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Everything posted by SlashxmE

  1. Steps: 1) Create account Here 2) Inside your dashboard find ExchangeBox go there 3) Choose what social network you wan to work with 3) add your account simply type username only (check F.A.Q.) 4) add account to system account 5) choose account and click start order 6) you will be redirected to google authorization page 7) after you gave permission to make likes from your account you will be redirected back to system 8) you will see all orders that's avaible 9) click start system checks if u liked before if not it will liked for you 10) after you liked click check 11) job done in 2 clicks u earned $ Earnings from Refferals are 20% RULES: 1) you only allow to work from 1 account at a time from 1 ip at a time breaking rules will result in a ban without payouts if there's any. F.A.Q. Q) How to add account ? A) Copy your username only of your account and add it, if you get error means this account doesn't exist or already used Q) How to delete account ? A) click on button "Add Account" and choose which account you wan a delete, kindly note if you did any activity from this account in system it will never let you deleted Q) How can I cash out my earnings A) To cash out your earnings, go to your user settings and click button "Cash Out" Ref Link : http://socialsbox.com/?referral=shlomidank
  2. http://www.freefilesdownloader.com/download/4/2434000/How_to_earn_5_dollars_per_hour
  3. This is my eBook explaining how to earn 5$ per hour,really efficient and recommended. http://www.freefilesdownloader.com/download/4/2434000/How_to_earn_5_dollars_per_hour
  4. 1) JOIN THE DIGITAL GENERATION PROJECT, FREE! DigitalGeneration is an international organizazion, their mission is to expand the limits of possibility. Their goal is to create the most powerful super computer in the world by combining the computational power of all computers. (this type of computer is used to climate modeling, calculating satellite orbits, bio-mechanics and other areas) 2) SHARE YOUR PROCESSOR POTENTIAL UNUSED Do you know that we use only some parts of the calculating power of our PC? So you can share your computer processor power unused with DigitalGeneration! 3) MAKE MONEY WITH YOUR SHARING, AUTOMATIC You will be paid for all the power you've shared, so more processor power you share, more you will earn. And the best thing is that you don't have to do nothing to make money! All you have to do is open the Digital Generation software and leave the computer "on" every day. The minimum earning is 1,00$ a day! You can withdraw your earnings in any moments, there is not a minimum amount that you have to reach before. You can be paid with Payza, Perfect Money, Egopay, Paxum, and Bank Transfer! 4) PROMOTE THE SYSTEM AND EARN ON YOUR REFERRALS DigitalGeneration gave us the opportunity to earn more money simply by promoting the system with our friends, online, with websites, forums. 20% from first level referral's daily earnings. 10% of all the income that your referral earns on their referrals. You can invite your friends with your referral link, written in the website. This is a great chance to start a new work! Account Verification is via SMS. Table of Possible earnings: Payment Proof: Refferal Link: http://coingeneration.com/auth/new/536407/
  5. congratz
  6. congratz
  7. congratz
  8. congratz
  9. congratz
  10. congratz
  11. congratz
  12. Gratz
  13. the images are not working for me.
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