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Everything posted by yb3889

  1. I would not say that site design is very good but it is ok. 1.2% daily for 60 days is good roi and sustainable for longer term and after the term we get our investment back, minimum being only 10$ is quite affordable, I thinik there should not be any problem in first 2 month as there would be small investments to test and admin will try to prove it. After two months if performance remains good - people may start investing bigger deposits and another 2 months should good for this program. I would wait for a week to see the performance of this site before making test spend.
  2. Lol! the name of the site is no risk investment But i would say it is really a high risk investment because the returns are just too high and unreal and can't be sustained It is only 1 day old and most of the monitors are in "waiting" status. I cant think this hyip beyond a week.
  3. Lookwise site is excellant. ROI projects the site to be a longer term. Minimum being 1$ is going to attract lot of investors Though i cant understand why they have .5$ minimum withdrawal this will reduce number of payment proofs. And return being only 1.2% minimum invest of 1$ will require us to wait around 40-50 days make withdrawal.
  4. Well this is a good site And roi in all plans is between 2-3% daily for 60 days that is sustainable for longer term. Minimum being only 1$ i dont care that admin may runaway with my 1 buck. Intention while designing the plan seems to be making the program live longer.
  5. Site design is OK, lol! initially i thought it is a site which sell clocks there are 4 different clock pics. Anyway as per information provided on the site it has ddos protection. There are 5 plans and every one has 10$ minimum which is a bit high to test a new site. First plan being only for 1 day i think may be tried but after seeing the status that site is paying. Currently it is very new site and monitors are in waiting status.
  6. Well site has simple design and plans are also simple - all plans have a duration of just 1 day and return vary 15-20%. Being minimum deposit only 5$ it is quite affordable. Though i dont think with this roi program can sustain for long period but this can be used to make good profit in short time. Play for 1-2 days withdraw and dont look back.
  7. Username : yb3889 Amount To Request (DMT points) : 205 Liberty Reserve ID : U0172852 Thanks Admin. I just wish to get approved and paid soon.
  8. Vow great to hear this good news from you It means monitors are right, and we should avail the opportunity. Well i will soon try to join this site.
  9. Well this program has well designed, ssl secured web-site and attractive and balanced plans Plans are such that they are attractive and sustainable simultaneously. 3.20% daily for 50 days with minimum 5 is quite attractive plan and can be sustained for longer term.
  10. VERIFIED TRADER All members may trade on this board. It is advised to trade with Verified Traders. In order to apply as a Verified Trader, please send a scanned copy of these documents to: admin@ecxchange.biz - Latest IC - Another document that contains your address (Utility bills, bank statements, etc) - Another picture of you (different from IC) [Can be a group picture] www.ecxchange.biz Note: A board where people may find others interested in exchange e-currencies and are verified by members. Safe as every member is verfied by admin.
  11. Yup its great to find an exchanger locally who has good repute and provide good rate for buying and selling liberty reserve. And yes International members can utilise their services to exchange LR to paypal.
  12. Yeah i agree this exchange will prove to be used for exchanging between LR, AP and PM, though they support other ecurrencies but they are less popular. And i see fee is not excessive.
  13. How good to see this exchanger being international and reputed one accepting indians to make sell/buy thru local cash deposit/bank transfer. And there are so many services provided by this exchanger.
  14. As much I know - you can withdraw from alertpay using cheque desposit in your bank account, and fund paypal thru your bank a/c, is easy and legal way. Another way can be join a program which accepts these two processors desposit using alertpay and withdraw earnings using PP.
  15. Though 41 is not good rate to sell and we can easily get party paying 45+ per AP usd. But being a established and reputable exchanger it would be safe to sell AP to alertpays and yes can be used as a method to fund alertpay at only 51/- per USD. I am going to try this exchanger soon.
  16. Vow! it is so good to exchange with other members and no fear of being scammed I would go to this site and look for the offers ... If i dont find good offer, i have choice to place my own offer.
  17. Looks another great exchanger for buying or selling Liberty Reserve But 20$ is really big amount for 1st transaction.
  18. I chatted the staff on their site and found very good response. Even i see very good feed back (comments) from the users on their site. Soon i shall go to sell them LR as i feel they give best rate 46/-, and hope i will get instant bank transfer like others.
  19. Even the first plan has 10$ minimum depsosit which is quite high for the purpose of testing a new hyip site. Because of hourly plans and very high and unrealistic returns in term plans (140-160% after 3 days) I agree with @sirwilly that there is no way the Program Admin can sustain those rates. So i doubt about this program's sustainability.
  20. Very nice design - yeah the design really sucks, professional layou along with DDOS protection And more important very attractive plans 6% daily for 30 days with minimum 10 bucks gives 80% handsome return in 30 days short period. Having paying status since 3 days on monitors. I would watch this for few days more.
  21. Most of the monitors are having paying status but last pay date is not more than 31st october. Which shows yesterday payments are not made. Though i salute admin as he worked good work on the site design and good protection. But returns being very high and unrealistic it was/is difficult to sustain paying status.
  22. Lol! 170% after 1 day they are gone crazy Noway to sustain such high roi i think this program will not pay and even if pay it would be very short term not even a week with this plan. I reiterate it is very high risk.
  23. First this proram is with a cheap script and not very good design either. Plans are just insane and i dont think can be sustained for even few days. Looking at first plan itself which promise 180% return after 1 day raises doubt about the intention of this program. No no way to go with such unreaslistic plan.
  24. I agree dwith you @yogesh plans are very short term. Though site has good design and paying status on monitors since 2 days - i dont find it attractive enough. Even if the site would have worked i was not intersted in it as returns are very high and unsustainable for considerable period. Also there is big gap in roi of 10$ and 5001$ investment just 5 times which is unreasonable.
  25. Site is looking professional designwise and good protection using DDOS and SSL. Initial plan with minimum 10$ is what can be said affordable for most of us, has 7% return after 10 days which can be said good and sustainable return. Even the daily plan also has 1.1% return which is enough to maintain paying status for longer term. Most of hyips are showing paying status since around 160 days which is quite good period to prove admin has long term perspective for this project.
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