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BetsPlus design is very beautiful, its first plan its very good 1.4% For 25 Days ,, And The Afordable Investment Only $10 ,, This time is great for investing the money investors..
GreenoughAds This Is New Site, Now Site's Total Investment Is $0 .. means this site created before 3-4 hour.. this is great time for invest because this site is new.. and all investors will receive principal+profit..
Bluoro is mid term program. it is created 28 Jan 2014 but the monitors didn't paid because Bluoro is only 1 day Old program its best plan is BO Bronze which is giving 1.5% the min invest is $10 this is afordable i thnk many people invest in this plan.. and 3 Level Affilaite Progam which is 5% - 3% and 1% total 7%
Zepelin Ivnest is Paying From 1st Day.. Today It Is 7th Day.. the Review of all monitors paying.. PLAN DURATION : 25 Days it is good investor got profit in working days (MON-FRI) .. And The Reffrl comision of site is 3% .. if somebody refral a person and the investor invest from his link the person got profit which is 3% this is great
Mysafeinvest design is very unique.. it paying good.. all of investors receive daily withdraw.. i thnk it will not scam because the admin is very honest.. but this is HYIP .. we hope all of investors receive profit..
This Site is very old.. and forexshare paying since 330 days.. i see in monitors.. all monitors got paid and people also.. i thnk this site will go long.. i dont think it will scam.. because profit ratio is very low..
MclainFinance Is Short Term Hyip.. Running Days Only 1 and he got 39 Active Acounts.. and total investment is $465 .. and normal profiit only 102% in 1 day.. and starting invest is only $10 .. i thnk it will go good..
Beautiful Design.. But No Body Got Paid I see withdrawl it is $0 .. and investment is $1628 .. bet its profit is very good.. i thnk tommorow people got paid.. so i say best of luck to all investors who invest money..
Forexindogroup paying.. i see in geogle.. most people coment withdraw proof.. i thnk it goings very well.. and profit its good ! this time is good for investing
Etorocaptial going very bad i thnk he is only get $680 in 3 days.. but other programs got to much $ in 3 Days.. i thnk this site not get so much dollar..
Eurasian Asset is very old site.. and for 115+ Days.. I See In Google Peoples Are Getting Paid.. I Really Apreciate The Site..I Hope It Will Go Long In Future..
Weltex Is Going Good ! I see the payout history many members got paid ... and investors also got paid.. it seems like a good hyip.. but in short term program this site pay only $6702 .. Now Today its 7th Day .. I say to other people good luck.. and enjoy earning