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About sasuyas0ri

  • Birthday 07/01/1982

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  1. Hello, Is it a legit way? And would you show us any payment proof?
  2. This is the better way to restart it again. Use only demo account at many forex brokers. Just learn again what wrong and what need to be fixed. After some trades, you will get your own unique trick to trade again. Learn is something important in trading.
  3. Wow i just knew that bitcoin now traded in forex. It is good to make bitcoin grow like other high quality currency.
  4. This is good site to earn cash. They offer microjobs and we can do it everyday. This is the site which gave me the first payment in online working. It is great.
  5. I'm not sure with head-tail game trick you provided. It didn't work for me. I just tried a new trick, and I didn't win yet.
  6. Good gambling site, we can use bitcoin to gamble. It also has a good minimum deposit and betting. So, by gambling little, almost no risk you get.
  7. I think there are much ways to gambling now. Since we can deposit by SMS, gambling now easier way.
  8. This is a great idea of gambling site. Betting by a cent, it would be no risk. No need enough money, that also mean bigger risk of scam.
  9. I was thinking it is game from Liberty Reserve that is no longer alive. But I have read that payment processor are many and LR isn't there..
  10. Does anyone know where can I go to trade forex without downloading an apps and install it to my PC? It might be a web built with flash in it, so I can start trading forex immediately without downloading any app? It will be more appreciated if I could get a demo account with free dollars as free sign-up fee. Thank you.
  11. Trading forex and gambling will not be the same. Forex is trading. U sell something (others called it 'open position). Then close it at some interval time. Gambling is betting. You put some money to bet a possibly depend on luck. So, there's a big solid difference between them.
  12. Yes, that's the reality. That is the rule of trading forex. If there are only 2 traders active. Then it is you, and there's another one. You would realize, when you win another one will lose. Is it possible both of you win the trade?
  13. I have no experience in trading with long-tern period. But I have seen someone did it. And I knew he did it well. He got win. I think it's a good idea, to open the long-period trade. Until the time, you can see if you win or not.
  14. I agree with standart argument. Like he said, there might something need to be evaluated in your trading system. Remember, review and re-evaluate what wrong with your system. And go fight again.
  15. In my opinion are: Control your dream to earn million dollars by betting only $5. Keep calm when you get win. Don't be greedy. Control your anger when you get lose. Don't spend all of your money. Remember you have another days, you can trading again tomorrow. Manage everything, and that's all about managing your psychology in trading forex.
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