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  1. OK recently I came across this site HappyMinerCoupon.Com. I mean it's like a no-brainer, everyone who can register and post in a forum can make 10 bucks! For absolutely nothing! No affliate marketing, no PTC, no recruiting,... Ofcourse this is not a long term gain, but for people who need QUICK money, this is an AMAZING opporturnity! Let me explain: -You go to the link, register and do what they tell you -Then they'll create a coupon, you use that to get a Happyminer account of 5000 h -Then you sell your account for $10 on Virtaex.com! That's it! Even a child can do this! Grab you FREE $10 now before they take down the offer
  2. it looks good but only for high-performance PC! Low-end PCs shouldn't have a chance of making a penny per day, even if they turn it on for 24h!
  3. great! looks like the site is from Vietnam! Gotta try this!
  4. wow amazing payout rates! much better than adfly!
  5. looks great! Gotta give it a try!
  6. thank you guys for the warnings! there're a lot of scams out there and we'd better be careful!
  7. this program is only good for high-performance computers. Otherwise your electricity bill will be even higher than the money you earn. Believe me!
  8. $25 is pretty high but I'll give it a chance. I don't like microworkers anyway!
  9. agree. And making money out of music? I've never thought of that! Maybe you'll go around all day just think about $$$$! I mean come on! Life's more than that!
  10. this site is great. I especially love the design - very professional. It can be the next Neobux!
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