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Everything posted by yb3889

  1. Despite being very high return in short term of 6 days, hooping 22% on 6$ mninimum, I would give more weightage on stability, and as you said currently this hyip looks unstable - it would be better to wait and watch for some period until every thing is back to normal.
  2. Good program design but ion no way good plans with good roi% Even i dont think that there are many people who would like to deposit with such a low roi. ROI of 1% a week is too low and will require around 2 years to rech break even point. Even if we assume that low roi will increase sustainability - there is no guarantee that a hyip will never turn scam.
  3. I would say .4% daily (that too on buisness days) is quite low roi when we talk of hyip investment. And i agree with sirwilly that minimum of 50$ is quite high and is not affordable for many of us.
  4. I agree with you thier plans are similar to that of hyifund and daily-funds. Though roi are reasonable and can be sustained but i would frankly say that here i see admin greedy because interest is nearly doubled for one who invest 1000$ compare to that of 500$. Dont you thinik extremely unreasonable difference in roi. Here i think hyifund was better as every one get same return.
  5. Using cheap script and design is also not very good. When we see first plan it is quite sustainable for longer period. But their hourly plan is what raises doubt about this hyip. though monitors having paying status more than a month but not believable being too high roi.
  6. Yup this hyip has very nice script and design is cute. ROI in first plan is reasonable and being lockin period only 10 days - it can be seen as good way to make 11% profit in short time. I agree with @yogesh promo plan was much better and was making 140% in 20 days little time - bep in less than 15 days.
  7. I agree with you people if you want to see the hyip gonig scam fast join hourly hyps. This has daily plans though - but returns are too high to said resonable or sustainable. Even if they pay it would be for very short period.
  8. @amath this is right that the monitors are in paying status about this hyip. But i would agree with @yogesh that the roi is quite high and raises doubt about sustainablilty of this program and monitors are not very famous. It would be better to know you get paid @amath as you said you already joined it.
  9. This is right bro... minimum withdrawl of 1$ is really drawback of this program Otherwise everything else is good and ya though roi may be as little as .5% but that is what help the program sustain longer.
  10. I would say what i like about this site is its minimum deposit which is is as little as 1$ and its investment period of only 30 days, and yes 1.2% daily is really good return especially when the lock in period is only 30 days and after that we get the principal.
  11. Well in fact we only get 22% daily for 5 days return if invest below 1000$ that is total 10% in 5 days, you may say 2% day. I dont think about other plans as i dont think any body is going to deposit 1000+$ in a single hyip alone. So the roi is quite sustainable for medium term and being it short term and attractive plan people will keep depositing resulting enhancing its lifetime. Minimum 1$ is attraction of the hyip, Monitors has paying status for around 1 month.
  12. I cant really understand the concept of this program really. we can buy and we can sell shares but how we get daily profit or we get profit only if share rate is increased I think they should be more clear with plans on the sie.
  13. Yea hyipforum should be safer than most of the hyips as their admins are known ones. 1.2% daily for 200 days with principal back is quite good return. But i agree with you @dhanpreet bro that 50$ is very high minimum at least for me.
  14. Just a new program it is. And the design is also not very much attractive even look a cheap script. Taking a glance on the plans gives the feel of this being a very short term hyip. Minimum 10$ is quite high especially for such a new program. I really dont believe their being a trader in nasdaq and forex thing. Even then i think it should pay for few days to prove and get more profits.
  15. Yeah this is really good program as i have seen people posting payment proofs of this program over forums. 138 days is quite good period to know that the program is good one, and i appreciate admin to keep paying and making good image. Minimum investment of 5$ is affordable and ROI 1-2.3% daily is reasonable and sustainable for longer time frame.
  16. This is right that they have made good efforts on program design. But returns are very high and unbelievable - unsustainable as well. Even I can believe the statistics - would people really invest 21000$ in a program with such unreal roi plans on 1st day itself.. Started Nov 1, 2010 Running days 1 Total accounts 368 Active accounts 195 Total deposited $ 21,458.93 Today deposited $ 1,509.61 Total withdraw $ 491.00 Visitors online 88 Members online 26 Newest Member jacem
  17. Monitors about this hyip have paying status about more than 160 days - which is very long period to prove a paying program. I like the site and the sacred image on the site. Plans are very attractive and minimum 1$ gives everyone an opportunity to invest.
  18. Sorry to say their roi really dont attract me much even to me it looks unsustainable. I dont think they are really going to pay 108% for longer term. So they may be paying for first few days but even then i think it will risky to join this site. Even then if anyone want still want venture, may enter for 2-3 days in daily plan with a little amount say only 4$.
  19. @anne you are right even i am not able to open this site, And good to hear from you that you tried to research about the location of the program. As about most of other hyips the information provided by this one also proved to be wrong.
  20. Yup site has quite good design, and goo material on the site about the metal trading that is enough to convince that they have good knowledge of metal trading. They give opportunity to every one to join the program being minimum only 1$. 1.5% daily for 160 days is deliver handsome 240% return which is quite good but will help this program sustain for longer term.
  21. @anne i agree with you 30 days plan is really giving very attractive returns And that is what is making me re-think about this program, you may be right 50% returns for 30 days is impossible. As of now program has paying status and may be until they get good investment in the 30 days plan there should not be any program.
  22. hyipreviewblo bro you look to be right. I am trying to open this site - but unable to open it. And I think this program is already gone.
  23. 1.9% daily for 365 days is lucrative profit and that too one can start with as little as only $5. The program has very nice looking site and with ddos and ssl protection. Hope they can sustain paying for full year.
  24. Well considering at the performance of the program and comments given by the investors I would say this is a good hyip. Like a diamond in the stake of stones dont loose its own shine, similarly this program though is in the cyberspace where there are lot of scammers but it is just continuing doing its good job. I am very shortly going to join this program.
  25. I had just made my mind to invest in this program as i checked it few days ago on goldpoll and it had very good status "paying" since long... But thanks i could know by your posts that admin has stopped paying, this is really sad to hear about the end of such a great program which has served peoples not months but years.
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