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Everything posted by betoman

  1. Hi Azhar, welcome. I have an Indian friend.
  2. LOL... when I try to access the site, I get message: " 406 Not AcceptableThis request is not acceptable
  3. Looks like a good enough site, maybe I will try a $10 trial spend here.
  4. I found this forum by looking after something else on the net. I was doing some HYIPs a longer time ago, but not on a too big scale, and per overall I made just a very small amount of $$$ from all that. My "game" and passion is sports betting. Done in the right way you can't even compare it with risking your hard earned money is those 100% ponzi HYIP games.
  5. It's extremely difficult to get to $100 per day. Even if you know what you're doing, but what you are doing is not some original method at all, it can take 2-4 months of serious every day work of 2-4 hours to get there...
  6. Someone tried this one? It's working?
  7. I cannot access the site!
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