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Withdraw - TopMine: Transaction: 960e8dbfe4c16785963eadef10865dab46cd497f9dbcb188b43610f2c08aa3f4 Payment system: Bitcoin (BTC) Amount: 0.0071411 BTC = 4.48 $ - Instant Withdraw to: 3EAPsSuhMNRVcwYVnW8vx7yy5nrhL3zhWL Date: 2016-06-12 07:54:53 Total hashpower: 1872 TeraX Payout for: Every day Minimal Payout: Manual: 0.001 BTC
Payout - HashOcean: Transaction: 6a61a472e91a3615b6b56e43cca329b3dc8dbd4698af26787bfda86d3321dd2d Payment system: Bitcoin (BTC) Amount: 0.03363804 BTC = 20.3$ Withdraw to: 3EAPsSuhMNRVcwYVnW8vx7yy5nrhL3zhWL Date: 2016-06-12 01:00:09 Total hashpower: 4581 KH/s Payout: Daily
Payout - Recyclix: Transaction: 01c829e33713e0258ee2f5b1329105934fe1f34b52f8b0c1f2d9dbca1189ed7b Payment system: Bitcoin (BTC) Amount: 0.07051422 BTC = 41.08 USD or 35 EURO - Instant Withdraw to: 3CkdEsJewqiETMw5saWNT61c8jXqPgwr3r Date: 2016-06-11 06:43:56 Total purchased Waste: 4900 Kg = 980 EURO or 2.6 BTC
Withdraw - TopMine: Transaction: c713ae8c4d91ecae742f16e1f1096ee91d04e049107fd4d4b0e5c6bc671264cc Payment system: Bitcoin (BTC) Amount: 0.00542946 BTC = 3.14 $ - Instant Withdraw to: 3EAPsSuhMNRVcwYVnW8vx7yy5nrhL3zhWL Date: 2016-06-08 17:59:05 Total hashpower: 1872 TeraX Payout for: Every day Minimal Payout: Manual: 0.001 BTC
Payout - Recyclix: Transaction: 8d11d2a7717ae99041aede7357f8b96f998fec116c72c9c501c16127350becb9 Payment system: Bitcoin (BTC) Amount: 0.04442085 BTC = 25.96 USD or 23 EURO - Instant Withdraw to: 3CkdEsJewqiETMw5saWNT61c8jXqPgwr3r Date: 2016-06-07 06:27:26 Total purchased Waste: 4900 Kg = 980 EURO or 2.6 BTC Instruction automation control: - To properly invest money go to the MEMBER'S AREA; - Press BUY - WASTE put the number of 100 kg = 20 € ; - Edit profile --> Restart automatically and take profit --> SAVE - That's all, have only to withdraw. Profit is 14% of Deposit for 35 days. Инструкция РУС автоматизация управления: - Чтобы правильно вложить деньги переходите в раздел ЛИЧНЫЙ КАБИНЕТ; - Нажимаете КУПИТЬ - ОТХОДЫ ставим количество 100 kg = 20 евро; - Редактировать профиль --> Автоматически начинать заново и получать прибыль --> СОХРАНИТЬ; - На этом все, осталось только вывести. Доход составляет 14% от депозита за 35 дней.
Payout - BitsRapid: Transaction: dcc952bbc4653012c76314e28b8bf61c602af6213e248fd9d1e5e136c716d4a4 Payment system: Bitcoin (BTC) Amount: 0.02624972 BTC = 15.27 $ Withdraw to: 3EAPsSuhMNRVcwYVnW8vx7yy5nrhL3zhWL Date: 2016-06-06 20:20:06 Total hashpower: 3885 KH/s Payout: Every day Minimal Payout: Automatically: 0.005 BTC
TEST Withdraw % + REFS % - BitMinister: Transaction: VIEW Payment system: Bitcoin (BTC) Amount: 0.0076 BTC = 4.42 $ - Instant Withdraw to: 3CkdEsJewqiETMw5saWNT61c8jXqPgwr3r Date: 2016-06-06 15:07:19 Minimum Deposit: 0.01 BTC Minimum Payout: 0.0005 BTC Total deposit: 0.2 BTC = 116.39 USD Кто хочет рефбэк, прошу на сайт в чат в подписе! Who want RefBack, please check our website to chat in the signature!
