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  1. affect in currencies is one economic ondition on one country so that can effect more impact on economic in one country. you need more knowledge about economic condition in one country.
  2. is hard to take profit in forex trading we must always elarn and learn and more practice to become senior trader in here. if for newbies maybe is dream for quick time become rich.
  3. I want earn more money in forex trading in one trade, however I know for got it is not easily. so we need more learn and practice to become senior trader then can earn more money form here.
  4. yes you are right forex trading is not for everyone because we know the forex trading is vary hard sometimes for newbies so you need more practice and experience for trade in forex trading.
  5. I said can this forex trading become a main business for we all, because if you have a good trading skill and know how to manage the money so you can eanr lot of money from here.
  6. I use broker is CityFX because this broker have a good fetures and low spread for trading activities, so I think this broker is have a good facility for you to trrade in forex.
  7. that is depend on you mind if you think forex is easy for trade so it can become easily for you however if you always think forex is one hard and can continue become har for you.
  8. shortterm trading with a scalping type is a good idea, you can rise over lot of money if you know how to manage and trade with a good technique. so first time you can test before you skill with demo account.
  9. the best forex broker in current day is where their have a regitered in NFA Asocation. so this broker we can said is the best broker and have a good features and high savety broker.
  10. MT5 is a good trading platform for replace MT4 but this trading platform also have a new features, where not found in old MT4 platform. so we need to learn more about this platform before use it.
  11. for withdraw profit from forex trading we must trade until profit in big volume nefore, so you can take decission for withdraw you money and then you can enjoy with it.
  12. from small capital like $100 you can trade until thpusands of dollar, if you have a good trading skill and powerfull analysis technique. so from now you can start to train you trading skill before and then go start practice what you have learn in past time.
  13. forex can become a great business if we know how to analysis and manage the money, so trading with discipline and consistent always train you trading strategy and technique thats is good.
  14. low spread is the good for we, if we can trade using low pread price spread that is good for trading with scalping style, so I hope we can get more profit with this type trading.
  15. demo account is a good place for we to learning and practice more how to trading include analysis and manage the investment, so demo account is a good place for it.
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