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Norm O'Neill

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Everything posted by Norm O'Neill

  1. I am definitely a lion, but I don’t think there are situations which allows me to be this all the time, so sometimes my lion mood turns into cub, it’s the challenge I don’t think many can handle. I have got it perfectly with OctaFX broker’s tiniest spread of 0.2 pips for all major pairs, it helps me so much and that’s what allows me to be successful without having to face much difficulty at all while even their 24/5 support is what keeps on helping me.
  2. I don’t think doing Currency trading is easy, but we need to have determination to do it, but it is of course far from easy, but we must know that anything good is only achieve if we put 100% effort. I am also lucky like you that I have got excellent guidance from my broker OctaFX, it has got amazing cTrader demo contest where I am able to win up to 400 USD prize for week and even if I don’t win it still there is plenty of experience to gain out of it.
  3. I barely used it for 2-3 months that too without having any interest, it is obviously wrong way to go, but this is something very much part of human’s nature and I am sorry to say that we are never going to find it easier, so that’s why we need to be really in control of things in order to be successful. Now I must warn new comers that if you don’t practice / learn then forget about success, I have not used demo much, but that does not mean I have not learned. I have learned things very well from Baby Pips and then I used OctaFX broker’s 8 USD no deposit bonus which made me fit to start real account with them which is also bringing fruitful results.
  4. The person who has hardworking as his mantra of life won’t ever be left disappointed, it is often see people been lazy and always leaving their work on other’s shoulder or just ignore it to think it’s too difficult and that’s why they always stay where they are instead of growing. I am extremely lucky that I have got OctaFX broker which provided me the destination to do hard work at and that has led into becoming successful, but the journey comes with loads of disappointments and various other stuff, so that is the only way we will be getting experience and for me all hard work is worth with OctaFX broker’s help through their awesome conditions that’s available all the time.
  5. For me the best tip to new comers is to never give up on trading and also never give up on your dreams because if we are capable of dreaming it then we are definitely capable of achieving it. There is no doubt that there are more reason why we can give up or leave the dreams half way due to difficulties, but holding onto things in toughest conditions is what makes us a true trader. I am exactly that with OctaFX broker where they have picture perfect facilities and offers which makes me work well all the time especially with their Super-Charge real contest, it has prizes worth in millions, so been able to participate there is a really treat for me.
  6. Now day’s life is almost impossible without bonuses or added advantage. It was unheard of 9-10 years, but now the first question you will find beginner asking is whether broker is offering bonuses or not, it is the reason why now bonuses is no longer seen as luxury instead it is seen as a necessity thing of life of traders. It is the reason why OctaFX broker is so highly rated, it is type of company which completely understand this mindset and that’s why they offer bonus that is use able and beneficial unlike other companies where we only find bonuses as show piece which is something really bad because that makes no difference in traders like we just find it useless.
  7. IB is a really wonderful way of earning; if we have the right broker then we can make great income from this way, but of course we need to work hard on this, but to be able to do it with confident, it is very important to have a broker that we can actually trust or rely upon, so that is something which will help us further it to others. If we have wrong broker then we will never be able to make stable earning because of not many people joining us. It is why I consider myself extra luck because of OctaFX broker, it’s a very nice company with having to class facilities which always helps new comers, so everyone feel happy to join them and I can earn huge amount as well.
  8. First one goes by order of importance than I would put Education, Experience and lastly luck. It is simply because luck is the part which we have zero control over while for rest of the stuff, it is possible to master/gain, so that’s why I believe these are more important while for been lucky there is no tip apart from just been lucky. I do admit of been lucky thanks to OctaFX broker where they have strong rebate service to help me gain 15 dollars profits.
  9. Scalping is a really highly profitable way of working while it’s dangerous too, so that’s why we need to be extremely careful and only then we will find any sort of success, I am extremely fortunate that I work with OctaFX broker where they have fabulous bonus up to 50% on deposit, it’s really cool and really helps me work easily since this is completely use able and that is what makes me work with ultra comfort and that’s why I also find scalping much easier to do.
