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  1. 05.05.15 08:38 Account Receive +50.00 Received Payment 50.00 USD from account U8332551 to account U706****. Batch: 88800085. Memo: API Payment. Перевод денег из Webtransfer-finance.com кошелек №49612814 05:43 05.05.15 Receive 88792979 U8332551 Webtransfer Europe Ltd +50.00 Received Payment 50.00 USD from account U8332551. Memo: API Payment. Перевод денег из Webtransfer-finance.com кошелек №21956961. Payment ID: 40048837 The amount of 61 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U8332551->U*****. Memo: API Payment. Перевод денег из Webtransfer-finance.com кошелек №70811405.. Date: 08:43 05.05.15.
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  3. + 503.79 $ Date: 04.05.2015 16:42:57 ID: 58899823 Details: P8760959 → P7987396 Amount: 503.79 $ Comment: Перевод денег из Webtransfer-finance.com (заявка №39857408) quote: + 193.84 $ Date: 04.05.2015 16:42:58 ID: 58899828 Details: P8760959 → P7987396 Amount: 193.84 $ Comment: Перевод денег из Webtransfer-finance.com (заявка №39857776)
  4. Received Payment 180.00 USD from account U8332551 to account U8*****6. Batch: 88682510. Memo: API Payment. Перевод денег из Webtransfer-finance.com кошелек №18317797. another one The amount of 60 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U8332551->U77*****. Memo: API Payment. Перевод денег из Webtransfer-finance.com Date: 12:24 04.05.15. Batch: 88733927. and one more another one linked from mmgp forum
  5. Earnings on microcredits with Webtransfer company! Serious trend on its market PS: am not admin Started 07.2014. The operator of the social network credit: Webtransfer Corp., registration No. 3951305, new York, USA. The operator of remittances: Webtransfer Europe Ltd., registration No. 06453803, London, UK. The license for the provision of financial services No. 569645 from 17/01/2012. Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under the Payment Service Regulations 2009. Become a partner of the social credit network and get from 50% to 81% per month net profit and revenue 50% affiliate What is Webtransfer? Short video presentation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGAGPH4OuSc To Creditors To Borrowers To Partners Guarantees Arbitration BONUS 50$ on balance for test system! Everyone will receive the balance of the bonus of 50$, which can only be used once within the first 7 days and only for a loan with the option "guarantor" for up to 10 days. The bonus cannot be withdrawn from the system, only the interest earned from the use of bonus funds Payment system: PerfectMoney, Payeer, Okpay, Bank transfer and other The minimum amount for withdrawal is 50$ Min/max loan amount: from 50$ to 1000$ Min/max loan term: from 3 to 30 days The amount collected and disbursed loans is not restricted. My first entry 500USD two days ago In the end, dry facts: 50$ bonus! from 63% in months! 10 months. work! Few million participants, huge traffic :-) a lot of press from authoritative sources about WT. Also has many proofs everyday that it works great. You may need to clear cookies and cache in your browser, then click on the link >> Check it out! << PS: full personal support from me, best and optimal strategy, update of info and many more! also my skype: junglist05
  6. Earnings on microcredits with Webtransfer company! Serious trend on its market Started 07.2014. The operator of the social network credit: Webtransfer Corp., registration No. 3951305, new York, USA. The operator of remittances: Webtransfer Europe Ltd., registration No. 06453803, London, UK. The license for the provision of financial services No. 569645 from 17/01/2012. Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under the Payment Service Regulations 2009. Become a partner of the social credit network and get from 50% to 81% per month net profit and revenue 50% affiliate What is Webtransfer? Short video presentation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGAGPH4OuSc To Creditors To Borrowers To Partners Guarantees Arbitration BONUS 50$ on balance for test system! Everyone will receive the balance of the bonus of 50$, which can only be used once within the first 7 days and only for a loan with the option "guarantor" for up to 10 days. The bonus cannot be withdrawn from the system, only the interest earned from the use of bonus funds Payment system: PerfectMoney, Payeer, Okpay, Bank transfer and other The minimum amount for withdrawal is 50$ Min/max loan amount: from 50$ to 1000$ Min/max loan term: from 3 to 30 days The amount collected and disbursed loans is not restricted. My first entry 500USD two days ago In the end, dry facts: 50$ bonus! from 63% in months! 10 months. work! Few million participants, huge traffic :-) a lot of press from authoritative sources about WT. Also has many proofs everyday that it works great. You may need to clear cookies and cache in your browser, then click on the link >> Check it out! << PS: full personal support from me, best and optimal strategy, update of info and many more! also my skype: junglist05
  7. your scam link is not works anymore!
  8. Empower is not serious anymore, just a moneyflow trend was, with a weak product
  9. omg! no one moderate this part of forum?
  10. that's is a spamer, everywhere is the same link!
  11. yeah something wrong in here!
  12. People, how much can earn in such games?
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