
  25. You have received a payment to your account Date:11/17/2010 1:06 AM Batch:49255747 From Account:U8127549 Amount:$1.00 Memo:Withdraw from cazainvestment.com
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