  10. It is gambling if you do it without plans or education, so they are right about it, but the only difference is that there are many people who have education and experience, so that’s where they do it’s not gambling. I believe we can all gain knowledge and experience, as it’s far from the most difficult thing, but it is with requirement of knowledge and experience, I have that thanks to OctaFX broker and their low spread of 0.2 pips, high leverage up to 1.500 plus smooth platform!
  11. Who said Forex is risky? If we can prepare our self correctly than we can definitely make it big here, but if we don’t do it then we will always struggle to reach anywhere. I am lucky that I work with OctaFX broker where my struggle is zero thanks to their rebate program where I always get 15 USD profits per lot size trade while this is given even on losing trades, so that’s what makes it so good and allows me to work with complete control and comfort.
  12. Demo and real account trading, it’s both very important for anyone since to begin we need to rely upon demo account and as we move ahead we need to focus on real account, but all this is not anything easy to do. It needs consistent effort and strong will power. This is not achievable by lazy people. I was lazy, but since I joined OctaFX broker, it has made me super active with their cTrader demo contest where I can win 150 dollars per week.
  13. There are no hidden secrets, it’s all about hard work that we need to put in, if we are able to do that then we will definitely find successful, but if we are unable to do this then we could face serious test of patience, so I feel that we should always be trying to work on basis of proper planning and management which automatically will bring success at our step and to guide me on all this is the multiple award winning company OctaFX with their sensational 50% deposit bonus.
  14. Yes, I do agree on this, but we must remember that the guide is only useful if we take proper interest in it, I don’t think we will see much changes happening without having interest. If we want to change something then we need to start from inside and learning from heart is what one needs. I have done that and now I can even put my heart into executing this without fear due to OctaFX broker’s wonderful Champion demo contest where I could win up to 1000 dollars.
  15. No, I have strong doubts on possibilities because I feel that we need to do a lot of hard work and only then we will be able to succeed, but in between trying to do it on daily basis is next to impossible, so that’s why we need to focus on making consistent profits, but that does not mean it should be daily. At the moment I am making regular profits with OctaFX broker using their low spread of 0.2 pips, high leverage up to 1.500 and much more!
  16. I am trading regularly since I have taken it as my career, I am pretty happy with it, I strongly believe that if we want to be successful then we must decide where we want to have career, it is not possible to reach anywhere without a goal. I had it pretty clear and that’s why I started here leaving everything completely including my job, as doing 7-8 hours job and then to learn was not logical and even if it was anything logical I was not able to control too well, so I decided to make this shift. It has worked perfectly especially with OctaFX broker, as they helped me to achieve sizeable profits which is enough to prove that I belong here and that’s why I feel so happy, it is all due to their strong conditions and simple setup that makes things easier and has helped me so much.
  17. Forex always has been an online business and this is what makes this so different and beautiful, I have seen many work online, but that is nothing compare to what Forex trading actually is. This is absolutely master piece and really helps me work easily especially with having right broker like I have in OctaFX, it’s a worldwide recognized company with having 0.2 pips for all major pairs plus smooth trading platform which helps me work easily.
