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Everything posted by waseemilyas

  1. mostly people in the forex are getting profit but problem is that when they get the profit they thing about the more profit in the forex ist is not good for them they have to make trade as a normal trader and satisfied to their result if they get 10 % profit in the trade
  2. brother forex market is the one of the largest market in the wolrd these market is so famous one in the wolrd and people can earn huge profit through it its so easy for them to get the profit in the forex foe then hwo can know about it
  3. brother time is good for us if we are learning something to be succcessful in our life so forex need some time if we gave him then we can get the time asa real monney which is good for us in the forex trade if we wnt to earn in the forex then gave him time
  4. as we can every thing require time if we gave proper time to the forex then we should earn the monney in the forex easly and it is not hard for us to do but if we have small knowledge about the forex then we have to face big problem in the forex
  5. the main cause of the loss is the shortage of the knowledge about the forex if we have knowledge then can make trade successfuly without any problem it is not difficult for us if we havr information about the forex we can make huge profit in the forex
  6. yes it is tru forex can change our life it is a true work foe us to earn the monnney by using net .ifwe can laern it then we make huge profit in these work after doing the trade successful these work is not easy for the new user to do .
  7. forex is the best worker but it is difficult for those who can not understand it and they cannot earn in the fore if they want to earn they should learn the forex if they learn then it is good for them and they can also earn in the forex by trading in real acount
  8. its confusion about this some trader can do only by looking this but some expert trader can do without this and any other hints they appeair their own experiance and working without depending any things so they are reall trader.
  9. The main cause of loss is to greedy so avoid it and try a different think like little profit some times in greedy we are in more loss inctead of profit which is due to greedy so i think avoid this its demage yourself and also your bussiness.
  10. Yes forex is a chance to change our life style hundereds of people are depend on forex trading they just join it and got rich you just need to join this one or if you have no investment for trading just join forums and get bonus after this trade and get reall cash
  11. Yes news is exectly working its inform us about the currencies rates so listen news and decide your self to sell or buy currencies most of trader are expert in trading they don't depend on news they just try theirself and their experiance in trading.
  12. yes dears less thing in really are good one just accept it and try more in other time but don't greedy to get more in a current time please avoid this and to get less its large but look small so i suggest you accept it
  13. Its for everyone their are no any condition about joining this so dont worried about it just join and start you own bussiness just invest and start trading and get many many more bonus and enjoy yourself with forex.
  14. I love forex because its great its new professional kind of bussiness its ratio become increase day by day because its a trusted bussiness so i love it do you love it
  15. Hi newbies you should try demo prastics more and more to become export trader its reall require devolpe you skills by readinf forex and a reall is really difficult and loss day because if we hava no practics then we have loss our trading volume so avoid this .
  16. The trader are in over confidence and they never note down their mistake to avoid in next time they just try to earn more with out any knowledge its really wrong first know about forex fails reson and avoid next time to avoid loss i think its main reason.
  17. Every thing is depend upon our nature thats very important to keep you bussiness continue so honest broker can increase thir user by their honestness so avoid any kind of scam forex and try to find out a honest broker to join forex community its you duty to know that.
  18. Hello dears there is alittle advice for you i suggest you to first know the broker is register,is its have licenced and how about its rules they depend on his rule thay are scam possibilty or not so avoid this type of broker in advance and dont make you time waste.
  19. yes it is a good qusetion that we can make evry dream tue if we can laern he forex in these work we can earn the huge profit every day .so we can laern the forex by using the demo acount of the forex and make our dream possible because nothing is impossible if want
  20. we have to spent more and more time in the forex demo acount because by the demo we can get the knowledge about the forex and laern about it .we can also able to start the real acount if we have more knowledge about the forex .if we have knowledge then we can make every trade successful
  21. in the forex market we can earn more then we are thing but their is rule of the forex by the rule we can laern the forex and do work in it.i can belive 100 % on the forex its a very good work for me to earn the monney on the internet its not a scam work to earn the monney
  22. yes dear it is true forex is the best for every one to earn the monney on the internet these work is so powerful that we can earn 90 % profit in these work if we can learn it first .these one is true source of the income for us and we can get real profit in these work after trading
  23. yes dear it is true by joining forex we can make everythinh new in our life like a magic because in forex we can earn huge profit if we can do the trade by follow the right rule of the forex and earn more profit and so on but we have to learn it first if we can want to earn the monney
  24. we have to lear about the forex to start earn some monney when we make our trade successful if we have knowledge about the forex then we can do work in the forex otherwise we can not start these work .if we want to start it then first learn the forex in detail
  25. we have to try insta or others because if we can make trade by join different broker we can get the detail about it and know which one is best for us in the forex trade and which one is not good for us in the forex trade we have to join different broker to earn the monney in forex
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