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  1. Trusted company. Join now.
  2. Next payment: http://adf.ly/waLtx
  3. I don't believe that, they complete everything that they planing. They just can not affort that.
  4. Displayed Username: musicx Amount To Request (DMT points): 100 Perfect Money ID: U7067806 Thanks.
  5. I need strategy, and then everything is possible. Thanks.
  6. Small brokers is best way to earn from scalping. Okey.
  7. Thanks for answers, demo account is best option for newbie.
  8. Thanks for information. This was very helpful.
  9. 100% agree, but does the profit is the most important?
  10. Thanks for answers, they was very helpful for me.
  11. Okey. Very good start, thanks for it.
  12. I think short terms trade is better for newbies, because they want to understand everythninl, and it's quite a good shot.
  13. I prefer only manual trade, robots are robots, they never think like us.
  14. Thanks for information. Like I understand scalping is not easy.
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