  18. When an amazing forex trading platform, combines with perfect low spreads and is supported by great leverages then you are destined to succeed in the world of forex trading. This fact was understood by Octa Markets incorporated, which formed one of the most promising forex brokers- OctaFX Broker. Packed with up-to date use of knowledge and technology OctaFX is truly an impressive broker that has brought a new dimension to the world of forex trading. Known to be the first micro forex trading broker, it always works with the highest standards of service and does its best to maintain it. This is the reason why you can find it’s always developing its services for providing the ultimate trading experience to the traders. However, what are those five things that you should know about this broker? Read on to find out! #1- OctaFX Is Regulated in Saint Vincent and Geraldine Being regulated is quite important because it portrays a sense of trust and reliability. This is why traders only prefer to go with those brokers which are regulated and thus can have their funds secured under them. The same happens when you have OctaFX around, which is regulated in Saint Vincent and Geraldine in 2011 under the license number 19776 IBC 2011. This proves that the broker is in complete legal compliance with the international standards and regulations of trading. #2- Became The Fastest Growing Micro Broker In Just One Year Of Its Existence Awarded by Global Banking and Finance, OctaFX became the fastest growing micro forex broker of the world, which is indeed a prestigious recognition for the group. Now, this award speaks a lot about the creditability and good-will of the company. This makes its micro trading accounts the best platform for novice traders, who dream to make it big in the world of forex trading. #3- Offers User-friendly Features Any forex broker will be nothing without its user-friendly features. Now, when it comes to OctaFX then traders will never be disappointed, as this broker provides a memorable forex trading experience, with customer service at its top priority. Some beneficial features of the broker include · On-time ECN Execution · Security of Funds · Proper Trading Conditions · Amazing Trading Software, MetaTrader 4 and cTrader. #4- Has Something In Store For Every Trader Whether you are a novice trader or an expert OctaFX has something in store for everyone. If you want to play it safe and grow as you learn then going with the Micro Trading Accounts is something that you should consider. But for those proficient traders who want to earn their share of profit can go with ECN/STP account with the 28 currency pairs. #5- Recognized As Best STP Broker of 2015 There was yet another golden feather added to the achievements of OctaFX when it was awarded as the best STP broker of 2015. This shows how innovative, fair and reliable the platform offered by the broker is and why one should not miss out an opportunity of forex trading with them.
  19. I started up in 2012, but I don’t exactly remember the month or even the date, it’s tough to remember these things since I never started in Forex with such big plans, but after watching how things went out, it was the reason I stick to this and that’s why it’s not possible to exactly say when I did my first trade, but I can tell you it was a really lovely experience. I made solid profits which was something hard to believe when I started, but it was far easier and that was due to the perfect selection I did straight away in terms of broker with OctaFX, it’s a really classic company with having every option that made my first time trading fabulous.
  20. I don’t think it’s any agreement or such thing, it’s just mindset that believe that, if we take or say it as our primary job than it’s that only if we say it’s part time that’s how one will say it, so it’s not like job where we actually change things completely and that shows in time giving to that as well plus the income, but here it’s completely different. I have seen many people spending 2-3 hours yet calling it fulltime while others who give out 4-5 hours still consider it as part time, so it’s just within mind that can make it whatever we wish, I do it for 2-3 hours daily with OctaFX broker while I can always be on with their amazing mobile platform.
  21. This is seriously incredible facilities that OctaFX offers, it has really become hot favorites amongst youngsters starting their career, I believe that as a new comer, I had to struggle a lot due to wrong choice and available brokers, but it is lucky to see that youngsters now won’t have to face that issue especially with the type of benefits one is getting here. I really like that 8 dollars welcome bonus, it is how I started here and for new comers even such low amount is like gold dust because this can make us believe that we belong here and how crucial even smaller amount is, so that’s why I am really thankful to this lovely company to making it possible for us.
  22. I feel terrified to discuss about losses, as I don’t want to be in one of these boats, I believe that if one has passion for things then he is able to achieve it fairly easily, but without that it’s not so easy, so my personal view is not many people have passion for the work and they do it with thinking just about money and that leads to failures. I have strong passion for trading which is why I do it easily and due to great broker like OctaFX, it is far easier thanks to their awesome 50% bonus, it is itself a massive advantage for me and alone is responsible for saving me from losses, so that’s why I love it so much and believe that in order to be successful it is important to have correct support.
  23. No, I am sorry but this is not true even in best dreams. It is something obvious and I don’t think one needs to have rocket science to understand this; it is fair calculation to understand why I am saying this. It is not just about Forex been far safer while it is much more profitable, so that’s why I can’t ever agree to that. For the moment I am working with OctaFX broker where they have quality conditions that include low spread of 0.2 pips, high leverage up to 1:500 plus very love able platform cTrader, it’s far easier to trade on a true ECN platform because this is how we are able to achieve success that too easily.
  24. Hello mate.
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