We are proud to announce that we have updated the fee rates for our users. As you can see we are second to none. Powered by PaymentBase !!!. Make a deal !!!
We have updated the fee for our users. The best offers with EgoPay and Perfect Money and C-Gold are still valid. Thank you for staying with us. Powered by PaymentBase !!!
Hello. You can try different ways to exchange like from Perfect Money, OkPay, EgoPay, C-gold. All user welcome. It is Payza requirement to be verifield. Like I said You are welcome
We have revised our fees. Currently have big BTC-E, C-Gold, EgoPay and OKPAY reserves thus we can offer you even better deals!!! Powered by PaymentBase
A lot of people have been asking why there is no information in Payza regarding us being their exchanger. This Payza page clearly states that we are their exchanger: https://helpdesk.payza.com/index.php...ency-exchanger