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Everything posted by HYIPs-Analysis

  1. The next instant payment on "Perfect Money" is received: 08/20/2014 10:09 66216559 + 1.00 U5240745->U1028268 Memo: Withdraw to analysis from Satindra.
  2. The next payment on "Perfect Money" is received: 08/20/2014 10:09 66216590 + 1.00 U6288082->U1028268 Memo: Withdraw to analysis from BITC1 - Your Crypto Provider.
  3. The next instant payment on "Perfect Money" is received: 08/20/2014 10:10 66216677 + 1.00 U6264619->U1028268 Memo: Withdraw to analysis from Mayinvestments.
  4. The next instant payment on "Perfect Money" is received: 08/20/2014 10:12 66216827 + 1.00 U3961968->U1028268 Memo: Withdraw to analysis from Centreinvestgroup.
  5. The next very fast payment on "Perfect Money" is received: 08/20/2014 10:19 66217211 + 1.00 U3020516->U1028268 Memo: TRANSFER-analysis. Payment ID: 20819
  6. The first very fast payment on "Perfect Money" is received: 08/20/2014 10:30 66218042 + 4.00 U8690563->U1028268 Memo: Withdraw to admin HYIPs-Analysis from FinAlianza.
  7. The next very fast payment on "Perfect Money" is received: 08/20/2014 10:40 66218661 + 1.00 U6934086->U1028268 Memo: Invoice 12673, analysis.
  8. The next very fast payment on "Perfect Money" is received: 08/20/2014 10:49 66219372 + 4.08 U7172349->U1028268 Memo: Invoice 2448, analysis.
  9. The next very fast payment on "Perfect Money" is received: 08/20/2014 11:02 66220151 + 1.00 U4689298->U1028268 Memo: Withdraw to analysis from NANO INDUSTRY INVESTMENTS INC LIMITED.
  10. The next very fast payment on "Perfect Money" is received: 08/20/2014 11:03 66220285 + 1.00 U3903679->U1028268 Memo: Withdraw to analysis from Laxo Trade.
  11. The next very fast payment on "Perfect Money" is received: 08/20/2014 11:30 66222316 + 2.00 U6476339->U1028268 Memo: Withdraw to EU58369469 from EU5.com.
  12. The next instant payment on "Perfect Money" is received: 08/20/2014 11:58 66224590 + 2.00 U4868731->U1028268 Memo: Payment ID: 6453
  13. The next very fast payment on "Perfect Money" is received: 08/20/2014 12:14 66225836 + 2.00 U4755842->U1028268 Memo: Received Payment 2.00 USD from account U4755842.
  14. The next very fast payment on "Perfect Money" is received: 08/20/2014 12:37 66227535 + 1.00 U6690742->U1028268 Memo: Withdraw to analysis from HyipCO.com.
  15. The next very fast payment on "Perfect Money" is received: 08/20/2014 12:38 66227700 + 3.00 U6195763->U1028268 Memo: Withdraw to analysis from Oil-Money.com.
  16. The next payment on "Perfect Money" is received: 08/20/2014 19:15 66263221 + 5.00 U3547037->U1028268 Memo: Cashout 2679. Payment ID: 2679
  17. The next payment on "Perfect Money" is received: 08/20/2014 04:25 66200059 + 1.00 U6170033->U1028268 Memo:
  18. The next payment on "Perfect Money" is received: 08/19/2014 18:41 66173536 + 2.00 U6476339->U1028268 Memo: Withdraw to EU58369469 from EU5.com.
  19. The next payment on "Perfect Money" is received: 08/19/2014 19:56 66179419 + 1.00 U4178235->U1028268 Memo: Withdraw to analysis from solidtradebank.com.
  20. The next payment on "Perfect Money" is received: 08/19/2014 21:22 66185777 + 2.00 U8142585->U1028268 Memo: Withdraw to analysis from Grand Agro Finance - Earn with us.
  21. The next auto payment on "Perfect Money" is received: 08/19/2014 11:35 66137464 + 1.00 U2675316->U1028268 Memo: Refcommission from 66128982 7 lev to 10037776. Payment ID: 8268 And the next auto payment on "Perfect Money" is received: 08/19/2014 11:35 66137466 + 1.00 U2675316->U1028268 Memo: Refcommission from 66128982 8 lev to 10035562. Payment ID: 8269
  22. The next very fast payment on "Perfect Money" is received: 08/19/2014 07:29 66120867 + 5.00 U3547037->U1028268 Memo: Cashout 2467. Payment ID: 2467
  23. The next instant payment on "Perfect Money" is received: 08/19/2014 08:07 66122761 + 2.50 U3185591->U1028268 Memo: Withdraw to analysis from volnaudachi2014.com.
  24. The next fast payment on "Perfect Money" is received: 08/19/2014 08:24 66123902 + 1.00 U2860408->U1028268 Memo: Withdraw to analysis from AsixTrust NZ Limited.
  25. The next fast payment on "Perfect Money" is received: 08/19/2014 08:49 66125394 + 1.00 U4755842->U1028268 Memo: Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U4755842.
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