CryptoMonitor started following BitMinister -
Start of project: 06.06.2016 BitMinister: REGISTRATION Features: - Accept: BitCoin [bTC] - Payments: Instant - Referral plan: 3% - NO fee for withdrawal - Minimum Deposit: 0.005 BTC - Minimum withdrawal: 0.0005 BTC - Deposit refund: After 24 hours at any time invest plans: - 0.1250% hourly - 3% daily - 0.1458% hourly - 3.5% daily - 0.2083% hourly 5% per Day Deposit: Test Deposit | transaction: 0.2 BTC = 116.39 USD | View Date: 2016-06-06 10:16:42 Who wants Refback, please check your website to chat in the signature!
Payout - HashOcean: Transaction: ef8ccb145b1ac716507437a45b989ce4eff79c40829ff68644d5cfa2e52c8d4a Payment system: Bitcoin (BTC) Amount: 0.03256395 BTC = 18.71$ Withdraw to: 3EAPsSuhMNRVcwYVnW8vx7yy5nrhL3zhWL Date: 2016-06-06 01:00:06 Total hashpower: 4435 KH/s Payout: Daily
Withdraw - CoinScrypt: Transaction: 695ee3002eb7f28d7d806c144744951c58dce8c23624b8c673ddd33a3d54200c Payment system: Bitcoin (BTC) Amount: 0.00252 BTC = 1.46 $ - Instant Withdraw to: 3CkdEsJewqiETMw5saWNT61c8jXqPgwr3r Date: 2016-06-06 05:01:00 Total deposit: 0.1 BTC = 52.97 USD Кто хочет рефбэк, прошу на сайт в чат в подписе! Who want RefBack, please check our website to chat in the signature!
Withdraw - iCoin24: Transaction: aaa8ae9c61e764b06e91b2e151ee9e11132cf82c2c6ccdb015035c679ac3ddf1 Payment system: Bitcoin (BTC) Amount: 0.00566 BTC = 3.28 $ - Instant Withdraw to: 3CkdEsJewqiETMw5saWNT61c8jXqPgwr3r Date: 2016-06-06 05:00:50 Minimum Deposit: 0.001 BTC Minimum Payout: 0.0001 BTC Total deposit: 0.1 BTC = 55.75 USD Кто хочет рефбэк, прошу на сайт в чат в подписе! Who want RefBack, please check our website to chat in the signature!
Withdraw - aHash: Transaction: c19b25dde0b0dc1bd824004bed1dfa8014b8f8bb76384f137d5a186808f8a37d Payment system: Bitcoin (BTC) Amount: 0.00122432 BTC = 0.71 $ - Instant Withdraw to: 3CkdEsJewqiETMw5saWNT61c8jXqPgwr3r Date: 2016-06-06 06:35:26 Total deposit: 0.05 BTC = 23.5 USD
Теперь вы можете оставлять комментарии к проектам на сайте. Также есть чат в правом нижнем углу сайта, где вы всегда можете задать свои вопросы. С наилучшими пожеланиями Команда CryptoMonitor You can now leave comments on the projects on the site. Also there is a chat in the lower right corner of the site where you can always ask your questions. From best Regard CryptoMonitor team
Withdraw - TopMine: Transaction: 5bd4c63a311c1c77a86bf53ac330ba9b555c1a3f784cf0db3330ab7767c8ef28 Payment system: Bitcoin (BTC) Amount: 0.00511681 BTC = 2.93 $ - Instant Withdraw to: 3EAPsSuhMNRVcwYVnW8vx7yy5nrhL3zhWL Date: 2016-06-04 12:08:30 Total hashpower: 1792 TeraX Payout for: Every day Minimal Payout: Manual: 0.001 BTC
Payout - BitsRapid: Transaction: cf073fcade81a2c0418f3d2fe74802236127d2a12d64f3277fd177212c03d035 Payment system: Bitcoin (BTC) Amount: 0.02606259 BTC = 14.85 $ Withdraw to: 3EAPsSuhMNRVcwYVnW8vx7yy5nrhL3zhWL Date: 2016-06-03 19:45:54 Total hashpower: 3885 KH/s Payout: Every day Minimal Payout: Manual: 0.005 BTC